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Dynamics of Non-Equilibrium States in Solids Induced by Ultrashort Coherent Pulses

Investigate photoinduced non-equilibrium states in solids using high-intensity femtosecond coherent pulses. Explore structural and electronic phase transitions in solids and molecular crystals. Study optical control of electron interactions and phase transitions in specific systems like Ag(100) and VO2. Employ IPS measurements and nonlinear photoemission techniques to analyze the non-equilibrium electron distribution and energy transfer mechanisms. Perform time-resolved spectroscopy to understand relaxation dynamics and energy transfer processes in non-equilibrium electron systems.

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Dynamics of Non-Equilibrium States in Solids Induced by Ultrashort Coherent Pulses

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  1. Dynamics of Non-Equilibrium States in Solids Induced by Ultrashort Coherent Pulses Claudio Giannetti INFMand Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica, Via Musei 41, Brescia.

  2. Photodiode e- reflectivity variation 10-100 fs Introduction High-Intensity femtosecond coherent pulses → Investigation of Photoinduced non-equilibrium states in solids pump Photoemission sample Spectrometer probe

  3. Introduction High-Intensity femtosecond coherent pulses → Investigation of Photoinduced non-equilibrium states in solids • Time-resolved non-linear photoemission on METALS. • [W.S. Fann et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 68, 2834 (1992)] • [U. Höferet al., Science 277, 1480 (1997)] • [G. Ferrini et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 2668021 (2004)] • Structural and electronic phase transitions in SOLIDS and MOLECULAR CRYSTALS. • [A. Cavalleri et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 2374011 (2001)] • [E. Collet et al., Science 300, 612 (2003)]

  4. Introduction OPTICAL CONTROL OF ELECTRON INTERACTIONS AND PHASE TRANSITIONS IN TWO SPECIFIC SYSTEMS: • Image Potential States on Ag(100) • By selecting the excitation photon energy it is possible to investigate the properties of IPS in different regimes. • Insulator-Metal phase transition of VO2 • By selecting the excitation photon energy it is possible to clarify the physical mechanisms responsible for the photoinduced phase-transition.

  5. Ag(100) IPS on Ag(100) IMAGE-POTENTIAL STATES (IPS) IPS: 2-dim electron gas in the forbidden gap of bulk states Image Potential: Eigenvalues: • Ry: Rydberg-like • Constant • n=1, 2,… • m* : electron effective mass P.M. Echenique et al., Surf. Sci. Rep. 52, 219 (2004).

  6. IPS on Ag(100) MEASUREMENTS on IPS • Relaxation dynamics • IPS effective mass Important test for many-body theories (GW) Electron self-energy Electron Green function Screened interaction potential damping: Γ = 1/τ= ImΣ* Effective mass: ok+ ReΣ*≈ħ2k2/2m* Quasi-particle Energy spectrum

  7. Source: Amplified Ti:SapphireOscillator Pulse width: 150 fs Rep. rate: 1kHz Average power: 1W Wavelenght: 790nm (1.57eV) Travelling Wave Optical Parametric Generator ToF • TOPG • Tunability 1150-1500 nm • (0.8-1.1 eV) • Pulse width 150 fs • Average power 50mW e- sample UHV IPS on Ag(100) EXPERIMENTAL SET-UP Energy resolution:10 meV @ 2eV 4th 4.2eV 2nd 2.1eV

  8. ToF 150 fs hν= 4.2 eV > Φ IPS on Ag(100) NON-LINEAR PHOTOEMISSION on IPS Ekin = hν - En τ = ħ / Γ Population of empty states via resonant 2-photon photoemission Phys. Rev. B 67, 235407 (2003)

  9. IPS on Ag(100) ANGLE-RESOLVED PHOTOEMISSION on IPS m*/m=0.970.02 in agreement with calculated values → 2-dimensional free electron gas Phys. Rev. B 67, 235407 (2003)

  10. Non-Equilibrium Electron Distribution NON-LINEAR PHOTOEMISSION on METALS when hν < Φa non-equilibrium electron population is excited in the s-p bands of Ag • investigation of the non-equilibrium electron distribution • ↓ • Excitation mechanisms • Relaxation dynamics • Photoemission processes

