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Variations in the Barents Sea outflow to the Norwegian Sea

This study examines the variations in Barents Sea outflow to the Norwegian Sea, focusing on the deep water processes traced from 1979. Explore the influences of Atlantic Inflow Water and internal processes on water variations. Discover insights on the q-S relation of Bear Island Channel and signatures of the Barents Sea deep outflow. The research highlights significant changes in outflow properties post-1990 and their correlation with Atlantic Water inflow characteristics.

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Variations in the Barents Sea outflow to the Norwegian Sea

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  1. Variations in the Barents Sea outflow to the Norwegian Sea Blindheim (1989); -0.8 Sv deep outflow based on mooring data from 1979, -Traced the water into the Norw. Sea. -Source interior Barents Sea Skagseth, Mork, Loeng, and .. in prep

  2. Near-bottom (15mab) T and V (along the slope)

  3. Bear Island Channel: T,S,r Warm/saline or cold/fresh Additionally a jump in 1989

  4. What determines the variations of the outflow water?the Atlantic Inflow Water or Internal processes

  5. q-S relation of the Bear Island Channel GSA

  6. Signature of the Barents Sea deep outflow in the Norw. Sea(Bear Island West section, 15degE.)

  7. Bear Island West section, 1986.

  8. Bear Island West section, 1986 and 2003 1986 2003

  9. Conclusion • Large change in the outflow properties after about 1990, and also signature in Norw. Sea dissapear in q-S space. • Variations of the deep outflow follows the characteristics of the AW inflow, and rappid effect , T< 1 year Modelling (hd)

  10. One year of ADCP on Bear Island slope

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