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CONTROL with LIMITED INFORMATION. Daniel Liberzon. Coordinated Science Laboratory and Dept. of Electrical & Computer Eng., Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. REASONS for SWITCHING. Nature of the control problem Sensor or actuator limitations Large modeling uncertainty
CONTROL with LIMITED INFORMATION Daniel Liberzon Coordinated Science Laboratory and Dept. of Electrical & Computer Eng., Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
REASONS for SWITCHING • Nature of the control problem • Sensor or actuator limitations • Large modeling uncertainty • Combinations of the above
INFORMATION FLOW in CONTROL SYSTEMS • Coarse sensing • Limited communication capacity • many control loops share network cable or wireless medium • microsystems with many sensors/actuators on one chip • Need to minimize information transmission (security) • Event-driven actuators • Theoretical interest
BACKGROUND Our goals: • Handle nonlinear dynamics Previous work: [Brockett,Delchamps,Elia,Mitter,Nair,Savkin,Tatikonda,Wong,…] • Deterministic & stochastic models • Tools from information theory • Mostly for linear plant dynamics • Unified framework for • quantization • time delays • disturbances
OUR APPROACH • Model these effects via deterministic error signals, • Design a control law ignoring these errors, • “Certainty equivalence”: apply control, • combined with estimation to reduce to zero Technical tools: • Input-to-state stability (ISS) • Lyapunov functions • Small-gain theorems • Hybrid systems (Goal: treat nonlinear systems; handle quantization, delays, etc.) Caveat: This doesn’t work in general, need robustness from controller
QUANTIZATION finite subset of is partitioned into quantization regions QUANTIZER Encoder Decoder
QUANTIZATION and ISS – assume glob. asymp. stable (GAS)
QUANTIZATION and ISS quantization error Assume class
QUANTIZATION and ISS quantization error Assume Solutions that start in enter and remain there This is input-to-state stability (ISS) w.r.t. measurement errors In time domain:
LINEAR SYSTEMS 9 feedback gain & Lyapunov function Quantized control law: (automatically ISS w.r.t. ) Closed-loop:
DYNAMIC QUANTIZATION – zooming variable Hybrid quantized control: is discrete state
DYNAMIC QUANTIZATION – zooming variable Hybrid quantized control: is discrete state
DYNAMIC QUANTIZATION – zooming variable Hybrid quantized control: is discrete state Zoom out to overcome saturation
DYNAMIC QUANTIZATION – zooming variable Hybrid quantized control: is discrete state Proof: ISS from to small-gain condition ISS from to After ultimate bound is achieved, recompute partition for smaller region Can recover global asymptotic stability
QUANTIZATION and DELAY QUANTIZER DELAY Architecture-independent approach Delays possibly large Based on the work of Teel
QUANTIZATION and DELAY where Can write hence
SMALL–GAIN ARGUMENT Assuming ISS w.r.t. actuator errors: In time domain: Small gain: if [Teel ’98] then we recover ISS w.r.t.
FINAL RESULT small gain true Need:
FINAL RESULT Need: small gain true
FINAL RESULT solutions starting in enter and remain there Need: small gain true Can use “zooming” to improve convergence
EXTERNAL DISTURBANCES [Nešić–L] State quantization and completelyunknown disturbance
EXTERNAL DISTURBANCES [Nešić–L] State quantization and completelyunknown disturbance
EXTERNAL DISTURBANCES [Nešić–L] State quantization and completelyunknown disturbance After zoom-in: Issue: disturbance forces the state outside quantizer range Must switch repeatedly between zooming-in and zooming-out Result: for linear plant, can achieve ISS w.r.t. disturbance (ISS gains are nonlinear although plant is linear; cf.[Martins])
NETWORKED CONTROL SYSTEMS [Nešić–L] NCS: Transmit only some variables according to time scheduling protocol Examples: round-robin, TOD (try-once-discard) QCS: Transmit quantized versions of all variables NQCS: Unified framework combining time scheduling and quantization Basic design/analysis steps: • Design controller ignoring network effects • Prove discrete protocol stability via Lyapunov function • Apply small-gain theorem to compute upper bound on • maximal allowed transmission interval (MATI)
ACTIVE PROBING for INFORMATION PLANT QUANTIZER CONTROLLER dynamic (time-varying) dynamic (changes at sampling times) Encoder Decoder very small
NONLINEAR SYSTEMS Example: Zoom out to get initial bound sampling times Between samplings
NONLINEAR SYSTEMS Example: Between samplings Let on a suitable compact region (dependent on ) The norm • grows at most by the factor in one period • is divided by 3 at the sampling time
NONLINEAR SYSTEMS (continued) Pick small enough s.t. If this is ISS w.r.t. as before, then The norm • grows at most by the factor in one period • is divided by 3 at each sampling time
LINEAR SYSTEMS Between sampling times, • grows at most by in one period global quantity: amount of static info provided by quantizer sampling frequency vs. open-loop instability where is Hurwitz 0 • divided by 3 at each sampling time [Baillieul, Brockett-L, Hespanha, Nair-Evans, Petersen-Savkin,Tatikonda]
HYBRID SYSTEMS as FEEDBACK CONNECTIONS continuous discrete • Other decompositions possible • Can also have external signals [Nešić–L, ’05, ’06]
SMALL–GAIN THEOREM • Input-to-state stability (ISS) from to : • ISS from to : (small-gain condition) Small-gain theorem [Jiang-Teel-Praly ’94] gives GAS if:
SUFFICIENT CONDITIONS for ISS • ISS from to if ISS-Lyapunov function [Sontag ’89]: • ISS from to if: and # of discrete events on is [Hespanha-L-Teel ’08]
LYAPUNOV– BASED SMALL–GAIN THEOREM and # of discrete events on is Hybrid system is GAS if:
SKETCH of PROOF is nonstrictly decreasing along trajectories Trajectories along which is constant? None! GAS follows by LaSalle principle for hybrid systems [Lygeros et al. ’03, Sanfelice-Goebel-Teel ’07]
APPLICATION to DYNAMIC QUANTIZATION quantization error ISS from to with some linear gain Zoom in: where ISS from to with gain small-gain condition!
RESEARCH DIRECTIONS http://decision.csl.uiuc.edu/~liberzon • Quantized output feedback • Performance-based design • Disturbances and coarse quantizers (with Y. Sharon) • Modeling uncertainty (with L. Vu) • Avoiding state estimation (with S. LaValle and J. Yu) • Vision-based control (with Y. Ma and Y. Sharon)