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Mainstreaming VENet Project for European Social Enterprises

Align goals, share experiences, network with policymakers, present model, ensure sustainability for VENet project targeting DPs, TEPs, EUREGIOS. Utilize national networks, promote via events, websites, and disseminate results effectively.

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Mainstreaming VENet Project for European Social Enterprises

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Mainstreaming A Start…

  2. Your Expectations of Mainstreaming Align the goals Agree on a principal strategy Agree on next steps Aims of this Session

  3. Results of the TCA should be disseminated European actors should get to know about VENet via the website Interested actors should have a possibility to get info and contribute to VENet Target group are equal DPs, TEPs, EUREGIOS, European Social Enterprises What should we do/ achieve acc. to our contract?

  4. Share experience among our DPs Get information about people and organisations working on similar issues from the TCA partner countries Network nationally with policy makers, authorities etc. Have a model that can be used in other countries as well Present the model on different occasions What do WE want to do and achieve?

  5. VENet has been presented and shown to opinion leaders in our TCA countries VENet model is finalized for TCA countries (incl. adaptation after national pilot phase Final event is not only the “end” of our TCA VENet but also the start of something new If we may use an existing structure and have resources for a person responsible for VENet after March 2007 (be it within a Regional Government, a Social Partner, somewhere within the GD…) VENet is entered into a EU data base (as best practice…) Interest in model from country outside TCA partnership When do we consider our mainstreaming successful? Where do we want to be in March 2007?

  6. Dissemination: everybody promotes the VENet model in different regions of her/his country All partners promote VENet model in national networks We all use our (national) contacts to “infiltrate” the EU institutions and international organisations Have a good and informative website Attract attention and reach our target group with our final event How can we reach our goals?

  7. Build national networks, contacts Inform other DPs, social institutions etc. about VENet Check Equal Thematic Group Participate in national activities, events, congresses, conferences.. Check with A3 (public relations) of your DP for support and co-operation (national press, conferences etc.) Get into contact with national representatives of European organisations Document what you have done, whom you contacted, what the outcomes were, where and how many newsletters etc. you distributed… (distribution list) What can (should) each DP contribute?

  8. Newsletter describing VENet Model PP presentation of VENet Model to present at conferences, meetings? What do you need for that from the TCA Secretary?

  9. To position the German and Austrian adaptation of the “VENet” Model in the respective country and thus still have a structure to use The Chamber of Crafts in Poland will survive VENet and maybe still function as a contact for interested parties and maybe also support systems lasts Can our Website be a “subpage” of one of our partner’s website after March 2007? How can we secure sustainability?

  10. Final Event

  11. F.i. a symposium VENet gets presented to interested parties of labour market and education policy Possibility of discussion of pros & cons of Model and implication on European labour market Have external experts regarding key issues According to our contract

  12. Venue? How many days? Symposium or something else? Link it to another event? Which one? Ideas

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