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IUTOX General Assembly. Welcome to the IUTOX General Assembly Barcelona, Spain July 22, 2010 If you have not yet registered and picked up your ballot materials, please visit the registration desk. General Assembly. Opening of the General Assembly. K.M. Savolainen. Acceptance of the Agenda.
IUTOX General Assembly Welcome to the IUTOX General Assembly Barcelona, Spain July 22, 2010 • If you have not yet registered and picked up your ballot materials, please visit the registration desk.
Opening of the General Assembly K.M. Savolainen
Acceptance of the Agenda K.M. Savolainen
IUTOX General AssemblyAgenda Vote on Acceptance of the Agenda
Appointment of two Scrutineers to open and count the ballots. K.M. Savolainen
Nominating Committee • Ali Esat Karakaya, Turkey, Chair • Maritza Rojas, Venezuela • Meryl Karol, USA • Mick McManus, Australia • Nancy Claude, France • Palarp Sinhaseni,Thailand
Vote for 2010-2013 Executive Committee A.E. Karakaya
IUTOX By-Laws (D-3)Nomination 270 days before the General Assembly the Secretary General shall request Member Societies to send, by 150 days before the General Assembly, a list of nominees for officers and directorships on the Executive Committee to the Chairman of the Nominating Committee. The names of persons eligible for election defined in section D-1 should be accompanied by short curriculum vitae. 90 days before the General Assembly the Executive Committee and Member Societies will receive from the Secretary General the list of nominees drawn up by the Nominating Committee. Two or more nominees shall be required for each Executive Committee position stated in By-Laws D-1. At this time Member Societies will also receive a ballot. Additional nominations may be made by at least 3 Member Societies in good standing at the General Assembly.
Nominating Procedures • 23October 2009: Secretary General requested nominee names from the Member Societies • 18January 2010: (Deadline of the nominations) The Committee did not receive a sufficient number of nominations to prepare a slate • 31March 2010 (Extended deadline for more nominations) • 31 March-23 April 2010: The slate was prepared by the Nominating Committee with electronic communications • 24 April 2010: Secretary-General sent the final slate to the Member Societies. • 22 June 2010: Deadline of the mail ballot • 22 July 2010: Vote at the General Assembly
Slate Criteria • The following criteria were taken into account while preparing a balanced slate; • Regional representation • Experience • Continuity for Executive Committeeand IUTOX Programs • Balance between Developed/Developing Countries • Gender distribution
President (Vote for 1): ____ Dr. Daniel Acosta, Jr., USA ____ Dr. Liliana Saldivar, MEXICO President-elect (Vote for 1): ____ Dr. Herman Autrup, DENMARK ____ Dr. Christopher Dishovsky, BULGARIA Vice President (Vote for 1): ____ Dr. Mohammad Abdollahi, IRAN ____ Dr. Jun Kanno, JAPAN Secretary-General (Vote for 1): ____ Dr. Elaine Faustman, USA ____ Dr. Kenneth Hastings, USA Treasurer (Vote for 1): ____ Dr. Heidi Foth, GERMANY ____ Dr. Robert Kapp, USA Director (Vote for 1 from each pair): Pair 1: ____ Dr. Shayne Gad, USA ____ Dr. Mumtaz ISCAN, TURKEY Pair 2: ____ Dr. Braulio Jimenez-Velez, USA ____ Dr. Lewis Smith, UNITED KINGDOM Pair 3: ____ Dr. Arturo Anadón, SPAIN ____ Dr. Emanuela Corsini, ITALY Pair 4: ____ Dr. Mary Gulumian, SOUTH AFRICA ____ Dr. Sameeh Mansour, EGYPT Pair 5: ____ Dr. Laura Cecilia Börgel Aguilera, CHILE ____ Dr. Alok Dhawan, INDIA 2010-2013 Executive Committee Ballot
IUTOX By-Laws (D-4)Election The Executive Committee shall be elected by a simple majority of votes cast. Member Societies may vote in block by secret ballot either as mail ballots to be received by the Secretary General at least 30 days before the General Assembly or by secret ballot presented to the Secretary General at the General Assembly. Ballots will be examined for authenticity, opened and counted by two scrutineers who shall be Councilors in attendance and elected by the Council for that purpose. In the event of a tie in the election for a place on the Executive Committee, the election shall be completed by a simple majority of the vote of a secret ballot of Councilors present at the General Assembly.
