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Ronald Reagan a s President (1981-1989) a s seen in Political cartoons

Ronald Reagan a s President (1981-1989) a s seen in Political cartoons. See Green book pp. 818-826, 836-841; Blue book pp. 830-838, 848-855 Discuss cartoons & relation to t hat section of the text in small groups Individually write out brief e xplanation in “Reagan

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Ronald Reagan a s President (1981-1989) a s seen in Political cartoons

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  1. Ronald Reagan as President (1981-1989) as seen in Political cartoons See Green book pp. 818-826, 836-841; Blue book pp. 830-838, 848-855 Discuss cartoons & relation to that section of the text in small groups Individually write out brief explanation in “Reagan Cartoons Chart” for Notebook

  2. New Right, Moral Majority & Jerry Falwell Green book pp. 818-820; Blue book pp. 830-832

  3. Reaganomics, Military Spending, Entitlement Programs, National Debt Green book pp. 822-3; Blue book pp. 834-5

  4. Deregulation, Effectiveness of the EPA Green book pg. 825; Blue book pg. 837

  5. Green book pg. 823; Blue book pg. 835 Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)

  6. Mikhail Gorbachev, Glasnost, Perestroika, Soviet Disunion in ‘91 Green book pp. 836-7; Blue book pp. 848-50

  7. Sandinistas & Contras in Nicaragua Green book pp. 838-9; Blue book pp. 851-2

  8. Iran-Contra Affair & “Teflon” President Green book pp. 839-40; Blue book pp. 852-3

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