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This seminar covers the process of managing environmental data from field events to mapping, including setup, validation, formatting, and display. Learn about tools to streamline data management and improve project efficiency.
www.geotech.com Managing Environmental Data from the Field to the Map Dr. David W. Rich drdave@geotech.com Amherst, MA October 17, 2018
2/48 Topics • High level view of the process • Setting up the database • Managing field events • Importing lab and other data • Data review and validation • Data selection • Formatting • Displays • Mapping and GIS • Business justification www.geotech.com
3/48 High Level View of the Process Plan your sample events Store in a robust repository Analyze and display data Manage field and lab activities Manage data and quality It’s all in one location www.geotech.com
4/48 Storage Options www.geotech.com
5/48 Lookup Tables www.geotech.com
6/48 Lookup Tables www.geotech.com
7/48 Regulatory Limits www.geotech.com
8/48 Managing field events www.geotech.com
9/48 Importing lab and other data www.geotech.com
10/48 Quality Control - Consistency Checking www.geotech.com
11/48 Data review and validation www.geotech.com
12/48 Quality Controle-Checklist www.geotech.com
13/48 Bulk Data www.geotech.com
14/48 Data selection www.geotech.com
15/48 Display Options Determine How Your Results Are Displayed Example options: • Regulatory limits • Values and flags • Unit conversion • Date display • Calculated parameters • Non-detects • Significant figures • Graph display options • Custom queries www.geotech.com
16/48 Report Examples Reports ** edited www.geotech.com
17/48 Database OutputExamples - Graphs www.geotech.com
Generating Output www.geotech.com
19/48 Excel Export www.geotech.com
Introduction www.geotech.com
23/48 Mapping and GIS • You need a base map or image • Sample locations must have coordinates • And both have to match • GIS software like ArcGIS makes the maps • Specialized software can make environmental-specific displays • Integration between the EDMS and the GIS can save time and improve quality www.geotech.com
Crosstab Callouts From the Database 24/48 www.geotech.com
Soil Borings with Values from the Database 25/48 Benzene (mg/kg) Lithology Benzene (ppm) www.geotech.com
26/48 Time Sequence Graphs on the Map www.geotech.com
27/48 Benefits of better data management Decrease overhead - One industrial company was able to save $12,000 per year on just one project by moving the data management tasks to a much less expensive clerical person. Lower operating cost - Another used data management to get their regulator to approve less-frequent sampling intervals for about two of their wells per year, resulting in a savings of $9,000 each year, cumulative from year to year. Increase efficiency – For one organization, the time to process an electronic deliverable decreased from an average of 30 minutes to 5 minutes, resulting in an annual savings of $5,000 per year on each project. An Indian tribe needed to make nine graphs/year for their EPA PM. With Excel, it took 3 months. With a database with integrated graphing, it took 10 minutes. Increase revenue - A consulting company client was able to use their Enviro Data software and expertise to land a $300,000 data management task from one of their clients.
28/48 Conclusions • Environmental investigation and remediation projects are inherently complex • Efficient data management can reduce cost and improve quality • Implementing a centralized data management system makes sense for most environmental projects • Tools to do this are affordable and have a high return on investment • Is it time to retire your spreadsheet? www.geotech.com
29/48 Relational Management of Site Environmental Data Enviro Title Slide Display and Analysis of Site Environmental Data www.geotech.com
www.geotech.com Managing Environmental Data from the Field to the Map Dr. David W. Rich drdave@geotech.com Amherst, MA October 17, 2018