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西安交通大学图书馆 李 娟 2004. 11. INNOPAC 系统在西安交通大学图书馆的应用 Innopac System Application in Xi'an Jiao Tong University Library. 图书馆简介. Introduction to XJTU Library. 我馆 INNOPAC 使用情况. Basic infomation of using innopac. 相关的应用及开发. Application & Program development. 目前主要存在的问题. Main Problems.
西安交通大学图书馆 李 娟 2004. 11 INNOPAC系统在西安交通大学图书馆的应用 Innopac System Application in Xi'an Jiao Tong University Library
图书馆简介 Introduction to XJTU Library 我馆INNOPAC使用情况 Basic infomation of using innopac 相关的应用及开发 Application & Program development 目前主要存在的问题 Main Problems
一、西安交通大学图书馆简介Introduction to XJTU Library The predecessor of Xi’an Jiaotong University Library was the book collection building of Nanyang College founded in Shanghai in 1896. In September 1959,Xi’an Jiaotong University and Shanghai Jiaotong University were founded separately,and the library in Xi’an then become Xi’an Jiaotong University Library. In May. 1995,Xi’an Jiaotong University Library was named Qian Xuesen,President Jiang-Zemin inscribed the library name. 西安交通大学图书馆前身为1896年创建于上海的南洋公学藏书楼。1959年9月,交通大学西安部分和上海部分独立建校,图书馆相应定名为西安交通大学图书馆。 1995年5月,经中共中央宣传部批准,将西安交大图书馆命名为“钱学森图书馆”,江泽民主席为之题写了馆名。
In April 2000, the former Xi’an Medical University and Shaanxi institute of Finance and Economics were merged as present Xi’an Jiaotong University.So the three libraries of the Universities were united as one that includes Qian Xuesen Library,Medicine Library and Finance and Economics Library.The building area of the Library amounts to 40,000 square meters,providing 3,300 seats. 2000年4月,西安交通大学与原西安医科大学和原陕西财经学院合并组建成新西安交通大学,原三校图书馆随之合并重组,规模进一步扩大。合校后的西安交大图书馆由钱学森图书馆、医学分馆和财经分馆组成,总建筑面积约40000平方米,阅览座位为3300席。
二、我馆Innopac使用情况Basic infomation of using innopac Xi’an JiaoTong University library began used innopac in Sep. 1998. During this period, we have made 5 times upgrade.Its current version is RLS 2002 phase 3 . The system server over 10 thousand teachers and over 23 thousand students . At the beginning of innopac, it had 64 simultaneous users licenses and WebPAC login group had 3 simulaneous users licenses. 西安交大图书馆于1998年9月正式运行INNOPAC系统,期间先后对INNOPAC系统进行五次升级,目前的版本是Release 2002 phase 3 。系统通过校园网,服务于全校1万多名教师和2万3千多名学生。 系统开始运行时共64个并发用户,WebPAC用户组3个并发用户。
三馆合并后共享innopac系统 合校前总馆采用innopac,财经分馆采用ILAS、医学分馆未上自动化系统。二分馆与总馆空间距离约10公里,我们采用共享INNOPAC系统的方法,三馆均使用INNOPAC系统,使用同一硬件平台及图书馆应用软件。 Before unite to one, main library using innopac , Finance and Economics Library used ILAS system. Medicine Libraryhad no library integrate system. Two branches are about 10 kilometers away from main library. We decide that all of the three libraries use Innopac system,using the same hardware platform and library application software.
For sharing innopac,tow branches connected to campus network via highspeed network evice. we buy two modules.one 4-number scoping module and circulation notice by e-mail module.add users numbers ,installed an additional 40 bool reviewfiles. Now,our innopac had 90 staff users and WEB OPAC users and system dataare unlimited. 为共享innopac,两个分馆各自通过高带宽接入校园网,与总馆innopac远程联接。总馆innopac为支持分馆使用购买了4个number的scoping模块,同时还购买了流通e-mail通知模块,增加40个 review files,系统用户数增加到90个staff用户、webpac用户数无限制,同时根据需要又增加了unlimited data licence。
三、INNOPAC应用及相关程序开发Application and Program Development 1、电子期刊的编目 Catalogue of E-journal 有很多种期刊,既有印刷的馆藏,又有电子版的,为充分提示馆藏,我们对电子期刊也做了编目,并且做了856字段,读者在OPAC查询时,可以连接到数据库,对于全文数据库,用户可以获得全文。 Some of our journals have printed and electronic version.We also catalogue the E-journal and give it MARC field ----856.When users search the record in webopac,they can also see the e-journal link and can access the page and obtain the full-text article.
