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PIC Processor Design CPE 428/528 April 29, 2002 Dr. Milenkovic

This project aims to build a soft core for a PIC18 series microcontroller using VHDL techniques. The motivation behind this project is to gain a further understanding of microprocessor architecture and apply VHDL techniques to a real-world situation.

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PIC Processor Design CPE 428/528 April 29, 2002 Dr. Milenkovic

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  1. PIC Processor DesignCPE 428/528April 29, 2002Dr. Milenkovic Presented by: David Fatzer Le Pitts William Cruger Donn Hall

  2. Introduction • Project Description • Build a Soft Core for a PIC18 Series Microcontroller • Motivation • Desire to Gain Further Understanding of Microprocessor Architecture • Apply VHDL Techniques to a Real-World Situation

  3. Platform • FPGA – Spartan II • 600 Complex Logic Blocks (20x30) • 100,000 Gates • 10 Configurable 4K bit block RAMs • Dedicated carry logic for high-speed arithmetic

  4. Spartan II Demo Board • 2-Digit LCD • RS-232 Port • User LED’s • User Switches • 2.5 and 3.3 Volt Regulators • JTAG Port • Oscillator, 30MHz – 50MHz

  5. Demo Board Modifications • 3.6864 MHz Oscillator • LCD Module Display 4 Lines x 20 Characters • 5V Power Source for LCD

  6. Development Tools • Model Technology – ModelSim • VHDL Composition • Pre-Synthesis Testing • Xilinx ISE WebPack • VHDL Synthesis • VHDL Implementation • MicroChip MPLAB Assembler • ROM test code

  7. PIC Description • Microcontrol Unit • 16-bit Wide Instruction Width • 8-bit Wide Data Bus • Two-Stage Pipeline • Single Cycle Execution versus Microchip’s Four Cycle Execution

  8. PIC Components • ROM • Register File • Data Processing Unit • Instruction Fetch Unit • Instruction Decode Unit • Reset Controller • Input/Output Latches

  9. ROM • Provides Storage • OP-Codes • Data Constants • Strings for Test and Application Code • Includes 256 x 16-bit Words • Utilizes On-Chip Block RAM

  10. Register File • Provides the Following • Storage and Decoding for One Bank of a 128 8-bit General Purpose Register • Decoding for Special Function Registers • Five Condition Code Registers • Utilizes 4096-bit on Chip Block RAM

  11. Data Processing Unit (DPU) • Handles all Data Processing Functions • Components • Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) • Multiplier • Rotate Unit (RU) • Bit Operation Unit (BOU) • Working Register (WREG/Accumulator)

  12. MuxA MuxB Data Processing Unit (DPU) WREG Register File FileWriteBus Rotator Unit Multiplier ALU Bit Unit FileReadBus Literal Bus WRegBus

  13. DPU – Arithmetic Logic Unit • Two 8-bit Inputs • One 8-bit Output • Four Operations - AND, OR, XOR, ADD • Pre-Conditioners • PASS – Do Nothing to the Input • INVERT – Invert the Input • Force0 – Force the Input to all Zeroes • Force1 – Force the Input to all Ones • Generates Condition Codes

  14. DPU – Arithmetic Logic Unit

  15. Condition Code Implementation Negative 1 when AluResult(7) = 1 Zero 1 when AluResult(7..0) = all 0s Carry 1 when AluCarry(7) = 1 Overflow 1 when AluCarry(7) != AluCarry(6) DigitCarry Not yet implemented DPU – Arithmetic Logic Unit • ALU Condition Codes

  16. DPU – Multiplier • Single Cycle Using Combinatorial Array Multiplier • Two 8-bit Unsigned Inputs • One 16-bit Unsigned Output Stored in Two 8-bit Special Function Registers

  17. DPU – Rotate Unit • Performs Single Position Rotate and Nibble Swapping • Combinatorial Implementation

  18. RotateUnitFunctionCode Effect on Stack Pointer RLCF Rotate Left through Carry RLNCF Rotate Left RRCF Rotate Right through Carry RRNCF Rotate Right SWAP Swap Nibbles DPU – Rotate Unit • Rotate Unit Operations

  19. Instruction Word Bits[11..9] Bit Operation Unit Output Bits[7..0] 000 00000001 001 00000010 010 00000100 011 00001000 100 00010000 101 00100000 110 01000000 111 10000000 DPU – Bit Operation Unit • Provides Mask for Bit-Oriented Operations • Bit Operation Decoding

  20. DPU – Working Register • Provides a Temporary Storage Register That Serves as an Accumulator • For All Data Processing instructions, Bit 9 Determines whether the Result of the Operation is Stored in Working Register or the Register File

  21. Instruction Fetch Unit (IFU) • Updates Program Counter • Manages Hardware Return Stack • Updates Instruction Register • Manages Table Pointer

  22. IFU – Block Diagram

  23. IFU – Program Counter • 21-bits (2MB Address Space) • Asynchronous Reset • Updated on Rising Edge of Clock • ProgramCounterOpcode Determines Function

  24. ProgramCounterOpcode Effect on PC NextInstruction Increment to next address (+1) BranchRelativeOffset8 Add 8-bit signed offset (-127 to +128) BranchRelativeOffset11 Add 11-bit signed offset (-1024 to +1023) BranchAbsolute Force new 21-bit value (GOTO) RestoreFromTopOfStack Use top of return stack value (RETURN) DontFetch Do not change (+0) InterruptHighPriority Force to high priority interrupt vector (address 8) InterruptLowPriority Force to low priority interrupt vector (address 18) IFU – Program Counter • Program Counter Opcodes

