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2010 AGQTP Teaching Project INDEPENDENT SCHOOLS QUEENSLAND. Cannon Hill Anglican College Developing Lighthouse Teachers for 21st Century Teaching & Learning.
Cannon Hill Anglican College Developing Lighthouse Teachers for 21st Century Teaching & Learning Focuses on Integration and Innovation through the development of lighthouse teachers across a range of faculties and assesses their impact on learning. Will allow intense professional development of teachers and will track the work in their classrooms via observation, videoing classes in action, interviews with students and teachers, and the professional development these lighthouse teachers will provide to colleagues across the college with the support of the ICT team and external consultants.
Australian Trade College North Brisbane MoodleIT (Stage 2) - E-portfolios (Moohara) The college will be trialing e-portfolios this year to support RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning), fast tracking their apprenticeship and to gather evidence to complete their Certificate for their trade. Will be using the Mahara program as it works well with Moodle and will help to further implement our ICT strategies and develop our e-learning.
Christian Outreach College ToowoombaEducational Portfolios: Using ICT's to change Pedagogy and improve Learning Teachers will undergo step by step training in the use of educational portfolios. They will: understand the theory behind the use and value of educational portfolios; be trained in how to construct an educational portfolio; improve their teaching/pedagogy and use educational portfolios to improve student learning.
Clayfield College Jump Ahead A project aimed at promoting and developing the integration of ICT across the Middle Schooling Curriculum. Teachers with varying levels of IT skills will be encouraged to undertake professional development to increase their skill-level and will then be given time to support other teaching members of staff who have been identified as possibly benefiting from this support and who are willing to learn more about ICT integration. Target subjects for ICT integration will be LOTE, Science, SOSE and Maths.
Concordia Lutheran College Developing the digital learner: creation, innovation & the integration of ICT in the K-12 curriculum This project is a response to the changing curriculum needs of the 21st century learner. Building on a firm foundation of previous skills and knowledge base of the 2009 AGQTP, the teachers will undertake professional development to support and further understand the process of independent learning and discover the implications this has on the teaching of information literacy and digital literacy and to understand how the integration of digital literacy through KLA's can impact on student achievement. Teachers will develop skills concerning the LAMS and other VLE platforms to facilitate this integration.
Coomera Anglican College Higher Order Thinking, Digital Pedagogies: Inquiring into it! Promoting higher order thinking within the classrooms through the integration of digital pedagogies and inquiry-based learning. All P-9 teachers are utilising a newly developed Teacher Planning Framework designed by the college, which incorporates the phases of inquiry. The Year 5 team of teachers have recently had IWB installed in their classrooms and will participate in professional development to implement and evaluate inquiry-based units, incorporate digital pedagogies, pursue any areas that may arise and peer-tutor colleagues.
Fairholme College Integrating Technology into the Curriculum for Authentic Learning & Teaching through the use of Interactive Whiteboards across Y3 - 9 Supporting teachers to develop a deeper and wider understanding of the uses of ICT through the use of the IWB medium to match specific teaching and learning needs and to link various technological-based integration strategies to well researched theories of teaching and learning. The project will have a collaborative approach with teachers observing each other while using the IWB to deliver learning and engage students.
Faith Lutheran College, Redlands WebLocker Phase 2 Pedagogical The project will provide peer tutoring and mentoring for P-12 teachers in the ICT skills necessary to manage learning portals in a Microsoft Office Sharepoint Site. Qualitative data will be collected concerning student and staff assessment of current sites; this data will identify the elements of successful KLA and year level sites. This information will subsequently inform the selection of teacher tutors and determine the ICT skills and strategies to be imparted to peers.
Forest Lake College Digital Pedagogies: Moving beyond student engagementto support rigorous academic learning outcomes Following on from 2009 where the college developed a set of principles for the inclusion of digital pedagogies as part of regular school practice, the teachers need to continue to develop their knowledge of and use of the wide variety of ICTs and pedagogies to ensure they are meeting the diverse needs of students. Will research the impact of digital pedagogies on academic learning outcomes for students. Teachers will develop research skills, data gathering and analysis skills to undertake the project.
Good News Lutheran School eConfidence in the Classroom 2010 Through a range of internal reviews and the outcomes for the 'eConfidence in the Classroom 2009' AGQTP project, we have identified that the ICT professional learning needs of teaching staff can now be categorised into four areas: administrative & creative competencies; functional competencies; curriculum integration; digital pedagogies. This project intends to directly address the identified needs (pre-workshop survey) of each staff member through targeted hands-on small group workshops.
Grace Lutheran Primary School Optimising Best Practice for 21st Century ICTs in the classroom To ensure the whole school integral use of ICT and integration of ICT in all aspects of the schools' programs by all teachers and support staff. Will facilitate the mapping of staff on an ICT Competency Continua and the provision of targeted professional learning for individual staff as well as regular team teaching and mentoring of staff as they plan for and use ICT in the classroom.
