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Professional School Counselor’s Role in Plan 2020, the “new” Diploma, and Career Preparedness

Professional School Counselor’s Role in Plan 2020, the “new” Diploma, and Career Preparedness. C eceilia M ills M eg S mith Alabama Department of Education. 2020 Support Systems. All students will attend school daily and be engaged in rigorous and relevant learning environments.

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Professional School Counselor’s Role in Plan 2020, the “new” Diploma, and Career Preparedness

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  1. Professional School Counselor’s Rolein Plan 2020, the “new” Diploma, and Career Preparedness Ceceilia Mills Meg Smith Alabama Department of Education

  2. 2020 Support Systems • All students will attend school daily and be engaged in rigorous and relevant learning environments. • All students will develop a sense of personal and civic responsibility to ensure a learning environment that is safe and civil. • All students will be provided with individual and group counseling services. • All students will enter 9th grade prepared and with a 4-year plan that addresses their individual academic and career interest needs. • All students will be provided with healthy meals, physical education, and health instruction supported with needed medical and related services.

  3. Counseling Plans • Each school and system should have a Comprehensive Counseling and Guidance Plan that is modeled after the Alabama State Counseling Plan. • The State Plan is aligned with the Alabama State Board of Education PLAN 2020 and the national ASCA model. • A description of the minimum requirements for School Counseling programs can be found on pgs. 21-23 in the State Plan Handbook.

  4. ASCA & Alabama Model Benefits Students will experience the following: • Clarification of work values • Assessment of abilities, personality traits and interests • Occupational/ career information • Job hunting skills • Goal setting and decision making skills for appropriate career paths • Opportunity for integration of academic and career skills

  5. HANDBOOK, Pgs. 15-20

  6. Roles HANDBOOK, Pg. 35

  7. High School Counselors The high school counseling and guidance program builds on goals from the elementary and middle school. The high school program assists students in applying and enhancing acquired knowledge and understanding as they strive to become responsible adults. Counseling and guidance activities help students develop realistic and fulfilling life plans. Competency in decision making is stressed, career planning is refined, and personal responsibility is emphasized. The high school four-year educational plan and the educational/career planning portfolio, developed in the middle school, move with the student to the high school and are reviewed and updated annually.

  8. Middle School Counselors During the middle school grades, counselors’ concerns shift to the changing needs of the young adolescent. Middle school counselors focus on helping students to establish, identify, and balance academic, career, and personal/social goals. Efforts begun in elementary schools are continued and expanded, although an emphasis is placed on the transition into high school. In addition, middle school counselors help students integrate knowledge of their interests, aptitude, and academic skills into the formation of a high school four-year educational plan and educational/career planning portfolio for high school and beyond.

  9. Elementary Counselors’ Role At the elementary level, counselors assist students in their efforts to learn the skills and attitudes required for school success. Elementary school counselors emphasize decision-making skills and early exploration of career and educational goals. These counselors also place strong emphasis on helping students develop self-awareness, self-esteem, and good interpersonal relationships

  10. Alabama’s 2020 Learners • All students perform at or above proficiency and show continuous improvement (achievement/growth). • All students succeed (gap closure). • Every student graduates from high school (grad rate). • Every student graduates high school prepared (college and career readiness).

  11. Counselors and Careers Counselors have • a clearly defined role in Career Awareness, Development, and Planning. • a part in helping students discover careers. • a part in helping students discover career interests, aptitudes, and Work Values.

  12. A Prepared Graduate: • Possesses the knowledge and skills needed to enroll and succeed in credit-bearing, first-year courses at a two- or four-year college, trade school, technical school, without the need for remediation. • Possesses the ability to apply core academic skills to real-world situations through collaboration with peers in problem solving, precision, and punctuality in delivery of a product, and has a desire to be a life-long learner.

  13. Purpose • Diploma • Allows the same requirements and diploma for all students from the state level, including Special Education • LEAs have the option of offering various endorsements/diplomas Focus • Student’s coursework • Clearly articulated and individualized four-year high school plan

  14. Options • Allow more flexibility for students in pursuing their interests. • Enable more balance through equivalent course offerings, preparing students for entry into college as well as careers.