  11. Free-electron dispersion E Δk|| ΔE k|| Non-Equilibrium Electron Distribution • PHOTON ABSORPTION MECHANISMS • PROBLEMS: The intraband transition between s-s states within the same branch is FORBIDDEN for the conservation of the momentum. • Recently the excitation mechanism has been attributed to: • Laser quanta absorption in electron collisions with phonons. • [A.V. Lugovskoy and I. Bray, Phys. Rev. B60, 3279 (1999)] • Photon absorption in electron-ion collisions. • [B. Rethfeld et al., Phys. Rev. B65, 2143031 (2002)] THE ENERGY ABSORPTION IS DUE TO A THREE-BODY PROCESS AND NOT TO A DIPOLE TRANSITION

  12. Non-Equilibrium Electron Distribution NON-LINEAR PHOTOEMISSION on Ag The excitation of a non-equilibrium electron population results in a high-energy electron tail: E > nhν-Φ hν=3.14eV Occupied states n=1 IPS Log Scale 106 sensitivity hν 2-Photon Photoemission with p-polarized light Non-equilibrium Distribution Iabs=13 μJ/cm2

  13. Non-Equilibrium Electron Distribution We exclude: • Coherent 3-photon photoemission • Direct 3-photon photoemission • ↓ • Scattering-mediated transition The high-energy electron tail is a fingerprint of the non-equilibrium electron distribution at k||≠0 submitted to Phys. Rev. B

  14. Non-Equilibrium Electron Distribution • NON-EQUILIBRIUM ELECTRON DYNAMICS • RESULTS: Time-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy Photemitted charge autocorrelation of different energy regions The Relaxation Time of the high-energy region is τ<150 fs Fermi-liquid submitted to Phys. Rev. B

  15. Non-Equilibrium Electron Distribution • ENERGY TRANSFER • non-equilibrium electrons • ↓ • Equilibrium distribution Two-temperature model: The heating of the equilibrium distribution can be neglected submitted to Phys. Rev. B

  16. IPS as a Probe of Non-Equilibrium Distribution IPS INTERACTING WITH NON-EQUILIBRIUM ELECTRON DISTRIBUTION hν= 3.14 eV < En-EF NO DIRECT POPULATION Iinc= 300 μJ/cm2 0% d→d ρe~ 1020 cm-3 hν= 4.28 eV > En-EF RESONANCE Iinc= 30 μJ/cm2 90% d→d ρe~ 2∙1018 cm-3 when hν= 3.14 eV a high-density non-equilibrium electron distribution cohexists with electrons on IPS Phys. Rev. Lett 92, 2568021 (2004)

  17. Dispersion of IPS in k||-space Fermi edge Ag(100) n=1 hν=3.15eV hν=3.54eV IPS as a Probe of Non-Equilibrium Distribution IMAGE POTENTIAL STATE Ag(100) Ekin = hν-Ebin Ebin  0.5 eV n=1 K||=0 Shifting with photon energy Δhν=0.39eV Phys. Rev. Lett 92, 2568021 (2004)

  18. Indirect population of IPS Ag(100) Ev n=1 Scattering Assisted Population and Photoemission NO DIPOLETRANSITION Φ empty states EF occupied states IPS as a Probe of Non-Equilibrium Distribution • ELECTRIC DIPOLE SELECTION RULES • RESULTS: Expected dipole selection rules: J=0 in S-pol J≠0 in P-pol Dipole selection rules Violated in non-resonant case Respected in resonant case Phys. Rev. Lett 92, 2568021 (2004)

  19. IPS as a Probe of Non-Equilibrium Distribution IPS EFFECTIVE MASS s-polarization m*/m = 0.88±0.04 p-polarization m*/m = 0.88±0.01 2-D electron system interacting with 3-D electron system Role of IPS interaction with the non-equilibrium distribution in W Phys. Rev. Lett 92, 2568021 (2004)

  20. Insulator-Metal Phase Transition in VO2 Insulator-Metal Phase Transition in VO2 Insulator-to-Metal photoinduced phase transition in VO2 Solid State properties in highly non-equilibrium regimes

  21. Temperature-Driven IMPT in VO2 High-T Rutile phase Conductor Low-T Monoclinic phase Insulator: Egap~0.7 eV Tc=340K 3d energy levels [S. Shin et al., Phys. Rev. B 41, 4993 (1990)]

  22. Origin of the Insulating Band-Gap Origin of the insulating band-gap: electron-electron correlations in the d|| band (Mott-Hubbard insulator) IMPT Dynamics: the electronic structure stabilizes the distorted Monoclinic phase minimization of the ground-state lattice energy (Peierls or band-like insulator) IMPT Dynamics: a phononic mode drives the phase transition A comprehensive review: [M. Imada et al.., Rev. Mod. Phys. 70, 1039 (1998)]

  23. Photo-Induced IMPT in VO2 The Insulator-to-Metal phase transition can be induced by ultrashort coherent pulses. τ=150 fs hν=1.55 eV I=10 mJ/cm2 [M. Becker et al.., Appl. Phys. Lett. 65, 1507 (1994)] Questions opened: • It is the same structural and electronic phase transition? • Structural and electronic transitions are simultaneous? • Which is the mechanism driving the highly • non-equilibrium phase transition?

