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Professional Growth Plan. Comments From Learning Dept Staff Lori is one of the best superiors I've ever worked with. She is approachable and friendly but yet very professional.
Comments From Learning Dept Staff Lori is one of the best superiors I've ever worked with. She is approachable and friendly but yet very professional. Lori, since you've given us the opportunity to provide feedback to you and we don't often get the chance I would like to tell you what I appreciate about your leadership. You lead by example, there is no question as to your commitment to students and their learning. You don't micro-manage, you trust that you have chosen the best person for the job and let them do it. You aren't afraid to be vulnerable in front of us, if you don't know something you say so. You're a straight shooter-love that! If you have an issue to deal with you do so. I always know where I stand. I appreciate the multitude of issues you have to address in a given day, week or month and if sometimes your not your usual self I can only assume that you've had a number of demands placed on you. You never let on the struggles that your job places on you and I can only assume that you take the brunt of many issues for us. Over twenty some years of teaching-best boss ever! I aspire to become a leader like you one day! Lori has very high expectations for ALL that work in the Learning Department but most importantly she holds herself to those same high expectations and I have witnessed time after time staff raising to those expectations to follow in our leaders footsteps.Lori, you are great to work with!Thank you for the initiative and action you take. Your leadership is greatly valued.I believe you are one of the most hard working, professional staff we have. It is a pleasure to work with you.
We are very fortunate to have such a strong and capable leader! You have a VERY challenging position but are always able to maintain professionalism and approach issues in stride. We have come a long ways as a school divison and continue to break trail towards bigger and better things. I believe the best is yet to come and it is very exciting and inspiring to be part of the journey. Thanks for your leadership and keep up the fabulous work:). You probably don't hear that often enough but it doesn't go unnoticed!! Super solid Lori, and you have grown so quickly into such a big role. Very impressive. I like that you embrace conflict and it is safe to have critical conversations. I like that you have the Mojo to take on the big issues and the pink elephants and not let anything hold you back from what you believe in. The only way that the necessary changes will happen is with your type of leadership. The fact you are willing to do this shows the strength in your leadership, and you are willing to walk the walk with evaluation. We are lucky to have you!!! You are an excellent leader Lori. You're doing a great job Lori! You are a positive and strong leader.
Comments from Administrators • Whether you know it or not, you have created a climate of fear around you. Although you ask for feedback, people are afraid to give you feedback because it might come back on them. The worst thing about this is that it has created 'yes men' which cannot allow our organization to improve because everyone is afraid to challenge the ideas or open up debate. I believe you are trying to change this, but we are not there yet. • Lori has knowledge about many things but I think her delivery of that knowledge to us comes across as condescending. I don't feel this is intentional but I feel like I'm being talked down to. There is a lot of micromanaging. I do feel she has the best interests of students in mind. • You demonstrate enthusiasm, dedication and persistence for your work. You listen to the complaints/concerns of others and work toward solutions but you never lose focus on student-centered learning. • Appreciate all you do Lori. This last couple of years have likely been a huge learning curve for you. It's clear from all you say and do that you work exceptionally hard in your job, seek and then listen to input and do your best to serve those around. Thank you. • You do a great job as a superintendent. I genuinely appreciate your perspective and input anytime I've had a chance to speak with you. You also work tirelessly to move the division forward in important ways to improve all students learning. The only critical comment I would offer you is to watch the use of sarcasm with large crowds as sometimes it isn't received in the manner intended. • #14 sort of unfair as not sup'n of our area #13 as a whole, I feel administrators are not consulted enough before decisions are made