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Innovative Beam Instrumentation & Diagnostics Conference | Advance Accelerator Technology Event

Join the .DITANET International Conference on Accelerator Instrumentation and Beam Diagnostics in Seville. Explore the latest advancements in accelerator technology, beam diagnostics, and production of PET isotopes. Engage with industry experts and researchers to enhance your knowledge and network. Be part of this dynamic event shaping the future of particle accelerators.

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Innovative Beam Instrumentation & Diagnostics Conference | Advance Accelerator Technology Event

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  1. DITANET International Conference: Accelerator Instrumentation andBeam Diagnostics Centro Nacional de Aceleradores Seville, 9-11 November 2011

  2. MINISTERIO DE EDUCACION Y CIENCIA Parque Tecnológico Cartuja’93, Avda.Thomas Alva Edison nº 7, E-41092 – Sevilla. Spain Phone: +34.95.4460553, Fax: +34.95.4460145 cna@us.es

  3. Tándem 3MV

  4. Líneas (7)

  5. Ciclotrón de 18 MeV (p) Producción de radiofármacos PET 18F, 11C, 13N, 15O Colaboración con IBA Línea externa: implantación, daños por radiación

  6. Radiofarmacia Se ha producido FNa y FLT (Fluorotimidina) para investigación. IBA-Molypharma distribuye FDG a los centros sanitarios del SAS

  7. SARA, AMS system in CNA

  8. New facilities at CNA Underground laboratory 60 Co irradiator PET-CT scanner 14C AMS compact accelerator

  9. Objectives and research lines • Materials science • Nuclear science and technology. • Accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) • Production of PET isotopes and bio-medical research.

  10. ‹‹ novel DIagnostic Techniques for future particle Accelerators: A Marie Curie Initial Training NETwork ››

  11. What is DITANET ? Largest-ever EU funded training network in beam instrumentation and diagnostics; Aim: Training of early stage researchers (18 ESRs, 3 ERs) Gives industry an important role; Presently 28 partners (and growing...) Recognized importance of beam diagnostics at European level ! (only 68 from 905 selected - with 11 in physics) C.P. Welsch, Proc. BIW 2010, IPAC 2011

  12. The DITANET Consortium Network Participants Associated Partners

  13. Adjunct Partners Part of a long term strategy – DITANET is growing Interested in joining ?

  14. Dissemination: DITANET Website www.liv.ac.uk/ditanet

  15. Quarterly Newsletter • Part of the dissemination strategy • Contribution from all network partners • Announcement and review of activities • >400 recipients, growing • Registration by Email.

  16. Dissemination: DITANET Prize For early stage researchers, 1.000 € International Competition, open to external candidates First award: Dr. Frank Becker, GSI, Germany for Beam Induced Fluorescence (BIF)-Monitor Next Call: 31.10.2011

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