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Grant Writing. Presented by Office of Resource Development College of Southern Nevada.
Grant Writing Presented by Office of Resource Development College of Southern Nevada
Grant writing is the art and science of extracting strictly specified data sets from a conglomeration of abstract verbal universes, distilling said data into highly palatable, user-mandate phraseology designed to elicit a profound sense of fiduciary responsibility and a concurrent release of fiscal resources.
Resource Development Department • Objectives • Initiate new grant opportunities & increase amount of grant funds • Ensure all grant programs are delivered in accordance with the terms of the grant, including program objectives and budgets. • Foster partnerships and collaboratives that further the mission of the College and assist in the leveraging of resources
A grant writer should be somewhat of a Band Leader… Able to bring the distinct, individual partners into a coordinated, integrated and harmonious whole. …To dream the impossible dream!
Vision • The passionate mission of a nonprofit organization leads to a concrete program • Every proposal should identify a compelling need • Every proposal should reflect an ambitious vision
Philanthropy • The organization must identify a grant making institution that shares this vision and has the resources to become a funding partner • The organization must understand the grantor’s requirements and follow them to the letter
Language • The vision must be translated into concrete terms with • Clear Goals • Measurable Objectives • Specific OUTCOMES
Three “C”s of grant writing • CLEAR • CONSISE • COMPELLING
Submission • The proposal must be packaged according to the funder’s requirements and submitted to funder by deadline • New rules are specifying font size, page limits, margins, electronic submissions etc.
Continuation • If the proposal is funded, future activities should grow out of this success • Cultivate the granting agency for future partnerships • If the proposal is denied, use reviewer’s comments for future submissions • If no comments are provided, contact the funder, find out why your proposal was not funded
Project Development • Facilitate organizational meetings with faculty and staff to define needs, discuss guidelines and design project outlines • Develop an outline of the project with need, objectives, plan of operation, budget, etc. • Obtain Executive Staff and President’s approval for planned projects and matching resources
Develop Funding Sources • Research funding sources • Outline project requirements • Develop calendar of prioritized applications • Contact granting agencies for funding information • Obtain internal/external partners • Provide information and advice to faculty and staff on funding opportunities
Search Databases for Funding Notices of Funding Availability http://ocd1.usda.gov/nofa.htm Grants.gov http://www.grants.gov GrantsNet http://www.grantsnet.org GrantSmart http://www.grantsmart.org/search The Foundation Center http://fdncenter.org Society of Research Administrators http://www.srainternational.org/newweb/grantsweb The School Funding Center http://www.schoolfundingcenter.info
Grant Funding Resources • Federal Resources Federal Register http://www.ed.gov/legislation/FedRegister Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance http://www.cfda.gov USA.gov http://www.fusa.gov FedWorld.gov http://www.fedworld.gov Government Printing Office/Nat’l Archives http://www.access.gpo.gov National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) http://www.nces.ed.gov U.S. Census Bureau http://www.census.gov
A grant writer should be somewhat of aGambler… Taking chances that what you produce will hit a jackpot somewhere. …I'll bet my life on this!
Reading the RFP • REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL • FIRST: Check if your organization or project is eligible – most funding agencies limit who and what they will fund • Note the DEADLINE!!! • Note the specific formatting requirements • Follow the instructions
Grant Proposal Format • Cover Page: Use granting agency cover if provided • Organization name • Contact information • Use prescribed form of funding agency
Abstract • The abstract is a summary of your proposal and should be written only after the proposal is completed. It should be a brief narrative of the • Problem/Need – Why is it necessary? • Project Description – Solution: Nuts and bolts of how the project will be implemented and evaluated • Funding Requirements • Organization and its expertise
Table of Contents List of sections and page numbers (Done after the full proposal is completed) Organization Background Short explanation of agency, its focus, expertise and experience
Project Narrative • Statement of need: • Identification of need- Need should be compelling, substantial, should relate affect • Documentation (Data with backup source) from reliable and relevant sources
A grant writer should be somewhat of a Beggar… Asking for help, data, information, etc., on bended knee. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease!!!!
5 points to consider in Need Statement • Decide which facts or statistics best support the project • Give the reader hope – problem can be solved • Determine whether it is reasonable to portray the need as acute • Decide whether you can demonstrate that your program addresses the need differently or better than other projects that preceded it • Avoid circular reasoning i.e. We need a building so give us a building.
Project Description/ Statement of Work/ Project Methods or Design ♦Goals Overall outcome of the project, conceptual and more abstract ♦Objectives Specific measurable outcomes – increase, decrease, by how much, by when ♦Methods Specific activities, related to each goal and objective, including timelines
Plan of Operation : Include • Nuts and bolts of how the project will be implemented – What – Who – When • Personnel-who’s going to do each activity, how much of their time is devoted to the project, activity?
Plan of Operation • Services to meet objectives- Relate each service specifically to an objective • How is this activity going to help you to meet this objective
Plan of Operation • Organizational Placement and Organizational Commitment • What division of the organization will lead the project • What resources of the organization will be committed to the project, i.e. space, personnel, supplies, equipment, etc. • Show an organizational chart
A grantwriter should be a Saint… Able to work miracles with any hair-brained idea and an RFP. …that’s Really Foolish Proposals!
Charts • Charts are an excellent method to show your project and makes it easy for the reader to understand • Objective chart – with objective, responsible person, performance indicators, timeline
Evaluation • What measures will be used in quantitative and qualitative terms • Formative (at set benchmarks) and summative (year-end, end of project) evaluation • Benchmarks that are realistic, incremental-monthly, quarterly, annually • Use a chart form with objective, outcome, measurement/data source, responsible person(s), timeline
Budget • Personnel- Salaries and Wages • Personnel- Fringe Benefits • General Operating (Supplies and Materials) • Travel • Participant Support • Equipment • Indirect Costs • Other
Budget Narrative • Explain the various figures in the budget • Detail personnel positions and their FTE • Fringe benefits categories and rates • Increases if multi-year budget • Mileage rates • Travel particulars including purpose of travel and explanation of rates used • Specific equipment to be purchased • Stipends or Participant Support specifics • Matching amounts and sources etc.
Application Transmittal • Ensure required formatting, assurances and deadlines • Obtain required signatures • Package and mail, deliver or electronically submit proposals • Distribute internal and external copies • File grant applications • All Federal agencies will be electronic submittal in the near future
Proposal Writing Tips • Start early • Read the RFP and follow the instructions • Organize for clarity • Make it easy to read • Communicate clearly • Get feedback from others • Pay attention to the budget • Meet the deadline
A grant writer should be somewhatof aMasochist… Resubmitting proposals after being rejected over and over again. ...One mo' time!