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The Magic of AND Philip Binkley

The Magic of AND Philip Binkley. Explore the benefits of “ and/both” What “ and/both ” can do for you. Finding middle ground Compromise. Miller Lite.

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The Magic of AND Philip Binkley

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Presentation Transcript

  1. TheMagic of AND Philip Binkley

  2. Explore the benefits of “and/both” What “and/both” can do for you

  3. Finding middle ground Compromise

  4. Miller Lite http://search.yahoo.com/search;_ylt=A0oG7jqzN.hRDHIA_z1XNyoA?p=original%20miller%20lite%20more%20taste%20less%20filling%20commercials&fr2=sb-top&fr=yfp-t-622-s

  5. You don’t have to select one from multiple options; frequently the best choice is a combination of the finest each has to offer. Choose gray, instead of black or white.

  6. Can be applied to personal as well as professional life Products Procedures Policies Practices

  7. Ford Edge http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rliPHHR0vlM

  8. “Or” is confining and limiting Represents all or nothing, one or the other Barrier to compromising

  9. “And” is more inclusive Facilitates compromise

  10. “AND” instead of “or” “BOTH instead of “either”

  11. Not a new concept, you have used it many times before. Suggesting you consider potential of Magic ofAND more often and in new and/or different circumstances.

  12. Sometimes a blend results in an improved outcome, other times only a different one, not better or worse, just another option.

  13. Coke Zero http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJwfqKaE8P0

  14. Blend: (v.) To mix (different varieties or grades) so as to obtain a new mixture of some particular quality or consistency

  15. Integrate: (v.) To join with something else; to unite

  16. Merge: (v.) To cause to combine or coalesce, unite

  17. Consolidate: (v.) To unite into one system or body; to combine; merge

  18. Hybrid: (n.) Something of mixed origin or composition

  19. Fusion: (n.) The merging of different elements into a union

  20. The Opposable Mind Winning Through Integrative Thinking Roger Martin

  21. Integrative thinking: The ability to face constructively the tension of opposing ideas and instead of choosing one at the expense of the other, generate a creative resolution of the tension in the form of a new idea that contains elements of the opposing ideas but is superior to each.

  22. Osprey Aircraft http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qIR8Up-qQxA

  23. If you build your organization by focusing on your customers without making the same careful commitment to your employees, you won’t succeed for long. And we have all seen the opposite: the organization that seems to run for the benefit of the employees, with the customer perceived as an intrusion. Neither will do. Michael Fullan The Six Secrets of Change

  24. Embrace both extremes on a number of dimensions at the same time. Instead of choosing A OR B, figure out how to have A AND B—purpose AND profit, continuity AND change, freedom AND responsibility….. Jim Collins Good to Great

  25. Fiscal Emergency • Deficit has reached a defined threshold • Auditor of State declares Fiscal Emergency • Five-member Financial Planning & Supervision Commission named

  26. Increase revenue? or Decrease expenditures?

  27. Which is best for a teacher to use when asking for oral answers from students? a. “cold calls” b. volunteers

  28. Which is better, instruction offered via a computer, or face-to-face by a teacher?

  29. Identify at least one “either/or” situation, real or contrived, professional or personal life, that would benefit from a change to “and”

  30. Asking you to: • Be creative • Expand your thinking • Think more “and/both”, less “either/or”

  31. Philip Binkley 4165 Mumford Ct. Upper Arlington, OH 43220 p_binkley@sbcglobal.net @BlenderPhil

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