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Grant Writing

Grant Writing. Workshop Highlights. The Grant Training Center Highlights. Prepared by: Kathy Korman Frey Entrepreneur in Residence GWSB Dept of Management frey@gwu.edu. Today. About 8 Takeaways 5 Examples Many Resources and Links. Dr. Matilda Harris. Reviewer Dept of Education

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Grant Writing

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  1. Grant Writing Workshop Highlights

  2. TheGrant Training Center Highlights Prepared by: Kathy Korman Frey Entrepreneur in Residence GWSB Dept of Management frey@gwu.edu

  3. Today • About • 8 Takeaways • 5 Examples • Many Resources and Links

  4. Dr. Matilda Harris Reviewer • Dept of Education • National Science Foundation Reviewing – Good way to stay current in grant world

  5. 95% success rate How? • Target • Follows steps from course Write the one grant and get it, versus shotgun.

  6. About grants 436 billion given out in grants • 14% Federal government • 7% Foundations • 3% Corporations • 76% individual donors • Grants.gov - 90% increase in traffic.

  7. About grants Typical process: • Inquiry (one page letter) • Donor requests a concept paper, or a proposal, or both. Never send in a proposal cold. Develop a relationship

  8. Today • About • 8 Takeaways • 5 Examples • Many Resources and Links

  9. #1 Target Smart • Smart networking • Focus on attendance Events and networking: At what events are the donors sitting “right there?”

  10. #2 Collaborate Three key words in grants • Collaboration • Partnership • Interdisciplinary Example: AAUW “coalition partners”

  11. #3 Prep 40% better chance - submit the week before. 50% better chance - second submission. Takeaway: You’re prepared. Fewer errors. They know you.

  12. #4 Build relationship • Know the officer • Talk to them • Follow through There should be no outstanding questions at the time of submission.

  13. #5 Follow Instructions 50% of proposals to NIH • ELIMINATED • Not following instructions The best way to get a grant: Follow the instructions.”

  14. #6 Good writing • Abstract – first • Statement of need - second • Grab them there, or it’s over Know your audience. Write in short, concise sentences. No passive voice. Bullets, charts. Share it with a trusted colleague first.

  15. #7 It’s a Human(with very little time) Proposal goes to a Human • One hour (review) • 8 minutes of discussion Take the reader by the hand. Never make the reviewer work for you. (Happens a lot).

  16. #8 Tell a story • Must have hard data. • Must have lit review. • But there must be a good story. Example: NIH researcher, single mom on foodstamps.

  17. Today • About • 10 Takeaways • Examples • Resources and Links

  18. Hot Mommas Examples • IBM – No relationship, no follow up • Shell – No relationship, poor research • Xerox – Weak relationship, poor research • AAUW – Poor process management • Schwab Foundation – Good relationship, good research, good follow up and process management Schwab funded the Hot Mommas Project financial literacy category.

  19. Partnership • Development • Alumni Relations • Communications • Donor Thank you Schwab and GW! News feature. Click here (Windows Media Required)

  20. Resources General resources • #1 See if university has subscription • www.Foundationcenter.org (You can go to library of Foundation Directory on CD rom at Library – 17th at K for free) • Subscrip-http://www.cos.com/ - you may be able to sign up as individual • www.Grantsnet.com – for those who don’t have cos.com • http://www.grants.com • Subscrip-http://www.infoed.org/new_spin/spin.asp • http://www.researchresearch.com/entry/entry.htm • Taproot Foundation – will help build donor lists and provide technical assistance • www.nsf.gov • Funding sources www.decadeofbehavior.org • www.acls.org – “Advancing the Humanities” • www.cfda.gov – Great resources for writing, search by agencies, successful applications. • www.archives.gov – Search awarded grants • www.guidestar.com – View all charitable donations of a foundation and 990

  21. Resources Continued • Journal of Higher Ed – Will show who got funded, what grants are coming up. • Chronicle of Philanthropy – What’s coming up in gifts and grants. Where foundations and gifts are going? • WK Kellogg Foundation Evaluation Handbook Evaluations • American Evaluation Association (AED) – you can hire evaluators. • CDC Evaluation Working Group – TONS of tools • Center for Research on Learning and Teaching • School Grants Example: Western Michigan evaluation site- see “Student Outcomes”

  22. Links • GTC Facebook • GTC Website • GTC Newsletter GWSB.wordpress.com Get copy of PPT and post your own resources here

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