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D ata A cquisition B ackbone C ore

D ata A cquisition B ackbone C ore. J. Adamczewski-Musch, N. Kurz, S. Linev GSI, Experiment Electronics, Data processing group. CBM DAQ. Conventional DAQ. Detector. FEE buffer. L1 trigger. L1 trigger. L1 trigger. L1 trigger. Readout buffer. Switch. HLT. HLT. HLT. HLT. HLT.

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D ata A cquisition B ackbone C ore

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  1. Data Acquisition Backbone Core J. Adamczewski-Musch, N. Kurz, S. Linev GSI, Experiment Electronics, Data processing group

  2. CBM DAQ Conventional DAQ Detector FEE buffer L1trigger L1trigger L1trigger L1trigger Readoutbuffer Switch HLT HLT HLT HLT HLT HLT HLT L1 Processorfarm Storage DAQ architectures Self-triggered Front-endall hits shipped to DAQ.Data push architecture Fast links Readout buffer outside radiation area. Many Gbyte storage easily possible. Allows L1 decision times of 10-100 ms High-throughputEvent building First event selectiondone in processor farm.

  3. InfiniBand performance studies 2006* 2007** 2011*** Measurements: * GSI, 4-nodes SDR IB cluster ** Uni Mainz, 120-nodes DDR IB cluster *** LOEWE-CSC, Höchst, 836-nodes QDR IB cluster (preliminary)

  4. DAQ requirements • Flexible – adopt different kinds of soft- and hardware • Compact – use only necessary code • Scalable – from small detector tests to many-nodes clusters • Performing – low framework overhead • Multiprocessing & multithreading

  5. Data Acquisition Backbone Core DABC Controls Plugins Applications Core socket IB verbs bnet mbs bnet-mbs core-test net-test bnet-test mbs bnet-mbs Slim (batch) DIM Java GUI Plugins: Implementation of applications (programmers) Applications: Mainly setup or testing programs (users) Download via http://dabc.gsi.de

  6. UserModule UserModule UserModule “Pool” “Pool” “Pool” “Output0” “Output0” “Output0” “Input” “Input” “Input” “Output1” “Output1” “Output1” DABC dataflow concept node1 File Transport Transport Transport Transport Transport DataServer PCIeDevice NetworkDevice • Transport: • manages buffers queue • runs in own thread • decouples user code from actual transport functionality • Device: • represents hardware items • manages several transports node2 Transport Transport NetworkDevice File

  7. dabc::Module dabc::PoolHandle dabc::Parameter dabc::Timer dabc::Port dabc::Port dabc::Port User code - modules • dabc::Module provides: • I/O ports for communications • Pools handles to request memory • Timers for timeouts processing • Configuration & monitoring parameters

  8. Many other features • Configuration with XML files • Controlling interface and GUI • Factories (plugins) architecture • Application and state machine • Event building network (BNET) • Runs on 32/64 bit Linux

  9. CBM hardware prototypes nXYTER, 128-channel self-triggered readout chip with few ns time resolution, DEFNI collaboration CBM Readout controller (ROC), Kirchhoff Institut für Physik, Heidelberg

  10. ROC-udp plugin User access layer DABC ROC-optic plugin DABC as access layer to ROC Ethernet Users scripts, GUIs file I/O online monitor optic PCIe

  11. ROC software components • DABC-based components • roc-udp plugin • roc-optic plugin • combiner and sorter modules • readout application • rocGui and rocutil for configuration • go4-based online analysis • https://subversion.gsi.de/cbm/ROC

  12. PC DABC ROC ROC ROC Eth A A A Eth Eth Eth USB B B B SYNC SYNC SYNC Susibo Susibo Susibo Susibo Susibo Susibo USB USB USB USB USB USB SPADIC SPADIC SPADIC SPADIC SPADIC SPADIC SYNC SYNC SYNC SYNC SYNC SYNC MBS SYNC sender Eth CBM beam test in CERN, Nov.10 Cave STSstation RICH Control room storage go4 online monitor TRD1 TRD2 • Three different readouts: • ROC UDP-based readout • SPADIC/Susibo USB readout • MBS readout • Combination of free-running and triggered electronics TRD3 TRD4 Beammonitor

  13. node3 node2 node1 ROCcombiner Input0 Output Input1 Input2 SPADICcombiner Input0 Output Input1 Input2 Input3 Input4 Input5 DABC application Supercombiner ROCs go4 onlinemonitor ROC Output0 MBS Output1 SPADIC MBS lmd filestorage SPADICs/Susibo

  14. PC DABC PC DABC/ EPICS ROC ROC ROC ROC ROC ROC ROC ROC A A A A A A A A SFP SFP SFP SFP SFP SFP SFP SFP B B B B B B B B SYNC SYNC SYNC SYNC SYNC SYNC SYNC SYNC Eth Eth Data combiner board Data combiner board SFP SFP SFP SFP SFP SFP AVNet PCIe AVNet PCIe SFP SFP SFP SFP SFP SFP SFP SFP SFP SFP MBS SYNC sender Eth CBM beam test in COSY, Dec.10 Cave Control room 20 m STSstation 1 STSstation 2 GEMstation 1 GEMstation 2 • data readout and control via optic • clock synchronization via optic • optional MBS readout • optional EPICS readout Beammonitor

  15. ROC datasplitter ROCcombiner Input0 Input Output0 Output Input1 Output1 Supercombiner Input2 Output2 ROC Output0 Input3 Output3 MBS Output1 Input4 Output4 EPICS Input5 Output5 Input6 Output6 Input7 Output7 DABC application go4 onlinemonitor ROCs opticreadout Lmd filestorage MBS DABC/EPICS

  16. Plans for version 2 • More scalability and flexibility • Failure detection and recovery • Redesign of control interface

  17. Conclusion • DABC is general-purpose DAQ framework • Can be used for different purposes – from small detectors tests to multi-nodes application • Because of its plugin architecture can be easy extended to specific needs • Open for improvements and new ideas

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