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Verbos reflexivos (view)

Verbos reflexivos (view). Verbos reflexivos. Carrying out and receiving the action at the same time. Reflexive Verbs - defined. Q. What is a reflexive verb ? A. A reflexive verb is a verb that has the reflexive pronoun ‘ se ’ attached to it in the infinitive form.

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Verbos reflexivos (view)

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  1. Verbos reflexivos (view)

  2. Verbos reflexivos Carrying out and receiving the action at the same time.

  3. Reflexive Verbs - defined Q. What is a reflexive verb? A. A reflexive verb is a verb that has the reflexive pronoun ‘se’attached to it in the infinitive form. Example: pararse

  4. Reflexive Verbs As a reflexive pronoun ‘se’ in English means ‘one’s self’. Examples: pararse- to stopone’s self perderse(eie)- to loseone’s self (i.e. to get/become lost)

  5. Reflexive Action In a reflexive action, the subject does the action andalso receives the same action. In other words, the subject is also the indirect object. (S=IO)

  6. Reflexive Action Example: Jorge sebaña. Jorge batheshimself. Subject = Jorge; Verb (action) = baña Indirect Object = se (Jorge)

  7. Reflexive Actions Illustrated Two illustrations of a reflexive action: 1. Boomerang 2. Yo-Yo

  8. Conjugating Reflexive Verbs 1. Reflexive verbs follow both regular and irregular rules for verb conjugations. 2. However, we must MOVE the reflexive pronoun ‘se’ before we can conjugate verb.

  9. Conjugating Reflexive Verbs Q. So where do we move ‘se’ to? Where do we put it? A. ‘se’ falls to the front! In other words, we put ‘se’ in front of the conjugated verb. Example: pararse se para

  10. Conjugation examples Important note: 1. ‘se’ is the base form of reflexive pronouns 2. After moving ‘se’ to the front, ‘se’ will change to agree with the subject.

  11. Reflexive Pronouns Subject Reflexive Pronoun yo me (to/for myself) túte (to/for yourself) él/ella/usted se (to/for himself, herself, itself, yourself – formal) nosotrosnos (to/for ourselves) vosotrosos (to/for yourselves – inf. ellos/ellas/… se (to/for themselves; ustedes to/for yourselves –form.)

  12. Conjugation examples Example: (yo) pararse me paro (Yo) I stop (myself).

  13. Conjugation examples Example: (nosotros) saludarse (Nosotros) nos saludamos We greet (ourselves). We greet (each other).

  14. Conjugation examples Example: (ella) perderse (Ella) se pierde She loses herself. (i.e. She gets herself lost.)

  15. Pronouns with verb phrases + pro verb 1 verb 2 Necesito duchar me. pro verb 1 verb 2 Me duchar. necesito

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