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This activity focuses on climate change and its impacts on the environment. Students will analyze causes and impacts, and learn about reducing, reusing, and recycling. Videos will be used to enhance learning.
Dr. A.Alakanandana Sr.Asst. Prof. of Physics Topic for FC isClimate Change & its Impacts on Environment
Dr. A.Alakanandana Climate Change & its Impacts on Environment B.Tech Environmental Sciences B.Tech – I Year – ECE G.Narayanamma Institute of Technology & Science (For Women), Shaikpet, Hyderabad -104, JNTU, Hyderabad
About Out-of-class Segment • students will be encouraged to think, identify and analyze the major contributors (both natural & man - induced) responsible for cause of climate change. • students will be suggested the to identify the impacts of these climatic changes on living organisms and environmental quality.
Out-of-Class Segment • Meant mainly for Information-Transmission to student. • Mostly help achieve lower-order cognitive levels (Recall- Understand-Apply) • Teacher takes time to search and locate videos. • Out-of-Class activity should not be too lengthy, (ideally think of 1 lecture being transferred outside)
Out-of-class Activity Design -1 Learning Objective(s) of Out-of-Class Activity Learning Objectives: To create awareness among the students about the various climate change and its direct and indirect impacts on Environment. Key Concept(s) to be covered Enter Key Concept(s): To think, Identify, analyze the various causes and impacts which leads to climatic changes.
Out-of-class Activity Design-1 Learning Objective(s) of Out-of-Class Activity At the end of watching the videos student should be able to Understand the various natural and man – made causes responsible for cause of climate change (Apply Level) Demonstrate the impacts both direct and indirect on living organisms and environmental quality (Understand Level) Follow 3R’s approach (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle) in their life wherever it is applicable (Apply Level) Key Concept(s) to be covered Global Warming. Ozone Layer Depletion Acid rains, Deforestation etc.
Guidelines for Video Selection - 1 First check in National Repositories NPTEL Videos (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sT6jtTtsG_M \) NPTEL Youtube Channel (https://youtu.be/4AuwG2G_ERU) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ScX29WBJI3w) Second Look in International Repositories OER Commons (https://www.oercommons.org/) OCW Consortium (http://www.oeconsortium.org/) Open Learing Initiative (http://oli.cmu.edu/)
Guidelines for Video Selection - 1 Third Look in Internet Video Repositories (filter for Creative Commons License) Vimeo(https://vimeo.com/208145608) Youtube(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifrHogDujXw) Please note that Repository List is not exclusive and there are many more in the web. Please check this link from Edutopiafor more information.
Out-of-class Activity Design - 2 Main Video Source URL (https://youtu.be/4AuwG2G_ERU) License of Video Standarad youtube license Mapping Concept to Video Source 57 mins 24 Secs TOTAL DURATION
Out-of-class Activity Design - 3 Aligning Assessment with Learning Objective
Out-of-class Activity Design - 3 Aligning Assessment with Learning Objective Expected activity duration - Total duration of activity will be around 40 min**
In-class Activity Design -1 Learning Objective(s) of In - Class Activity At the end of the class students will be able to analyze the natural and man – induced activities that effect on climate change. students will be able to think to follow effective 3R’s strategy for sustainable development. Key Concept(s) to be covered Sustainable Development, Environment & Human Health, Eco –friendly Technologies etc.
In-class Activity Design -2 Active Learning activity(ies) that you plan to do How the Population Explosion will the major cause for environmental problems including disasters? Explain the strategy by giving details of Think, form Pairs and share your thoughts with your friends about Global Warming, Ozone Layer Depletion, Acid Rains etc. effect the climate change. Discuss the role of individual in prevention of pollution which leads to ecological balance. Students will think about problem and started analyze the various reasons, then form pairs share their ideas, knowledge about that topic and share the same in the class. Justify why the above is an active learning strategy 1. Justification: this is an active learning strategy and a learning platform where every student will get an opportunity to share his ideas with respect to Sources (both natural and man- induced), Effects (both Direct and Indirect) and Control Methods in a eco – friendly approach.
In-class Activity Design -2 Peer Instruction Strategy – What Teacher Does Pose the two PI questions at the start of the class and provide summary of basic identities and expression simplification. Q 1: What are the major threats for climate change? Population Explosion Burning of Fossil fuels Deforestation All the above.
In-class Activity Design -2 Peer Instruction Strategy – What Teacher Does Q 2: Suggest the remedial measure to reduce the impacts of climate change? A forestation Follow Eco – friendly approaches Sustainable Living All the above
In-class Activity Design -2 Peer Instruction Strategy – What Student Does For each question they will first vote individually. Then they will discuss with peers and come to consensus. Listen to instructors explanation.
In-class Activity Design -2 TPS Strategy – What Instructor does Pollution, Food in security, Soil erosion, less rain fall pattern, raise of temperature, melting of ice caps etc are the results of climatic changes further leads to various environmental instability which effects on nature’s ecological balance. Here are the some pictures given below indicate the sources, effects and severity of the problem. Now you think the basic concepts involve in the climate change and pair the group, share the thoughts and share your ideas in the peer group.
In-class Activity Design -2 TPS Strategy – What Instructor does Think (~3 minutes) Instruction: Think about the natural and man – induced causes of climate change? Think individually and identify the scenario (Climate Change) in which a high impact on environmental quality.
In-class Activity Design -2 TPS Strategy – What Instructor does Pair (~7 minutes) Instruction: Now pair up and compare your answers. Discuss the causes and impacts of the problem. While students are pairing and discussing, instructor goes to 2~3 sections to see what they are doing. Now compare the impacts of natural and man- induced sources, which has greater impact?
In-class Activity Design -2 TPS Strategy – What Instructor does Share (~10 minutes) Instructor asks a group to share their views and knowledge with class and see whether there are different views and ideas. After sharing is done, instructor gives feedback on the various remedies, preventive actions, eco – friendly approaches and how minimize the impacts in real life applications, like Aforestation, use of Jute bags etc. In the next iteration of TPS, in the Think Phase we ask students should have the knowledge about other environmental problems like pollution, deforestation, mining, developmental projects etc. how these will be going to effect on Climate change? In the share phase again the different answers are sought.
In-class Activity Design -2 Justify why the above is an active learning strategy In both the above strategies, students are required to go beyond the topic and think real life scenario how badly the environmental conditions are present now a days and how they can play an active role (individual responsibility) in pollution prevention, swachBharth, clean and green programmes, mission Kakatiya, rain water harvesting, watershed management There is also feedback provided (either through peer discussion or instructor summary)