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Overview of CEA R&D Programme For Future Nuclear Systems G. Cognet. Considerations on future systems & closed fuel cycle. Future systems should materialize the vision of nuclear energy best suited to contribute, with other energy sources, to secure a sustainable energy development in Europe
Overview of CEA R&D Programme For Future Nuclear Systems G. Cognet Visit to Romania
Considerations on future systems & closed fuel cycle Future systems should materialize the vision of nuclear energy best suited to contribute, with other energy sources, to secure a sustainable energy development in Europe Sustainability means here: • best use (saving) of natural uranium resources • minimization of long-lived waste production • minimization of radioactive release • guarantee of safety • resistance to proliferation Visit to Romania
Evolution of the Spent Fuel Radiotoxic Content Spent UOX fuel: direct disposal of the irradiated fuel Standard vitrified waste: glasses with MA and FP from the UOX spent fuel processing (as produced today at La Hague facility) Vitrified waste without MA: standard vitrified waste (see upper) but without any M.A. (only FP from the UOX spent fuel processing) One Pu recycling: All TRU after single Pu recycling in PWR Multiple Pu recycling in PWR: M.A. and F.P. from the UOX and MOX spent fuel processing in case of a scenario with multiple Pu recycling in PWR Multiple Pu recycling in FR: M.A. and F.P. from the FR spent fuel processing in case of a scenario with multiple Pu recycling in FR Global recycling (Pu+M.A.) in Gen IV FR: F.P. from the FR spent fuel processing in case of a scenario with multiple Pu and M.A. recycling in FR Visit to Romania
R&D on Nuclear Waste Management Partitioning and Transmutation Partitioning technological demonstration Transmutation & evaluation report in 2005 • Atalante laboratory shielded process line CBP • 15 kg of spent fuel • Np separated • Phenix FBR • Dedicated irradiation experiments are in progress until 2009 P&T offer the opportunity to reduce considerably the long-lived inventory in radioactive waste Visit to Romania
Chemistry Natural Uranium Enrichment Mines Enriched Uranium Fuel Fabric. Uranium recyclable Recycling : MOX Fuel fabrication Ultimate Waste Disposal Plutonium Spent Fuel Reprocessing Reactors & Services Front-End Sector Reactors & Services Sector Back-End Sector Spent Fuel Management : Closing the fuel cycle A 2 to 6% cost increase in the kWh price of reprocessing and recycling against the once-through option (based on real costs and on a long lasting industrial experience in France) … to be balanced with clear benefits of recycling : • reduction of the volume of final waste • more effective use of natural resources (up to 25% reduction of natural uranium consumption) • better route to more advanced and efficient nuclear systems (advanced partitioning, transmutation, breeding…) Closed cycle: A more sustainable policy satisfying the present needs without impairing the capacities of the next generations Visit to Romania
What nuclear reactors for future ? If the world nuclear park is based on “current” technology with an installed capacity which will remain stable until 2020 and then could grow linearly until 2050, the uranium resources consumed and earmarked in 2050 would be : The resources of U (15 million tons) will have been earmarked once the installed capacity reaches 1300 GWe • Breeding, or at least iso-generation, reactors will therefore be needed before this time. Technological breakthroughs are needed Visit to Romania
Closed Fuel Cycle Closed Fuel Cycle Lead Fast Reactor Gas Fast Reactor Molten Salt Reactor Supercritical Water Reactor Once/Closed Closed Fuel Cycle Sodium Fast reactor Very High Temperature Reactor GEN-IV Initiative: 6 Innovative concepts with technological breakthroughs Closed Fuel Cycle Once Through Visit to Romania
Most Promising Future Systems for CEA Sodium technology is the reference technology : • Innovations are needed • Possibility to build a prototype (300/600 MWe) by 2020 An alternative technology is needed : • Viability and performances to be assessed in 2010, to decide for an experimental reactor (50/100 MWth) VHTR technology development in link with process heat needs (synthetic oil, hydrogen…) Visit to Romania
R&D Strategy of France for Future Nuclear Energy Systems 1 – Development of Fast Reactors with closed fuel cycles, along 2 tracks: • Sodium Fast Reactor (SFR) • Gas Fast Reactor (GFR) • New processes for spent fuel treatment and recycling • Industrial deployment around 2040 2 –Hydrogen production and high temperature process heat supply to the industry • Very / High Temperature Reactor (V/HTR) • High Temperature Electrolysis and Water splitting processes 3 – Innovations for LWRs (Fuel, Systems…) Approved by the French Government in March 2005 Visit to Romania
A Prototype Reactor in 2020 President Chirac statement (Jan 06) : « A number of countries are working on future generation reactors, to become operational in 2030-2040, which will produce less waste and will make a better use of fissile materials. I have decided to launch, starting today, the design work by CEA of a prototype of the 4th generation reactor, which will be commissioned in 2020. We will naturally welcome industrial or international partners who would like to get involved. » Visit to Romania
60’s 70’s 80’s 90’s France has a large experience in SFRs Visit to Romania
