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Learn how to craft a persuasive thesis, analyze documents, incorporate outside evidence, and structure your essay effectively for the AP U.S. History DBQ. This comprehensive guide provides step-by-step instructions and tips to help you excel in your writing.
Document Based Question • 15 minute mandatory reading period • 40 minutes suggested for writing • You must do the following in your essay: • State a relevant thesis that directly addresses ALL parts of the question • Support the thesis with evidence from all, or all but one, of the documents • Incorporate analysis of all, or all but one, of the documents
* * • Focus your analysis of each document on one of the following: historical context, intended audience, purpose, and/or point of view (HIPP-) • Support your argument with analysis of historical evidence outside the documents (-O) • Connect historical phenomena relevant to your argument to broader events of processes • Synthesize the elements above into a persuasive essay that extends your argument, connects it to a different historical context, or accounts for contradictory evidence on the topic
Essay Prompt: Explain the Causes and Consequences of international and domestic challenges the United States faced between 1968 and 1974.
Step 1: • Read all parts of the question carefully • Underline key words • Identify issues or categories • CIRCLE TIME FRAME Explain the Causes and Consequences of international and domestic challenges the United States faced between 1968 and 1974.
Step 2: • Write down any outside information you know about the time period or theme BEFORE you start reading the documents.
Step 3: • The Documents… • Note the order- chronological? No? – does their order help in applying the historical thinking skill? • Read the documents quickly and carefully • SOURCE!!!!! Author, date, place it came from • Underline key words • Note point of view • Summarize in a few words the main idea of the doc • ADDRESS AT LEAST ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: • Historical Context, Intended Audience, Purpose, Point of View • Note any additional outside info that comes to mind at this point
H-I-P-P-…O • Used for document analysis • Very important for DBQ documents – always try to determine these 5 points • Note: it is possible you won’t be able to determine all 5 for all of the documents, all of the time
H – Historical Context When is it taking place? Where is it taking place? What is happening in the document? What is happening in America? (socially, politically, economically) What is happening in world history?
I – Intended Audience P – Purpose • Why is this document created? P – Point of View • Who is the author? • What is their view of the subject being discussed? • Is there bias? O – Outside Info • Are there any other People, Events, Documents, Laws, Ideas, Groups (PEDLIG) that come to mind? Who is the speaker addressing? (don’t forget to look in the description of the document)
Step 4: • Re-read the prompt and Write your thesis • Complete for HW – DUE TOMORROW THESIS FORMULA: X. However A and B. Therefore, Y.
Step 5:Organize Your Essay DBQ Essay Format • Paragraph 1 – Thesis Statement • Fully addresses the question • Takes a position • Provides organizational categories (social, economic, political) • Paragraph 2 – Setting the Scene • Provide the historical context – what’s going on? • Example: what major events/moments in history led to what you are discussing
Paragraph 3&4 – Body Paragraphs • Always connect to your thesis – what does this paragraph have to do with the point you’re trying to make? • Be SPECIFIC with MULTIPLE examples • For DBQs: • Use documents to support your arguments • HIPPO! • Paragraph 6 – Conclusion/Concession • Do not add any additional support/info to your argument • Make a connection to another time, event in history (PAST OR PRESENT!!) OR • Concede – point out an argument from the “other side” (this may not be an option for all essay prompts, so it’s not always possible/required) (THIS IS YOUR “X” from your THESIS!)
Citing a DBQ Document • This method is mandatory for all DBQ essays • if it is not used DBQ will be returned immediately and marked as late • IDENTIFY it, VERB it, EXPLAIN it. (#) • Incorporate your HIPP-
Identify it – Say what it is! (DON’T SAY “In document 1…”) • Example: • The political cartoon … • In the excerpt … • Verb it- Say what it is doing! (states, explains, demonstrates says, argues, etc.) • Example: • The political cartoon by ______________ shows how… • In the excerpt from… the author explains… • Explain it – finish your thought! • Example: • The political cartoon by Chan Low implies that the instability in the Middle East has been ongoing. • In the excerpt from The Ideas that Conquered the World, by Michael Bishop, the author explains how the Industrial Revolution changed the world by threatening traditional social institutions • *At the end of the sentence you can cite the document by putting the NUMBER in parenthesis – example: (1)
Incorporate your HIPP • incorporate Historical Context, Intended Audience, Purpose or Point of View FOR EACH DOCUMENT • How? • Historical Context: write a sentence that describes how the document fits into the historical process; include the phrase “the historical context of this document is…” • Intended Audience: write a sentence about how the source was created and how this affects reliability or accuracy; “the author’s intended audience was ___” and “is shown by ___”. • Purpose: write a sentence explaining why the source was produced at the time and/or what the goal was; include a phrase like “the author’s purpose in writing was to ___” and “is shown by _____” • Point of View: write a sentence identifying who the author is and explain how the author’s personhood might have impacted the document
Important final step for Documents: • After incorporating your analysis be sure to write a sentence that does ONE of the following: • Explains why the source is important in relation to the question being asked OR • Explains whatthe source has to do with the question being asked
REMEMBER: • Do not quote long passages of the documents if you have to quote at all; it’s better to summarize in your own words • Note relationships: similarities, differences, causes/effects of all of the documents in the group • The DBQ IS NOT ABOUT THE DOCUMENTS! They are there to merely help you… your ARGUMENT should be the basis of the essay, which can be guided but should not be only based on the documents. • Must use all or all but 1 of the documents.
Step 6: Write your essay • Essays will be due: ____________________ • Format: • Typed, 12 font • Double spaced • Must follow all format and citation requirements outlined in this workshop • Failure to do so will result in a severe down grade
Essay Prompt: Explain the Causes and Consequences of international and domestic challenges the United States faced between 1968 and 1974.