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Taurage Adult Training Centre offers diverse formal and non-formal learning opportunities, supporting students of varied ages, backgrounds, and circumstances. With a focus on distance teaching and personalized approaches, the center helps individuals overcome barriers to education and enhance their skills for future success.
HISTORY Adulteducationhasbeenorganizedin Taurage since 1952.
STUDENTS • The average age of students is 27 years. 45percent of students work, 34percent of students have young children (up to 7 years), 31 percent of them live in rural areas, 19percent of students come from other areas.
151 students are currently studying in the center of 5-12 grades.
ADULT EDUCATION Taurage ATC offers high-quality, attractive and a variety of formal and non-formal educational learning forms for adults: • Daily classes, • Part-time classes, • Distant learning classes
DISTANCETEACHING AND LEARNING Distance education process has been organized since 1st September, 2014
Lithuaniastudiesshowsthatchildrendonotattendschoolmainlydue to thefollowingreasons: • inability to learnlearningmaterialsandnotontimeeducationalassistance; • psychologicalcharacteristicsofpersonality; • emotionalandbehaviouraldisorders; • socio-economiccircumstances; • lackofcompetenceofteachers to workwithaduts students.
Asoneofthemeansofhelpingthestudentsbeingthrownoutofeducationalsystemisanopportunity to learninadultschools. Ourschool – Tauragė AdultTraining Centre- isoneofthem. Wehavestudentsagedfrom 16 to 40 andmore. Wehavegirlsoncedroppedoutofschoolsdue to pregnancyormarriage, whileboys are likely to dropout to seekemploymentordue to behaviouraldifficulties. Ourschoolteachersusedifferentmethodsofteaching to helpstudentsfindschoolmoresuccessful. However, onethirdofourstudentsdropouteveryyear.
Statistics in LithuaniaNot studying Youth, without secondary education(18 – 24 aged )