R&D on Sodium Cooled Reactors • Goals : investment cost, safety, operating conditions • System simplification : architecture, conversion system - CO2sc, direct cycle or combined (nitrogen-helium) • In-service inspection and repair, • Advanced materials for structures and fuel, • Core safety and notably issues associated with criticality control (void-effect, re-criticality) • - Definition of 2 concepts for a sodium cooled reactor : • - to illustrate proposed innovations within a global design, • - to evaluate resulting economics and associated risks, • - to best target the most promising R&D paths, Visit to Romania
Innovative SFR Sketches Simple bouchon tournant Large pool type 1500 MWe optimized size Échangeur intermédiaire à faible dimension radiale Échangeur puissance résiduelle dégazeur PEM Modular concept with gas conversion system Échangeur Circuit primaire à boucle Visit to Romania
R&D on GFR Second FNR path with inert and transparent coolant • Technological Challenges : • nuclear fuel • residual power management • materials • High power GFR feasibility • Experimental Reactor design studies • global design, consistent with GFR • safety assessment report (SAR) Visit to Romania
ETDR and 2400 MWth GFR Sketches Experimental Reactor 50 MWth GFR 2400 MWth Visit to Romania
Ude Ude Ude R T FP R T FP R T FP MA MA U Pu U Pu MA U Pu Nuclear Fuel Cycle Goals • Natural resources conservation • Waste minimisation • Proliferation resistance • All paths should be kept available, they could be used in a sequence. U & Pu recycling Heterogeneous recycling Homogeneous recycling (GenIV) Visit to Romania
Europe « … the need to keep nuclear power at the heart of Europe’s energy mix » European Parliament resolution, November 2001 GIF A European strategy for nuclear energy ? Some recent events could stimulate a change in the perception of the role of nuclear energy in Europe : • The Green Paper • The effective participation of EURATOM in the GEN-IV International Forum since September 2003 • The “International Partnership for the Hydrogen Economy” signed in Washington in November 2003 • The European awareness of energy dependency (oil or gas) Visit to Romania
What stakes in the involvement of Europe in future nuclear energy systems ? • Be ready for the Gen II/III reactors fleet renewal stage by 2040 • in 2015-2020 be able to choose a fast neutron system technology with an optimized management of actinides • Join the international effort to meet future hydrogen needs • in 2015-20 be able to choose a nuclear production process • Preserve our role of European leader on the international scene • Enhance past European experience into innovative technologies (sodium fast reactors, fuel cycle processes…) • Develop new technologies to preserve our leadership Share the same view and a common strategy Visit to Romania
European European Generation IV th th 5 Framework Programme 6 Framework Programme International Forum · Michelangelo Network · · · Very High Temperature RAPHAEL (ex V/HTR-IP) HTR – Technology Reactor (Integrated project) (VHTR) Network · · · Gas Fast Reactor (GFR) Gas Cooled Fast GCFR: Gas Cooled Fast Reactor (GCFR) Reactor (Strep) · · Supercritical Water High Performance LWR · HPLWR-II (Strep) Reactor (HPLWR) (SCWR) · · Molten Salt Reactor · Molten Salt Technology Molten Salt Reactor (SSA under preparation) review (MOST) (MSR) Sodium Fast Reactor (SSA under preparation) · Sodium Fast Reactor · (SFR) · Lead Fast reactor (LFR) · VELLA (I3 for lead technologies) A European R & D parallel to Gen-IV Possibilities of direct contributions of Euratom countries to Forum Generation IV, but needs of a coordination Visit to Romania
LWR (current & Gen-3) Competitiveness and Safety Optimization VHTR Process Heat, Electricity & H2 Materials & Fuel Development Reactor Design & Safety Training and R&D Infrastructures Fuel Cycle and Waste Processes System Integration (Economy, non proliferation …) Fast Neutron Systems & Closed Fuel Cycle Critical Reactors ADS Geological Disposal Technologies, design, safety assessment Sustainable Nuclear Fission Technology Platform (SNF-TP) Launching in 2007 Visit to Romania
GoP The Strategic Planning Route Vision 2020 Report of the Group of Personalities CA:SNF-TP SRA The Implementation Route The Strategic Research Agenda - Revision every 2 years - Stakeholders Research Programs Public (EU, National, Euro-control, etc.) and Private (Industry) Research Projects 2004 2006 2007 Establishing SNF-TP: Typical Road Map SNF-TP starting Visit to Romania
Structural materials for nuclear fission and fusion Research and technology development in material science is a key stake for a sustainable development of fission and fusion nuclear energy : • SFR (Sodium Fast Reactor) economical competitiveness has a direct link with the fuel cladding material and the circuits material; • Viability and performance of GFR (Gas Fast Reactor) is relying on the development of a refractory fuel. • Viability and performances of a fusion reactor have a direct link with blanket and divertor materials A common issue : high temperature & high fast neutron flux Visit to Romania
Reactor pool Access to storage pools & hot cells JHR MTR project 20 simultaneous experiments coupled with 4 cells, bunkers, fission product on line laboratory, … JHR,a 100MW testing reactor In core: High fast neutron flux (up to 1015 n/cm²/s>0,1 MeV) Material ageing (up to 16 dpa/y) Gen IV fuels (GFR) In reflector: High thermal neutron flux (up to 5.5 1014 n/cm²/s) Fuel studies (up to 600 W/cm with a 1% 235U PWR rod) Displacement systems To adjust the fissile power JHR characteristics 51,12m x 46,75m + Φ36,6 m Advanced metallic alloys and Ceramic Matrix Composites raise challenging breakthroughs in material science that require a high performance experimental irradiation infrastructure, Jules Horowitz Reactor (JHR). Visit to Romania