2010-2013 Executive Committee Ballot • 1 ballot per member society. • Each society’s voting ratio will be applied to their ballot. • Return completed ballots to registration desk at the break.
Election of Nominating Committee A.E. Karakaya
IUTOX By-Laws (E-1) • Nominating - The Nominating Committee shall function as a Standing Committee of the Council, and consist of five Councilors of Member Societies in good standing, no more than one of whom may come from a given Member Society. The Past-President shall head the Nomination Committee ex officio. The Past-President shall prepare a slate of nominees, call for nominations from the floor, and conduct a secret ballot election of the Nominating Committee by Councilors at the General Assembly.
Proposals for IUTOX Nominating Committee 2010-2013 Silvia Barros Corrado Galli Jay Goodman Byung Mu Lee Ian Musgrave Nominations from the floor? Brazil Italy USA Korea Australia • ________________ • ________________ • ________________
2010-2013 Nominating CommitteeVote • Return completed ballots to the registration desk at the break.
Presentation to Host the ICT XIV Mexican Society of Toxicology Liliana Saldivar
1977: Toronto, Canada 1980: Brussels, Belgium 1983: San Diego, USA 1986: Tokyo, Japan 1989: Brighton, England 1992: Rome, Italy 1995: Seattle, USA 1998: Paris, France 2001: Brisbane, Autralia 2004: Tampere, Finland 2007: Montreal, Canada 2010: Barcelona,Spain 2013: Seoul, Korea INTERNATONAL CONGRESSES of TOXICOLOGY
ICT XIV • Vote on acceptance of ICT XIV host. • Return completed ballots to the registration desk at the break.
Presentation to Host the 9th CTDC Brazilian Society of Toxicology Carlos Augusto Mello da Silva
Congresses of Toxicology in Developing Countries • Argentina (1987) • India(1991) • Egypt(1995) • Turkey(1999) • China(2003) • Croatia (2006) • South Africa (2009) • Thailand (2012)
CTDC 9 • Vote on acceptance of 9th CTDC host. • Return completed ballots to the registration desk at the break.
Proposed Amendments to the By-Laws K.M. Savolainen
IUTOX Proposed Amendments to the By-Laws 2010 • Corrections were made to clarify existing language of intent and to make operations more efficient. • By-Laws and proposed By-laws were reviewed by legal counsel. • Proposed revisions to the By-Laws were sent to member societies for comments. No comments were received.
IUTOX Proposed Amendments to the By-Laws 2010 Necessity for By-Laws Amendments: • President-Elect position left open for one full year upon the tragic death of Bobby Kroes (2004 – 2007). President-Elect position left open again with resignation of Linda Birnbaum (2007-2010) to accept high-level government position. Dan Acosta filled President-Elect position with no ascension to President after serving nearly half a term (2007-2010). • Proposed change allows all Councilors from member societies to vote on this important position rather than having the EC appoint a successor.
IUTOX Proposed Amendments to the By-Laws 2010 Necessity for By-Laws Amendments: • Associate and Institutional dues could only be changed every three years at the General Assembly. Executive Committee determined flexibility in setting these dues important to operational success.
IUTOX Proposed Amendments to the By-Laws 2010 D-7. Vacancies - If an Executive Committee Director resigns his office, or without reasonable excuse absents himself from three or more meetings during his three year term, or is unable to fulfill obligations of the office, or whose member society is in default, the Executive Committee shall declare his office vacated. The Nominating Committee will propose a suitable candidate to temporarily fill the vacant position, effective upon ratification of the Executive Committee. In the case of a vacancy in the Officer positions (President, President-Elect, Vice President, Secretary-General, Treasurer or Chair of the Nominating Committee), a special out-of-cycle nomination and election will be initiated within 30 days, either from the time of the departure or the notice given. Should such vacancy occur within 270 days or less of the next General Assembly, the Nominating Committee will follow the procedures described in D-3.
IUTOX Proposed Amendments to the By-Laws 2010 • H-1. Associate members and Institutional members shall be assessed dues set by the Executive Committee. • This change does not apply to dues assessments for Member Societies.