Hillcrest Christian Collegee-Learning @ Hillcrest The project builds on the multiple-pronged approach of 2009 and will consist of 3 specific sub-projects: The embedding of Mathletics into middle year maths; Webpage construction in Years 8-9 English|Sose; Learning Management to support the DER hardware.
Immanuel Lutheran College Developing our rainforest as a Real & Virtual resource: using digital pedagogies to develop an environmental Education Curriculum (1-12) The aim of this project is to develop an Environmental Education strand to the current science curriculum by utilising the schools' own rainforest as a resource. In meeting the growing demands of new technologies, the project will focus on developing our rainforest resource as a real and virtual learning community with teachers becoming experts in devising and implementing digital pedagogies as part of the new science curriculum strand from Years 1 to 12.
Ipswich Girls' Grammar School IGGS as an ICT Professional Learning Community Will investigate student outcomes in the classroom when their teachers are part of a community that is involved in an ICT professional learning program that invited self reflection and goal setting, and is flexible in the modes of delivery to accommodate learning styles, stages of ICT ability and confidence, as well as time commitments. The student outcomes may be in terms of knowledge, understanding and skills, as well as engagement and motivation.
John Paul CollegeICT & International links: A journey in a PYP context The school is well-equipped and significantly resourced with ICT's but are conscious that the professional development which results in empowering the teachers is a critical factor in the effective use of these learning tools, and this project will focus on these ongoing challenges by further developing a model of distributed leadership whereby deeper pools of leadership talent are developed within the school.
Mackay Christian College Building Innovative practice Following the successful implementation of the 'Kitesurfer' program in the Junior School and introduction of Netbooks in Years 7 & 8, the emphasis of this project is: to upskill the teachers in the development of higher order thinking skills embedded within all curriculum areas in Prep to Year 12 through the use of technology; investigate the creation of a wider community of thinkers and technology users between the college and the global learning community and; develop learning strategies that utilise interactive Web2 opportunities as a means of enhancing lifelong learning skills for students, parents and teachers.
Matthew Flinders Anglican College Integrating collaborative technologies This project will continue to focus on the foundation laid in 2009 project work on the integration of ICLT pedagogies into existing practice to support and enhance student learning outcomes. There will be a formation of a new core team focused on best practice ICLT pedagogies consisting of targeted year levels across the Primary and Secondary schools. The project will also focus on improving the Dimensions of Learning (DoL) component of existing units of work through the integration of collaborative technologies (e.g.. Web 2.0 tools and devices) as well as improving the ICLT component of existing units of work by providing professional learning opportunities for the core team of teachers to increase their range of effective teaching strategies.
Moreton Bay Boys' College Techie Breakie - ICT in the Morning The staff have identified a need to examine their skills using ICT tools and update their understanding to assist learners of the 21st Century. This will occur through fortnightly staff technology training sessions where staff will explore and share technology tools that assist them in the classroom. The ICT facilitation team will conduct an action research project to investigate how providing ICT professional development using current staff expertise builds a sharing ICT culture, a network skill base and ultimately improves student learning outcomes.
Moreton Bay College Building Student Understanding to become competent and confident Digital Citizens: Engage, Educate, Empower Teachers undertake action research to explore and inquire into a sequential constructivist approach to digital citizenship in the P-12 context. The project would involve plans for development of teacher understanding and pedagogy and cater for effective parent communication. Responsible actions would include: develop a sequential transferable skill based program; oversee the development and implementation of a Cybersafety program across the school P-12; plan and organise PD for staff and parents; develop shared digital resource space; propose strategies for staff cohesion about the approach for implementation across the curriculum.
Nambour Christian College Promoting evidence-based teaching, incorporating an electronic system that tracks student learning P-12 This project will focus on addressing a long-term need to develop a digital storage and retrieval system that permits tracking student assessment data across the years of a student's schooling at the college. The project links and aligns with strategies contained within the college IT Strategic Plan, Assessment Framework and Teaching and Learning Framework. The project will also train all teaching staff in the skills of data analysis. Currently there is data overload from various sources, e.g. PIPS, AGAT, NAPLAN, ICAS which is not informing teaching practice due to the inadequacy of teachers to interpret and manipulate data.
Peregian Beach College Introducing IT technology across curriculum from the neophyte level Teachers have indicated their willingness to engage with ICT technology to enhance student learning across the curriculum but also indicate that their current level of ICT knowledge would need to be enhanced in order to successfully engage with the change to the pedagogy required to use (for example) IWBs in the classroom. The project aims to bring together the P&F willingness to help fund raise to upgrade ICT technology available and the College's plan to provide 21st Century IT capability to the classroom with the teachers' willingness to improve their ICT skills and knowledge.
