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Waterloo Information Systems Limited

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Waterloo Information Systems Limited

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  1. Waterloo Information Systems Limited presents LTL TL Rates Tutorial Left Click to Continue There are a wide variety of methods used by carriers to provide rate quotes. This facility, developed to create and maintain an electronic record of rate quotes, has an emphasis on flexibility. Most rate quotes can be handled as described in the following demonstration. Other quote types with special characteristics are handled by additional menu actions, which address Piece quotes, Table Quotes, Discount quotes, Mileage quotes, Cube quotes and Hourly quotes respectively. This demonstration focuses on adding a referenced point and the rates associated with it to new rate quote.

  2. LTL TL Rates Tutorial A new quotation is offered by Midland Transport. Left Click to Continue

  3. LTL TL Rates Tutorial Menu action 7 is chosen to initiate the rate quotations maintenance facility. Left Click to Continue

  4. LTL TL Rates Tutorial The rate quotation is a typical LTL quote with rates by weight category so the MRQ menu action is chosen. Left Click to Continue

  5. LTL TL Rates Tutorial This screen prompts the identity information for the new rate quote. It also displays any other existing quotes from the specified carrier. Left Click to Continue

  6. LTL TL Rates Tutorial A “Y” response to this prompt initiates the adding of a new electronic quotation record. Left Click to Continue

  7. LTL TL Rates Tutorial The miscellaneous Information screen is immediately presented to collect key biographic information about the quotation. Note that some fields are already filled in as “defaults”. Left Click to Continue

  8. LTL TL Rates Tutorial For this quote we specify Montreal QC as the point of reference, we change the direction from “F” to “B” for “between” the maximum weight is set at “49999”, the service level is specified as “1”, the maximum density is entered as “10” and we change the contact information. Left Click to Continue

  9. LTL TL Rates Tutorial Next we select menu action 4 to specify the points to be rated relative to Montreal I.e. the referenced points. Left Click to Continue

  10. LTL TL Rates Tutorial A effective method for entering points is to key in the first three characters of the city name , a space and the province code. This produces a list of all possible points and the desired city may be chosen by entering the corresponding item number. Left Click to Continue

  11. LTL TL Rates Tutorial Upon completion of the points list the rate structure must be specified. Left Click to Continue

  12. LTL TL Rates Tutorial There are no flat charges in this quote but menu action 2 is selected to specify the rate structure. Left Click to Continue

  13. LTL TL Rates Tutorial The desired structure is not in the saved list of rate structures so the 3rd structure in the list is selected. It will be modified to correspond to the structure provided by the carrier. Left Click to Continue

  14. LTL TL Rates Tutorial Two categories are added, L5C and 20M. The max weight of category 6 was also changed to 19999 from 99999. Left Click to Continue

  15. LTL TL Rates Tutorial The structure is then saved to be available for entering future quotes with the same rate structure. Left Click to Continue

  16. LTL TL Rates Tutorial Menu item 6 is selected to initiate entry of the rate data. Left Click to Continue

  17. LTL TL Rates Tutorial Each of the pairs of points specified earlier are presented in the order of entry. On the first screen the weight break structure is specified as being standard and the minimum charge is also entered. Left Click to Continue

  18. LTL TL Rates Tutorial Each rate is prompted according to the specified structure.. Left Click to Continue

  19. LTL TL Rates Tutorial The next pair of points is automatically presented for entry and the process is repeated until rates for all points have been entered.. Left Click to Continue

  20. LTL TL Rates Tutorial Analysis of this quote indicates that for several points the rates are identical to those that have been entered above. The “replicate” function has been developed to provide for replicating the rates from a point already entered to another specified point. In this example we have marked those that may be replicated with the line number of the rates for the point already entered. Left Click to Continue

  21. LTL TL Rates Tutorial To replicate rates to a line the segment maintenance code of “r” is entered followed by the line number. Left Click to Continue

  22. LTL TL Rates Tutorial The segment line number of the line of rates to be copied is then prompted. In the example line number 14 is being replicated from line number 8. Left Click to Continue

  23. LTL TL Rates Tutorial The line of rates is displayed for confirmation. Clearly the replication facility can reduce data entry time and reduce the possibility of entry errors. Left Click to Continue

  24. LTL TL Rates Tutorial Menu action 8 provides for specifying accessorial charges for this quotation. Left Click to Continue

  25. LTL TL Rates Tutorial No accessorial charges are entered specifically for this quote.. Left Click to Continue

  26. LTL TL Rates Tutorial Accessorial charges may be maintained on the carrier record(as shown here)and will be automatically added to any quote from that carrier. Left Click to Continue

  27. LTL TL Rates Tutorial As all data has now been entered for the quote we may select menu action 11 to print a copy of the rate quote for verification and reference. Left Click to Continue

  28. LTL TL Rates Tutorial The quote report is printed in a format very similar to that which most carriers provide which facilitates rate verification. Left Click to Continue

  29. The End • For Further Information, contact  • Waterloo Information Systems Limited • 33 Dupont Street East • Waterloo Ontario • N2J 2G8 • (519) 884-2604 To Restart the Demo, type “1” <Enter>, or Double-click and Hold for 2 Seconds Left Click to Exit

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