电子资源 记录
2.随书光盘的编目 Catalogue of CD attached to book 对于书后所附光盘,我们也做了编目处理。将每一张光盘作为一个馆藏,并且将光盘内容上传到一个ftp服务器上。在其书目记录中也做一个856的ftp链接。读者可以查询到光盘,并且在图书馆内可以看到光盘的内容。 For CD attached to book,we make each CD as an item and give it a barcode.The files of CD are uploaded to our ftp server. Staffs also give a MARC 856 field in bibliography record.Patrons can see the content of the CD in library.
随书光盘的链接 光盘的馆藏记录
3、控制号、种次号生成系统 Control & order numbers autogeneration System • 生成系统的原因: • 中文书主标目不明确 • 无合适的中文著者号码表 • 符合读者和工作人员习惯 • INNOPAC不具备自动添加控制号、种次号的功能 • 手工添加控制号、种次号费时、费力且极易产生错误。 • 手工操作无法与整个自动化流程相匹配 • 旧系统已经使用种次号自动生成程序,有了一个现成的数据库 • 有网络的支持,可以编制一个以网络为基础的共享程序,供多人同时使用。 The main sign of chinese books are not clear and we donot have a chinese authors number table.Having control and order number accorded with our working habit.Innopac system cannot add control and order number automatically. It is difficult to add them manually.So,we decide to create a system to generate control and order number automatically.
3、控制号、种次号生成系统 Control &order numbers autogeneration System
3、控制号、种次号生成系统 Control &order numbers autogeneration System
3、控制号、种次号生成系统 Control &order numbers autogeneration System
3、控制号、种次号生成系统 Control &order numbers autogeneration System
3、控制号、种次号生成系统 Control &order numbers autogeneration System
3、控制号、种次号生成系统 Control &order numbers autogeneration System • 进一步的设想: • 扩大适应范围,可移植到UNIX或Windows NT上,可以在广域网上使用。 • 制作安装盘,可以让其它图书馆共享。 • 增加英文著者号码的生成. Next plan: / add English author number generation. / do setup file disk and make other libraries share the system. / migrate the system to unix or windows NT system and can be used in internet.
4、读者记录转换系统Patron recordconversion system 图书馆每学年有大批各类型读者数据需要导入到INNOPAC系统中,包括本科生、专科生、硕士及博士生等,记录数量比较大,不可能逐一录入。另一方面,学校教务处又可以提供这些读者的数据库记录,因此,如果能将这些DBF格式的数据转转换为符合INNOPAC系统的MARC格式,那么就解决了在系统中新建大批量读者记录的问题。 Each term,we need create a lot of patron record in system,including all kind of patorn.It’s impossible to enter the record one by one. On the other hand,our educational administration central can give us the patron’s database.so We decide to convert the format to MRAC and upload our system.
4、读者记录转换系统Patron recordconversion system • Development Language: Visio Foxpro • Field in innopac we convert : • 080 EXP DATE082pcode1 • 082 pcode2083 pcode3 • 084 p type085 home library • 086 MBLOCK087PMESSAGE • PATRN NAME • 030barcode • 302 DEPT/MAJOR 开发语言:visio Foxpro 处理字段: 080 有效期限 082读者代码1 082 读者代码2 083 读者代码3 084 读者类型 085 注册图书馆 086 人工冻结 087 读者讯息 100 读者姓名 030 读者条码 302 读者单位
4、读者记录转换系统Patron recordconversion system 经过转换后的数据为MARC格式。将这些数据存为一个txt文件。数据格式如下: After conversion,the data format is MARC format and these data are saved as an text file. 00276nam0 2200169 45 080001300000081000600013082000600019083000800025084000800033085001000041086000600051087000500057030001500062100001100077302001300088500000500101 a01-07-07 a6 ac a003 a009 amain a a a3104009001 a王恩民 a热能工程 a00282nam0 2200169 45
存在的主要问题 Main Problem Our main problem is character internal code.We hope we can deal with this problem by using Hongkong users’ experience. 目前系统最大的问题是字符内码的问题。 希望借签香港用户关于字符集处理的经验来解决我馆的问题,也希望得到香港同行的帮助和支持。
谢谢大家! Tel:029-82668101 Fax:029-82667859 http://:www.lib.xjtu.edu.cn Email:lj@mail.lib.xjtu.edu.cn