  15. ALABAMA HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA This one approach to the Alabama High School Diploma removes the need for endorsements or the Alabama Occupational Diploma. The focus will be on the coursework taken that necessitates a clearly articulated and individualized four-year high school plan built for each student based on the results from the EXPLORE academic and career interest assessment and middle school coursework.

  16. 4-Year Education Plans • Eachstudent grades 9-12 must have a 4-year plan to guide and ensure credits for graduation. • Prior to 9th grade, a 4-year plan should be developed using Kuder electronically unless your system is currently using a different program with permission from SDE. (You may want to print out a copy for the student’s permanent record folder.) • This plan should be revisited each year with a parent/guardian. They can be reviewed by the student’s Advisor, Homeroom Teacher, Counselor, or other designated school personnel.

  17. New Educational Plan Format • Is electronic. • Is available 24/7 to student, parents, and school personnel. • Requires “approval” to be complete. • Reflects the courses that a student will have access to through their high school, Access, Dual Enrollment, a CTE Center, and Articulation. • Reflects the student’s postsecondary options

  18. Counselors and Careers Counselors have • a clearly defined role in Career Awareness, Development, and Planning. • a part in helping students discover careers. • a part in helping students discover career interests, aptitudes, and Work Values.

  19. Career Coaches: Qualifications • Bachelor’s degree in education, marketing, communication or related field required • Experience working in industry preferred • Pleasing personality; enthusiastic. Positive attitude, evidence of trustworthiness; knowledge in business and industry; effective human relations skills • Required: ability to pass background check

  20. Career Coaches: Duties • Represent the Career Coach Program in local high school and conduct public relations efforts to promote the CTE programs • Provide career development guidance for high school student with emphasis on technical programs • Plan and implement student recruitment activities for technical programs • Assist prospective students with career exploration activities and career assessments • Assist prospective students with admissions and financial aid and resignation procedures of college • Provide guidance to students regarding career choices • Conduct high school classroom presentation promoting college and career programs and activities • Provide prospective student with information regarding the current job market trends in career choices • Schedule and attend college campus tours and industry tours with high school students • Coordinate job shadowing opportunities for students • Maintain ongoing database of students and classrooms that services are offered • Comply with all policies of the LEA and the State Department of Education

  21. The School’s Role in Academic & Career Planning • Involve students in decision-making by providing individualized guidance, information, and resources on career pathways and opportunities for participating in workplace-learning. • Build student capacity and provide opportunities for students to exercise leadership and civic engagement through Career Technical student organizations and student community service organization. • Create business and industry partnerships and connect to the economic development activities of your community. • Work collaboratively on curriculum across disciplines • that is related to the work world.

  22. Career Preparedness • Components • Academic Planning and Career Development (7) • Financial Literacy Knowledge (9) • Technology Skill Applications (7)

  23. Website

  24. Alabama Career Information Network • Professional Development information • Career Planning • Financial Aid • College and University Information • Sample 4-year Plans for Alabama students • SUCCESS guides for download • On The Job videos • Alabama Career Planning Network – • Kuder Navigator System (Grades 6 – 12) • Electronic portfolio • Electronic 4-year Educational Plan • Lesson Plans • Cluster Brochures and Posters

  25. If there is a Problem with : • Registration of a student in Kuder • school access codes • not knowing what do to next • getting summary reports • getting individual student reports Contact Kuder Tech Support at: 877-999-6227 Or support@kuder.com

  26. LEA Compliance Review (Monitoring)

  27. HANDBOOK, Pg. 67

  28. Positive Behavior Support • The goal of PBS is to facilitate the academic achievement and healthy social development of children and youth in a safe environment that is conducive to learning. • PBS uses proven, effective management methods for students, for those at risk of behavior problems, and for the students in school who are already disruptive and undisciplined. • This integrated approach has been shown to be effective in research and provides best practices of highly effective teachers and administrators. SDE Contact: Greg DeJarnett 334-353-4448 gregd@alsde.edu