  24. Photo-Induced IMPT in VO2 • It is the same structural and electronic phase transition? Structural YES Electronic ? probe: hν=1.55 eV structural dynamics τ~500 fs electronic dynamics τ~500 fs [M. Becker et al.., Appl. Phys. Lett. 65, 1507 (1994)] [A. Cavalleri et al.., Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 2374011 (2001)]

  25. Optical Properties of VO2 @ 790 nm ΔR/R ~ -20% [H. Verleur et al., Phys. Rev. 172, 788 (1968)] DRUDE Harmonic Oscillator

  26. Experimental Set-Up time-resolved (τ~150 fs) near-IR (0.5-1 eV) reflectivity PUMP + PROBE three-layer sample

  27. Ein Eout Near-IR Reflectivity 0.5-1 eV reflectivity: signature of the band-gap Multi-film calculation L1 L2 L1=20 nm L2=330 nm

  28. Femtosecond Band-Gap Closing The Insulator-to-Metal phase transition is induced by 1.57 eV-pulses and probed by0.54 eV-pulses(under gap) Signature of Femtosecond band-gap closing 150 fs

  29. Photo-Induced IMPT Mechanism • Which is the mechanism driving the highly • non-equilibrium phase transition? • Removal of the d|| • electron-electron correlations→ • band-gap collapse and lattice stabilization π* e- • Coherent excitation of the phonon responsible of the IMPT→ • lattice transition and electronic rearrangment d|| hole - doping with Ipump>10 mJ/cm2 hole-doping ~ 20-100% In this experimental scheme it is not possible to discriminate!

  30. Photo-Induced IMPT Mechanism Near-IR photoinduction of the phase transition in the under-gap region the hole-doping is highly reduced π* e- 0.7 eV d|| hole - doping we can discriminate between the two mechanisms

  31. Near-IR Photoinduction of the IMPT ZOOM: IMPT completed in 150 fs: NO thermal effect Pump:0.95 eV Probe:1.57 eV-pulses (under gap) Two dynamics: τ1=200 fs τ2=1000 fs Metastable metallic phase

  32. Near-IR Photoinduction of the IMPT The Insulator-to-Metal phase transition can be induced in the under-gap region, through near-IR pulses (0.5-1 eV) The pump fluence necessary for the IMPT is about constant!

  33. Conclusions We have demonstrated that selecting a particular excitation channel: • It is possible to investigate IPS on Ag interacting with a photoinduced non equilibrium electron distribution • It is possible to photoinduce the IMPT of VO2 and clarify the physical mechanisms responsible for the VO2 electronic properties

  34. Publications • G. Ferrini, C. Giannetti, D. Fausti, G. Galimberti, M. Peloi, G.P. Banfi and F. Parmigiani, Phys. Rev. B67, 235407 (2003). • G. Ferrini, C. Giannetti, G. Galimberti, S. Pagliara, D. Fausti, F. Banfi and F. Parmigiani, Phys. Rev. Lett.92, 2568021 (2004). • C. Giannetti, G. Galimberti, S. Pagliara, G. Ferrini, F. Banfi, D. Fausti and F. Parmigiani, Surf. Sci.566-568, 502 (2004). • G. Ferrini, C. Giannetti, S. Pagliara, F. Banfi, G. Galimberti and F. Parmigiani, • in press on J. Electr. Spectrosc. Relat. Phenom. • F. Banfi, C. Giannetti, G. Ferrini, G. Galimberti, S. Pagliara, D. Fausti and F. Parmigiani, • accepted for publication on Phys. Rev. Lett. • C. Giannetti, S. Pagliara, G. Ferrini, G. Galimberti, F. Banfi and F. Parmigiani, • submitted to Phys. Rev. B. • E. Pedersoli, F. Banfi, S. Pagliara, G. Galimberti, G. Ferrini, C. Giannetti and F. Parmigiani, • in preparation.

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