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Chapter 6 Practice. 1. One can use A STR 101 and B IOL 101 to satisfy goal three; however, if one takes either of these courses, then one must also satisfy a L ab requirement. .
1. One can use ASTR 101 and BIOL 101 to satisfy goal three; however, if one takes either of these courses, then one must also satisfy a Lab requirement.
1. (One can use ASTR 101 andBIOL 101 to satisfy goal three); however, (if one takes either of these courses, then one must also satisfy a Lab requirement). (A B) [(A v B) L]
2. Either PHIL 101 or HIST 102 satisfies the requirements for goal 4 if and only if neither GEOG 121 nor RELG 103 does.
2. (Either PHIL 101 orHIST 102 satisfies the requirements for goal 4) if and only if (neitherGEOG 121 norRELG 103 does). (P v H) ~(G v R)
3. If MUS 110 or ARTS 103 satisfies goal 8, then if HIST 201 satisfies goal 6, then either THEA 101 or POLI 201 satisfies goal 6.
3. If MUS 110 or ARTS 103 satisfies goal 8, then if HIST 201 satisfies goal 6, then either THEA 101 or POLI 201 satisfies goal 6. (M v A) [H (T v P)]
4. ENGL 200 does not satisfy goal 4 only if one has taken neither PHIL 101 nor HIST 102 and one has taken GEOG 121.
4. ENGL 200 does not satisfy goal 4 only if one has taken neither PHIL 101 nor HIST 102 and one has taken GEOG 121. ~E [~(P v H) G]
5. Neither SOC 101 nor ECON 110 can be used to satisfy core requirements; nevertheless, one cannot use SOC 101 to satisfy a Foundation requirement for one’s major or use it to satisfy the core if one’s Major does not list SOC in its foundation.
5. Neither SOC 101 nor ECON 110 can be used to satisfy core requirements; nevertheless, one cannot use SOC 101 to satisfy a Foundation requirement for one’s major or use it to satisfy the core if one’s Major does not list SOC in its foundation. ~(S v E) [M (~F ~S)]
6. Philosophy, History or Sociology will all offer a communication course if and only if neither Music nor Finance do.
6. Philosophy, History or Sociology will all offer a communication course if and only if neither Music nor Finance do. [P v (H v S)] ~(M v F)
7. One is finished Taking foreign language classes only if one wants to Learn another language; however, if one is Fluent in a foreign language, then one may KLEP out of a language at the 130 level.
7. One is finished Taking foreign language classes only if one wants to Learn another language; however, if one is Fluent in a foreign language, then one may KLEP out of a language at the 130 level. (T L) (F K)
8. HIST 101 but not PHIL 102 satisfies goal 4 if and only if BIOL 121 satisfies goal 3 and ENGL 101 does not satisfy goal 2.
8. HIST 101 but not PHIL 102 satisfies goal 4 if and only if BIOL 121 satisfies goal 3 and ENGL 101 does not satisfy goal 2. (H ~P) (B ~E)
9. Either PHIL 101 satisfies goal 4 or HIST 111 does; however, if PHIL 101 satisfies goal 4 then ENGL 277 does not satisfy goal 5.
9. Either PHIL 101 satisfies goal 4 or HIST 111 does; however, if PHIL 101 satisfies goal 4 then ENGL 277 does not satisfy goal 5. (P v H) (P ~E)
10. Unless one takes ENGL 101 or KLEPs out of it, one has satisfied the Core requirements unless PHIL 101 satisfies goal 4, of course.
10. Unless one takes ENGL 101 or KLEPs out of it, one has satisfied the Core requirements unless PHIL 101 satisfies goal 4, of course. [(E v K) v C] v P
1. (H v ~T) [~L (G ~F)] ~[~L (G ~F)] H v ~T
2. (G H) v (J K) ~(G H) J K
3. [(H v Y) J] (D S) ~[(H v Y) J] ~(D S)
4. (R F) (H T) F v T R v H
5. (R F) (H T) (H T) (R F) (R F) (R F)
6. (G ~H) v ~P ~(G ~H) P
7. [~D (P v ~Q)] (~H v ~D) ~(~H v ~D) ~[~D (P v ~Q)]
8. H K ~K ~H
9. (D v ~J) ~[D (H ~K)] D v ~J ~[D (H ~K)]
10. [J (G ~G)] v (~K J) ~K J J (G ~G)
11. (H P) [D (H v ~S)] ~P v ~(H v ~S) ~H v ~D
12. B {[~G v (H ~G)] [(G v ~H) (T ~P)]} B [~G v (H ~G)] [(G v ~H) (T ~P)]
13. [G v (H ~G)] v ~H ~[G v (H ~G)] ~H
14. ~G ~(~J ~G) ~J ~G G
15. ~(H v ~B) (H v ~B) v N N
16. (S ~F) (~G ~G) S v ~G ~F v ~G