Break During the break, please return completed ballots to the registration desk. Executive Committee Nominating Committee By-Laws ICT XIV Host 9 CTDC Host
Executive Committee Report • President — K.M. Savolainen • Secretary-General — K.M. Savolainen (for A.W. Hayes) • Treasurer — A. Buerkle • Approval of Financial Report for 2007-2010 • Approval of Auditor’s Report • Election of Auditors of 2010-2013
President’s Report Executive Committee President’s Report Kai Savolainen Barcelona, July 22, 2010
IUTOX Activities During 2007-2010 Strategic plan considers IUTOX impact on global chemical safety issues. Member Survey identified member priorities and informed IUTOX response. Capacity building in developing countries through expansion of risk assessment training and education. Outreach to international partners (WHO, SAICM, WLT, ICSU) to gain visibility and attract funding to expand programming. Significant new funds raised from ICSU, TWAS and OPCW to support training in Africa and Latin America.
PresidentKai Savolainen (Finland) President-ElectDan Acosta; Linda Birnbaum until Fall 2008 (USA) Vice PresidentJun Kanno; Tohru Inoue until March 2009(Japan) SecretaryGeneralA. Wallace Hayes (USA) TreasurerAlexander Buerkle (Germany) DirectorLewis Smith (UK) DirectorMumtaz Iscan (Turkey) DirectorSilvia Berlanga de Moraes Barros (Brazil) DirectorBarbara Hales (Canada) DirectorElaine Faustman (USA) IUTOX EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE (2007-2010)
IUTOX Standing Committees Membership Committee: Chair: Jun Kanno, Tohru Inoue until Spring 2009 (Japan)Members: Silvia Barros (Brazil), Elaine Faustman (USA), Mumtaz Iscan (Turkey) Developing Countries Committee: Chair: Silvia Barros (Brazil) Members: Mumtaz Iscan (Turkey), Jun Kanno (Japan). Finance Commission: Chair: Alexander Buerkle (Germany) Members: Dan Acosta (USA), A. Wallace Hayes (USA), Lewis Smith (UK)
2007-2010 IUTOX Commissions Education and Career Development Commission: Chair: Elaine Faustman(USA) Members: Silvia Barros (Brazil), Barbara Hales (Canada), Mumtaz Iscan (Turkey) Communication Commission: Chair: Wallace Hayes (USA) Members: Elaine Faustman (USA), Barbara Hales (USA) Scientific Commission: Chair: Dan Acosta (until Fall 2008 Linda Birnbaum (USA)) Members: Barbara Hales (Canada), A.W. Hayes (USA), Lewis Smith (UK), Kai Savolainen (Finland)
IUTOX Strategic Plan2007 - 2010 • Updated mission statement and re-set course to expand training and education opportunities in developing countries. • Special thanks to Bob Scala for leading us through the process.
IUTOX Strategic Plan 2007-2010Objectives Provide an international platform and leadership to promote scientific cooperation and exchange in toxicology. Enhance opportunities for educational development and exchange in toxicology. Broaden the geographic base of toxicology as a discipline. Communicate the value of toxicology for improving human health. Strengthen organizational effectiveness.
Key Issues IUTOX Strategic Plan 2007-2010 Increased commitment to work with scientists in developing and least developed countries. Built on success of RASS in Germany to expand risk assessment training to Brazil, South Africa and Nigeria resulting in a global impact on safe management of chemicals.
IUTOX Celebrates RASS • Thirteenth Risk Assessment Summer School held in Bodensee, Germany in September 2008. • Previous RASS courses held in Europe, Asia, U.S., 1985 – 2007. • Trained hundreds of scientists—many from developing countries who attended week-long training on fellowships. • IUTOX thanks Torbjorn Malmfors for his years of commitment to excellence.
IUTOX Expands RASS to Developing Countries • Success of RASS and urgent need for risk assessment training around the world allows IUTOX to expand its efforts. • IUTOX attracts funding from ICSU, TWAS, OPCW. • Brazil Society of Toxicology organizes risk assessment workshops in 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011. • Toxicology Society of South Africa organizing risk assessment workshops in 2010 and 2011. • Nigeria – IUTOX invited to conduct trainings 2009, 2010 and ongoing.
Key Issues IUTOX Strategic Plan 2007-2010 Expanded relationships, funding opportunities and cooperation with governmental and international bodies including WHO, OPCW, NIEHS, ICSU, TWAS and SETAC. Partnered with World Library of Toxicology (WLT) and National Library of Medicine to build network of Country Correspondents among member societies and other nations to develop database of toxicology resources.
World Library of Toxicology Web-based portal containing links to country information resources. Provides a single source of information with links to toxicology sites in both the country’s native language and English. Establishes a network of Country Correspondents for building and maintaining country sites. Toxicologists in developing countries able to contribute resources and learn about activities in the developed world.
50 Countries www.wltox.org