Redlands College How can we help teachers to integrate Interactive Whiteboards as an integral part of their teaching practice & actively engage in reflective practice? Through hands-on coaching, small group sessions and ongoing mentoring by the ICT in Learning Coordinator and external experts in their field, the college will endeavour to engage teachers in collaborative, knowledge building activities that they can then use to integrate IWB effectively in their classrooms. Specific professional development will focus on IWB as an integration device. One of the benefits of IWB is that they enable teachers to use the technology in accordance with their existing practice and to gradually build up their confidence and competencies.
Rockhampton Girls' Grammar SchoolRockhampton Girls' Grammar Moodle Project The intention of this project is to move the school forward into the digital age by turning courses into blended online options. The primary motivation is to provide opportunities to students who are off campus (due to illness or extra-curricular commitments) by allowing them to continue to participate in class activities. Expected further benefit to all students involved through increased motivation and ownership/control of their learning.
St Andrews Anglican College Integrating technologies & engaging students in the 21st Century The project seeks to professionally develop teachers to equip them with a better understanding of what research is telling us about how students learn best. Teachers will then follow a series of learning courses that will enable them to align 21st century learning and teaching with a one-to-one laptop program. There will be a particular focus in the middle school (Years 6-10).
The Cathedral SchoolInvestIT @ Cathedral The project supports middle school teachers of Investigations (a compulsory cross discipline inquiry-based subject considered integral in a Middle School curriculum) to find meaningful and sustainable ways of embedding ICT's into pedagogy in order to enrich learning environments and improve outcomes for learners - both staff and students. This will be done through the establishment of a teacher focus group (project administrator, ICT facilitator and two other middle school teachers) who will work with the Investigations teachers.
The Scots PGC CollegePeer coaching to encourage the development of ICT pedagogical skills Whole school staff training workshops will be delivered by a combination of internal and external providers with topics selected on the basis of needs indentified by the staff. Core sessions will provide effective, competence based ICT training in identified hardware and software applications already in common use within the college. All staff will complete this training by December 2010. This program will provide the basis for a standardised basic ICT certificate for all staff, to be developed as part of the project.
The Southport School Enabling personalised learning with ePortfolios The aim of the project is to define standards, practices and policies for the uses of ePortfolios by students. Teachers will be given external training in the use and technical aspects of ePortfolios and then investigate their use via small-scale personal projects. Teachers will then introduce ePortfolios to a pilot group of students. The findings will be used to inform future decision-making in the above-mentioned areas.
Townsville Grammar Jnr School TGS AGQTP Webnode Project The project aims to provide each year group with an up-to-date, interactive and informative classroom webnode. The project will foster closer links with students, their families and the classroom teachers through the use of a webnode to facilitate the sharing of information, class work and pictures. In addition, the webnode will act as a forum for parents to provide support and positive feedback. The project will also investigate the alternative use of wikispaces instead of webnodes with particular emphasis on the technology understanding requirements for classroom teachers.
Trinity Lutheran College Integrating Digital Pedagogies using Web 2.0 Tools The project is based on an action research model and follows the process of planning, doing, reflecting and then deciding. The college has implemented 2 major projects in 2010: the use of class blogs in all classes and the creation of Year Level Portals. Last year we explored the use of Web 2.0 tools and used our school intranet site to link students to collaborative, productive and highly engaging online worlds to explore concepts, share ideas, collaborate and publish their amazing discoveries. Have decided to use Weebly (www.weebly.com) for it ease of use, multimedia functions and excellent blog application.
West Moreton Anglican College wmacCommunity.com The successful implementation of wmacCommunity.com will give the college community, specifically students and teachers, a stable and reliable platform in which to access information, collaborate and share ideas from anywhere, at anytime and from any platform within a secure environment. The aim of the project is to give students and teachers the ability to work, learn and collaborate at anytime using their preferred communication device. Students will be able to access course and lesson information i.e.. from home using their PC, from McDonalds using their iPod or from the sporting field using their iPhone. Teachers will be able to easily upload course information, lesson plans, resources including documents, URLs, videos from YouTube and homework assignments. The chosen platform is EduBlogs Campus. Other solutions were reviewed including Solaris, Moodle, Joomla, Ning and EduKate.
Whitsunday Anglican School Developing Lighthouse Teachers for 21st Century Teaching & Learning Focuses on Integration and Innovation through the development of lighthouse teachers across a range of faculties and assesses their impact on learning. Will allow intense professional development of teachers and will track the work in their classrooms via observation, videoing classes in action, interviews with students and teachers, and the professional development these lighthouse teachers will provide to colleagues across the college with the support of the ICT team and external consultants.
Cannon Hill Anglican College WAS VISION 2012 - Virtual Interactive School in an Online Environment (Subtitle: WASNet - Developing a Laptop School) Quality ICT Professional Development will continue to be provided in 2010. The project will provide adequate time for staff to acquire skills and knowledge in the underlying pedagogy and in the technological implementation of WAS VISION 2012. Project will also provide ongoing support for ICT mentors, who will be selected to model and promote pedagogies that support best-practice ICT.