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How Long Are You Going To Make God Wait ??. This Is How It Started:. When Adam and Eve disobeyed God, they chose to hide themselves from him. This resulted in the separation between man and God. God did not separate himself from us. We made that choice. We left him in the beginning.
This Is How It Started: • When Adam and Eve disobeyed God, they chose to hide themselves from him. This resulted in the separation between man and God. • God did not separate himself from us. • We made that choice. We left him in the beginning. • If we want to be with God we have to make the choice to do so!
Our home is with God. So if we are away from God we are away from home. • Now let’s sit and think for a second about what useful things are in our homes on earth, and how our homes are very important to have.
Keeps us warm when its cold. • Protects us from storms, or bad weather. • Our homes have food for us to eat. • They have beds for us to sleep in. • They're filled with people who loves us, and cares about us. • Protects us from outside dangers, and dangerous people. • Etc.
Our home sounds like a pretty good place to be, why would we want to go anywhere else? • I mean I know a lot of us may get bored at home during the day, and all you want to do is get out and have fun right? • But eventually your going to want to come back. • This is the same with God. God is our home and he provides us with everything we need in life.
What does the world provide you with? • The Prodigal Son Story
This story was extremely similar the story “The Prodigal Son” Luke 15:11-32 • Did you notice how in the story the lost son eventually realized how foolish he was being, and decided to man up and go back home? • Well that is the same thing we are going to have to do. • We are young and naïve, and we think we know what is best for us, but we don’t!
We are going to have to get up an make our way back to God. • God is waiting for us to come to our senses, and come back home, and he is waiting for us to stop hiding from him!
If things are not the way you want them to be in your life, then it is up to you! • You must make the Choice to return to the king. • How? • You must let God know you want this relationship with him, by praying and asking him to let you back in.