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Date Rape

Date Rape. UNB 3 rd Year Nursing November 23rd, 2011. What is Date Rape?. Also referred to “acquaintance rape” Non – consensual sexual activity Act of violence and aggression Associated with misconceptions of “consent” Grossly under-reported Associated with long term PTSD. Prevalence.

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Date Rape

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  1. Date Rape UNB 3rd Year Nursing November 23rd, 2011

  2. What is Date Rape? • Also referred to “acquaintance rape” • Non – consensual sexual activity • Act of violence and aggression • Associated with misconceptions of “consent” • Grossly under-reported • Associated with long term PTSD

  3. Prevalence • Date rape accounts for 60% of reported rapes • 1 in 4 women in Canada are sexually abused • 51% of Canadian women report having experienced at least one incident of sexual violence since the age of sixteen • 29% of women who have ever been married (or common-law) have been sexually assaulted by a partner during their relationship • 38% of sexually assaulted women are assaulted by their husbands, common-law partners or boyfriends

  4. Prevalence Continued • It is estimated that 1 in 10 adult men are sexually abused • 4 out of 5 female undergraduates attending University in Canada report sexual violence in their dating relationships • 60% of university aged males report they would commit sexual assault if they were certain they would not get caught • A Toronto study has estimated upwards of 20% of high school girls have been sexually abused

  5. Common Misconceptions • A woman who gets raped usually deserves it, especially if she has been flirting or has been seen kissing the rapist • Acquaintance rape is committed by men who are easy to identify as rapists • Women who don't fight back haven't been raped • Once a man reaches a certain point of arousal, sex is inevitable and they can't help forcing themselves upon a woman • Certain behaviors such as drinking or dressing in a sexually appealing way make rape a woman's responsibility • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8a4Pa7Kp4Qc

  6. DRUG FACILIATED DATE RAPE Alcohol: • Although never the excuse or cause of rape, it leads to the equation • Drinking often loosens inhibitions • Triggers aggressive behavior • Contributes to a lack of common sense • Feelings of invincibility • Often mixed with “date rape drugs”

  7. DRUG FACILIATED DATE RAPE Date Rape Drugs: Rohypnol • Often referred to as roofies, roche, R-2, rip, rope • Strong, sedative sleeping pill • Illicit use was first discovered in the early 1990’s in the US • Often slipped into alcoholic drinks • Immediate side effects include: dizziness, disorientation, nausea, feeling hot or cold and difficulty articulating speech


  9. DRUG FACILIATED DATE RAPE Date Rape Drugs: Gamma-Hydroxybutyerate (GHB): • Often referred to as G, Liquid X, Liquid E, Scoop, Soap, Gook, Grievous Bodily Harm, Georgia Home Boy, Natural Sleep-500, Easy Lay • Originally developed as an anesthetic in 1960 • Intended treatment of insomnia & narcolepsy • Tasteless, odorless liquid/powder • Can be lethal when mixed with alcohol • Onset of side-effects within 15 minutes include: sleep paralysis, agitation, vomiting, hallucinations, slower respirations

  10. DRUG FACILIATED DATE RAPE Gamma-Hydroxybutyerate (GHB) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1=Il3L-omtUU4

  11. Protecting yourself • Do not leave beverages unattended • At a bar or club, accept drinks only from a bartender, waiter or waitress • Be alert of the behavior of friends • Follow your instincts • Have a buddy system • Call 911 if you suspect that you, or someone you know has had their drink spiked • Party in groups

  12. Protecting yourself • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ilNYbBVx1Q8

  13. How TO GET HELP • It’s not your fault • Go directly to the Emergency Room • Call Police • Tell someone you trust (family, friend, school nurse) • Seek counseling • Kids Help Phone 1-800-668-6868 • Fredericton Sexual Assault Crisis Centre Hotline 1-606-454-0437

  14. Discussion Questions • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sn3TzmZOHB0 • Do you think date rape is a big issue in New Brunswick? Why or why not? • Will you do anything differently at the next party you attend? Or do you already practice most of the prevention strategies I talked about?

  15. References American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress. (1997). Perspectives on acquaintance rape. Retrieved from http://www.aaets.org/arts/art13.htm Elainepasqua. (2009, May 21). Date Rape Drugs [Video File]. Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Il3L-omtUU4 Laynemorgan. (2009, January 7). Open your eyes – date rape PSA [Video File]. Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sn3TzmZOHB0 Loiselle, M., & Furqua W. R. (2007). Alcohols effects on women’s risk detection in a date-rape vignette. Journal of American College Health,55(5), 261-266. Pumphrey-Gordon, J. E., & Gross, A. M. (2007) Alcohol consumption and females’ recognition in response to date rape risk: the role of sex-related alcohol expectancies. Journal of Family Violence, 22(6), 475-485. Rosehips69. (2009, October 12). Date rape drugs in drinks [Video File]. Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ilNYbBVx1Q8

  16. References Say thank you. (2007, December 20). Date Rape Awareness Video [Video File]. Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8a4Pa7Kp4Qc SACHA Sexual Assault Centre. (2011). Sexual assault statistics. Retrieved from http://www.sacha.ca/home.php?sec=17&sub=43 Teens Health. (2011). Date rape. Retrieved from http://kidshealth.org/teen/your_mind/relationships/date_rape.html Verberg, N., Desmarais, S., Wood, E., Senn, C. (2000). Gender differences in survey respondents’ written definitions of date rape. Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality, 9(3),181-190. Women’s Health. (2008). Date rape drugs fact sheet. Retrieved from http://www.womenshealth.gov/publications/our-publications/fact-sheet/date-rape-drugs.cfm

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