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RoboFlag. Fourth Year Design Project. Department of Electronics Carleton University. RoboFlag. Presented by: Nathalie Klaesi-Van, Manager and Systems Designer John Danson, Electrical Designer Steven Lougheed, Software Designer Project Coordinator: William Sitch. Background:

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  1. RoboFlag Fourth Year Design Project Department of Electronics Carleton University

  2. RoboFlag • Presented by: • Nathalie Klaesi-Van, Manager and Systems Designer • John Danson, Electrical Designer • Steven Lougheed, Software Designer • Project Coordinator: • William Sitch

  3. Background: Purpose Design Specifications: Robot plans, chosen attributes (sensors) Timeline: Cost analysis: Projected versus encountered cost Hardware: John Danson Software: Steven Lougheed Beacons and Flags: Background Coding Implementation Summary: Scope of Presentation:

  4. Design and implement a robot that will play capture the flag Rules: Capture Flag, one-on-one play and co-operative play, limitation of robot size, flag specs, maze 16x16 feet Need for hardware and software Purpose of RoboFlag:

  5. Robust: Possibility of collisions Competition Fast: Need to capture the flag Heavy: Ability to defend Ability to pull flag to home end zone Cost-effective, simple: Functionality vs. Complexity Overall Design:

  6. Positioning Compass, IR sensors, color detectors, sonar, bump sensors, stepper motors Detecting other robots Beacon emitters and detectors Detecting flags Flag detectors and Flag ring detector Communication Radio communication (still in development) Design Specifications:

  7. Timeline:

  8. Cost Analysis:

  9. John Danson will focus presentation on hardware Steven will talk about software architecture Other Presenters:

  10. Beacons: • Purpose: • Need locations of other players • To send out our address, and to receive other players addresses • Problem: • Six teams, timing issues, interfacing with HandyBoard • Solution: • Timing diagram (made by William Sitch) , microprocessor programming, using six analog inputs on the HandyBoard • Example application: • Defense algorithms

  11. Beacons: Beacon Timing Diagram: Beacon Transmitter: Beacon Receiver: Diagrams used with permission of William Sitch Source: www.roboflag.carleton.ca

  12. Flag Detection: • Flag Directions: • Front: right, left, narrow range detector • Back: right, left • Purpose of narrow range detector: • Placement, grabber, overlap of other front detectors

  13. Flag Detection: • Number of levels of one flag forms the foundation of algorithm:

  14. Flag Detection: • Algorithm: • Poll the flag for its level (high/low) • Keep track of number of levels • Interrupt every 100ms to check whether a flag was detected • Inform HandyBoard with “I see flag” or “I don’t see flag” along with the direction of the flag • Poll the next flag (loop through all, so in 0.5 seconds all 5 flags have been polled)

  15. Microprocessor for Flag Layout of microprocessor for flag detection

  16. Background: Purpose Design Specifications: Robot plans, chosen attributes (sensors) Timeline: Cost analysis: Projected versus encountered cost Hardware: John Danson Software: Steven Lougheed Beacons and Flags: Background Coding Implementation Summary:

  17. Questions and Contact info: • ? • More info: www.roboflag.carleton.ca • Team Web Page: www.geocities.com/robo_flag/ • Email address: robo_flag@yahoo.com

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