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AP Human Geography Mon., 03-02-09 Ch 7 Ethnicity

AP Human Geography Mon., 03-02-09 Ch 7 Ethnicity. Beginning Activity Pick up a handout from the front table.

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AP Human Geography Mon., 03-02-09 Ch 7 Ethnicity

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  1. AP Human GeographyMon., 03-02-09 Ch 7 Ethnicity Beginning Activity Pick up a handout from the front table. Set up a notebook page for notes. Title this “Chapter 7, Key Issue 1: Where are ethnicities distributed?”. You need your textbook and sticky notes if you have them. We’re going quickly now. This Week: Vocab due Tues. Vocab Quiz Tues. Country profile assignment due Thurs. Chapter 7 Test Friday.

  2. General Directions • Take notes on the pages and content information that I indicate are important. • Study this content more intently as you read the chapter. • Use sticky notes on textbook pages to indicate important information and/or take notes as we go through the chapter.

  3. Key Issue 1 • Textbook P227 • Intro: Last paragraph • Cultural self-identification: • Ethnicity, race, religion, sometimes language • Distribution of ethnicities in the U.S. are by region, in cities, and within cities • Hispanic Americans 13% - SW, U.S. cities • African Americans 12% - SE, U.S. cities • Asian Americans 4% - West • American Indian 1% - Plains and SW

  4. P228 in textbook • Hispanics: lgst # from Mexico, #2 from P.R. • Asians: lgst # from China

  5. P229 in textbook • For European immigrants, ethnic identity may be retained through religion and food.

  6. P229 in textbook • Ethnic distribution in Los Angeles is clustered by ethnic group

  7. P230-232 in textbook • 3 African American Migration Patterns • Triangle Slave Trade • Colonial era • South to North • 1910-1950 • ghettos increased • Inner-city ghettos to urban neighborhoods • 1950s to today

  8. Differentiating Ethnicity and Race Asian is a race Black American is a race African American can be a race, can be an ethnicity White (Caucasian) is a race Hispanic is not a race Race – people who share biological traits Ethnicity – cultural traits Racism – belief that one race is better than others Racist – person who believes this P233 in textbook

  9. Separate but Equal Doctrine 1896-1954 Plessy v Ferguson Supreme Court ruling P234 in textbook

  10. Separate but Equal Doctrine Effects Restrictive housing covenants White Flight Blockbusting P234-5 in textbook

  11. Apartheid in South Africa P235 in textbook

  12. Apartheid in South Africa P235 in textbook

  13. Apartheid in South Africa dismantled in 1991 Nelson Mandela P236 in textbook

  14. End of class • Continue “Little Buddha” assignment.

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