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APOLLO. APOLLO. Roman name, Apollo, too.Apollo is son of Zeus and Leto, twin brother of Artemis the huntress and father of Asclepius, the healer god.
APOLLO Roman name, Apollo, too.Apollo is son of Zeus and Leto, twin brother of Artemis the huntress and father of Asclepius, the healer god.
His ephitet is Phoebeus(shining one). He is also identified among Greeks with Helios, god of sun. One of his daily tasks is to ride the sun chariot from east to west.
BIRTH Zeus falls in love a nymph, Leto, daughter of Phoebe and Leto is pregnant by Zeus. But Hera doesn’t give permission to any mainland or island to give birth to Leto and captures Ilıthya, goddess of birth. So Zeus creates a new floating island called Delos and hides this island into the ocean. With the help of other gods and godesses he rescues Ilıthya and enables the birth. Firstly Artmemis is born and then she helps the birth of Apollo.
APOLLO IS : • God of prophecy and truth • God of poetry • God of healing and medicine • God of sun and light • God of archery • God of music,dance and arts • God of truth; he never lies • Leader of the Muses
HIS ATTRIBUTES ARE: • Kithara, an advanced kind of lyre • Bow and arrow • Sword • Plectrum • Sacrificial tripod that represents his skill at prophecy • Animals sacred to Apollo are wolves, dolphins, roe deer , swans, cicadas (symbolizing music and song), hawks, ravens, crows, snakes (referencing Apollo's function as the god of prophecy), mice and griffins, mythical eagle-lion hybrids of Eastern origin.
STORIES: • APOLLO AND MARSYAS: Marsyas is a satyr who challenges Apollo to a contest of music. He finds an aulos on the ground, tossed away after being invented by Athena because it makes her cheeks puffy. Apollo playes his instrument (the lyre) upside down. Marsyas can not do this with his instrument (the flute), and so Apollo hangs him from a tree and flays him alive.
STORIES: • APOLLO AND PAN:Once Pan has the audacity to compare his music with that of Apollo, and to challenge Apollo, the god of the kithara, to a trial of skill. Tmolus, the mountain-god, is chosen to umpire. Pan blows on his pipes, and with his rustic melody gives great satisfaction to himself and his faithful follower, Midas, who happens to be present. Then Apollo stricks the strings of his lyre. Tmolus at once awards the victory to Apollo, and all but Midas agrees with the judgment. He dissents, and questions the justice of the award. Apollo would not suffer such a depraved pair of ears any longer, and caused them to become the ears of a donkey.
STORIES: • TROYAN WAR:Apollo shoots arrows infected with the plague into the Greek encampment during the Trojan War in retribution for Agamemnon's insult to Chryses, a priest of Apollo whose daughter Chryseis has been captured. He demands her return, and the Achaeans complies, indirectly causing the anger of Achilles, which is the theme of the Iliad.When Diomedesinjures Aeneas (Iliad), Apollo rescues him. First, Aphrodite tries to rescue Aeneas but Diomedes injures her as well. Aeneas is then enveloped in a cloud by Apollo, who takes him to Pergamos, a sacred spot in Troy.Apollo aids Paris in the killing of Achilles by guiding the arrow of his bow into Achilles' heel.
STORIES: APOLLO AND PHYTON:Apollo's first achievement is to rid Python (Delphi) of the serpent (or dragon) Python. This monstrous beast protects the sanctuary of Pytho from its lair beside the Castalian Spring. There it stands guard while the "Sibyl" gives out her prophecies as she inhales the trance inducing vapors from an open chasm. Apollo kills Python with his bow and arrows. Apollo not only takes charge of the oracle but rids the neighboring countryside of widespread destruction, as Python has destroyed crops, sacks villages and pollutes streams and springs. However, to make amends for killing Python, as the fearsome beast is the son of Gaia, Apollo has to serve king Admetus for nine years as a cowherd. After killing Python and taking possession of the oracle, the god of light (Phobus) becomes known as "Pythian Apollo". Delphi becomes the most important oracle center of Apollo.
LOVERS: • Daphne • Coronis • Leucothea • Marpessa • Castalia • Cyrene • Hecuba • Cassandra • Acantha • Hyacinth(male) • Cyparissus(male)
ASCLEPIUS Roman name; Aesculapius. Asclepius is son of Apollo and Coronis, a mortal and daughter of Phlegyas,king of Thesally.
BIRTH The mother of Asclepius, Coronis, is a mortal, the daughter of Phlegyas, a king of Thessaly. Coronis is unfaithful to Apollo, and Artemis, Apollo's twin sister, kills her for her unfaithfulness. Coronis is placed upon a funeral pyre. (One version says that Apollo cast her into the fires of his own anger.) As her body starts to burn, Apollo feels sorrow for his unborn son and snatches the child Asclepius from his mother's corpse, saving him from death. Apollo then hands Asclepius to the Centaur Chiron who becomes his tutor and mentor.
The extraction of Asclepius from the abdomen of his mother Coronis by his father Apollo.
Chiron teaches Asclepius the art of healing. According to Pindar (Pythian Odes), Asclepius also acquires the knowledge of surgery, the use of drugs, love potions and incantations, and according to Apollodorus (the Library), Athena gives Asclepius a magic potion made from the blood of the Gorgon. Legend tells that the blood of the Gorgon has a different effect depending from which side the blood is taken. If taken from the right side of theGorgon, it has a miraculous Effect and is said to be able to bring the dead back to life, but taken from the left side it is a deadly poison. CHIRON AND ASCLEPIUS ASCLEPIUS
ASCLEPIUS With these gifts Asclepius exceeds the fringes of human knowledge. However, he offends the great god Zeus by accepting money in exchange for raising the dead. (In one version it is the goddess Artemis who implores Asclepius to resurrect Hippolytus, a favourite of hers.) In the eyes of Zeus, Asclepius' action upsets the natural order of the universe - a mere mortal helping man evade death. With one swift action, the great Zeus sends down a thunderbolt killing both men. (In some versions Zeus only kills Asclepius.)
ASCLEPIUS In retaliation for Asclepius' murder at the hands of Zeus, Apollo kills the Cyclopes, who fashions Zeus' thunderbolts. According to Euripides' play Alkestis, Apollo is then forced into the servitude of Admetus for one year. Zeus, saddens at the loss of the original three Cyclops, decides to return them from Hades. Apollo also pursuades him to bring Asclepius back. Zeus consents after much begging and makes Asclepius and his daughters deities of medicine and brought then to Olympus.After he realizes Asclepius' importance to the world of men, Zeus places him in the sky as the constellation Ophiuchus.
ASCLEPIUS IS: • One of the minor gods of Olympia • God of healing • God of medicine and its arts
ASCLEPIUS • Asclepius marries to Epione • with whom he has six daughters: Hygieia, Panacea, Aceso, Iaso, Meditrina (the serpent-bearer), and Aglaea • and three sons: Machaon, Telesphoros, and Podalirius. • He also bore a son, Aratus, with Aristodama.
Attributes are: • The rod of Asclepius • The cock.