  29. Character Education •  A Toolbox of Alabama Counselor ideas is being compiled for SharePoint. • The requirement is for every Alabama student K-12 to receive instruction for a minimum of 50 minutes weekly. • There is no “adopted” or required curriculum. 25 Character Traits courage patriotism citizenship fairness respect honesty kindness cooperation self-respect self-control courtesy compassion tolerance diligence generosity cleanliness cheerfulness punctuality school pride patience creativity loyalty sportsmanship perseverance respect for the environment

  30. Peer Helper Program Benefits • Belongingness to school & community • Enhance personal life skills (listening, supporting, empathizing, encouraging, etc.) • Develop confidence & responsible behaviors • Setting good role models effectively • Peers can have more credibility than adults many times • Connection for at-risk student to share inner fears, depression, suicidal thoughts, etc. • Helping friends to connect with resources • Making a positive impact • Learn about & develop dating & relationship respect • Advocating for positive emotional health and mature behavior Dr. Cindy Erickson NAPPP, CPPE Certified Trainer/Consultant 251-209-1062 drcerickson@gmail.com Julie Champion NAPPP, CPPE Certified Trainer/Consultant 251-943-1535 jkchamp2@gellsouth.net Dr. Rachael McDaniel NAPPP, CPPE Certified Trainer/Consultant 251-233-7112 rmcdaniel@bcbe.org

  31. Advisor-Advisee Program For Student Success • Link students with an adult (Usually the homeroom teacher) • Connect students to a goal • Connect students and parents to the school • Create mechanism for parents to become involved • Establish a niche for students • To stay on track with 4-year plans • Efficient staff utilization for annual 4-year plan reviews.

  32. Guidance vs. Counseling Counseling The help some students receive from credentialed professionals to overcome personal and social problems that interfere with learning. • (School Counselor) Guidance The help all students receive from parents, teachers, counselors, community members and others to assist with educational and career development. • (Any faculty member)

  33. Anti-Bullying Policy • Each policy should outline a clear understanding & definition of bullying, as well as it’s consequences • Make a strong statement that bullying will not be tolerated • Define a procedure for addressing bullying, including reporting process, form, and response/action • Provide information to students and parents about bullying and cyberbullying. • Students should be exposed to: -bullying and cyberbullying prevention strategies at school, assemblies with speakers, -curriculum and activities to discuss empathy towards one another, -acceptable and unacceptable behavior -appropriate/inappropriate use of computers and communication devices. • Counselors should be involved in the response procedure Sample form and plan: http://www.alsde.edu/html/sections/ documents.asp?section=70&footer=sections

  34. Harassment Law No student shall engage in or be subjected to harassment, intimidation, violence or threats of violence on school property, on a school bus, or at any school-sponsored function by any other student in his or her school system. (Section 16-28B-4)

  35. Student Exit Interview LAST CHANCE to re-direct a drop out! Based on Dropout Prevention Law 564 (Mandatory attendance until age 17) Access the document & guidebook: http://www.alsde.edu/html/sections/ documents.asp?section=70&footer=sections

  36. GTS (Graduation Tracking System) • Free to every LEA through STI Partnership • Based on the ABCs of Dropout • Prevention, Robert Balfantz: • Attendance • Behavior • Course Credit or Grade Attainment • *** • Only Early-warning System for PK-12 in USA • School principals have access to GTS site and can give access to others. Request LEA access to STI I-NOW through LEA Coordinators Access the GTS Implementation Guide: http://www.alsde.edu/html/sections/ documents.asp?section=70&footer=sections SDE Contact: Kay Warfield 334-353-9175 kaw@alsde.edu

  37. Emails & Ed Dir • P&SS “Request” ListServ • Global Email addresses - EdDir • TO CHECK YOUR INFORMATION: • Log in to Education Directory • Go to your profile • Ensure that all your information is correct • If your email address is incorrect, contact your superintendent to change/correct it for you. • *ONLY superintendents have a passcode • to make changes in EdDir.

  38. Counseling SharePoint • The SharePoint counselor networking website is specifically for communicating and working together • Stores a library of taped counselor webinars • Stores a library of counseling documents • Can facilitate electronic teamwork on projects, sharing information, and building on each other's ideas & resources • SharePoint can create discussion boards and surveys • The link for SharePoint: • https://connect.alsde.edu/sites/ps/counselors/SitePages/Home.aspx

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