  25. IFU – Return Stack • 21-bit Wide by 16 Deep • Stores Return Addresses • Implemented Using Block RAM

  26. StackOpcode Effect on Stack Pointer StackNOP Do not change (+0) StackPUSH Add 1 then store (pre-increment) StackPOP Retreive then subtract 1 (post-decrement) IFU – Return Stack • Stack Pointer Operations

  27. IFU – Instruction Register • Latches Instructions from Program Data Bus • Two-Stage Pipeline • Fetch Next Instruction • Decode & Execute Current Instruction

  28. InstructionRegisterOpcode Effect on Instruction Register LatchNextInstruction Latch new instruction ForceNOP Force instruction register to all 0’s (NOP) IFU – Instruction Register • Instruction Register Operations

  29. IFU – Table Pointer Instruction • Facilitates Movement of Data to and from the ROM • 21-bits Wide to Address 2MB of ROM • Table Latch Register • Bridge for Program and Data Buses

  30. Instruction Register(1:0) Operation on Table Pointer Table Pointer Next Value Table Address 00 No change Table Pointer Table Pointer 01 Post-Increment Table Pointer + 1 Table Pointer 10 Post-Decrement Table Pointer - 1 Table Pointer 11 Pre-Increment Table Pointer + 1 Table Pointer Next Value IFU – Table Pointer Instruction • Table Address Assignments

  31. TableFunctionOpCode Operation on Table Latch (TABLAT) TableFunctionNOP No change TableFunctionRead Contents of TableAddress are written to TABLAT TableFunctionWrite Contents of TABLAT written to ROM at TableAddress IFU – Table Pointer Instruction • Table Function Op-Codes

  32. IFU – Table Pointer Instruction • Key Signals • Program Address • Address Bus to ROM • Normally Follows Program Counter • Follows Table Address For Table Pointer Instructions • Program Data • Data Bus From the ROM • High-Impedance Except on TableFunctionWrite • TableFunctionWrite Used to Program Flash

  33. Instruction Decoder - ID • Three Distinct Stages of Design • Instruction Disassembler • Identifies Instruction from Opcode • Define Global Decode Signals • Assign Global Decode Signals • Must Include all Global Signals in Each Instruction to Avoid Latches

  34. Group # Instruction Bits(15..12) Assembly Instruction 0000 NOP, MOVLB, RESET, RETFIE, RETURN, CLRWDT, DAW, POP, PUSH, SLEEP, TBLRD, TBLWT, DECF, SUBLW, IORLW, XORLW, ANDLW, RETLW, MULLW, MOVLW, ADDLW 0001 IORWF, ANDWF, XORWF, COMF 0010 ADDWF, ADDWFC, DECFSZ, INCF 0011 INCFSZ, RLCF, RRCF, SWAPF 0100 DCFSNZ, INFSNZ, RLNCF, RRNCF 0101 SUBFWB, SUBFW, SUBWFB, MOVF 0110 CPFSEG, CPFSGT, CPFSLT, CLRF, SETF, MOVWF, NEGF, TSTFSZ 0111 BTG 1000 BSF 1001 BCF 1010 BTFSS 1011 BTFSC 1100 MOVFF 1101 BRA, RCALL 1110 BC, BN, BNC, BNN, BNOV, BNC, BOV, BZ, GOTO, CALL, LFSR 1111 NOP (Second half of two-word instruction) ID – Instruction Disassembler • Instruction Decoder Grouping

  35. Signal Name Signal Function MuxASelect Selects either register file or literal value for ALU input A MuxBSelect Selects either W-Register or Bit-Op value for ALU input B RotateUnitEnable Enables Rotate Unit RotateUnitFunctionCode Selects RU function (Rotate Left, Right, with/without carry) ALUEnable Enables ALU ALUFunctionCode ALU function code (AND, OR, XOR ADD) ALUBusACondCode ALU input a conditioner (Pass, Invert, Force0s, Force1s) ALUBusBCondCode ALU input B conditioner (Pass, Invert, Force0s, Force1s) ALUCarryCondCode ALU carry input conditioner (Pass, Invert, Force0, Force1) BitOpEnable Enables Bit-Op unit BitOpPosition Selects Bit-OP position ( 1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128 ) UpdateConditionCodes Set to 1 to enable change in corresponding condition code WRegWriteEnable Enables writes from WriteBus to WREG on next rising edge FileWriteEnable Enables writes from WriteBus to Register File on next rising edge ProgramCounterOpCode Tells how to prepare Program Counter for next cycle InstructionRegisterOpcode Tells how to prepare Instruction Register for next cycle StackOpCode Stack function code. (Push, Pop, Nop) MultiplierEnable Enables single-cycle combinatorial multiplier ClearWatchdogTimer Set to 1 by CLRWDT instruction to clear watchdog timer SoftwareReset Set by RESET instruction to reset unit BSRWriteEnable Set to enable updates to Bank Select Register DAWEnable Enables Decimal Adjust Accumulator Unit TableFunctionOpCode Table-pointer function code. (Read, Write, NOP) SleepMode Set by SLEEP instruction to freeze clock until next external reset ID – Global Decode Signals

  36. Reset Controller - RC • Provides Global Reset Signal to PIC • Reset Sources • External Reset • Software Reset • Stack Error • Watchdog Timeout • Watchdog Timer Module

  37. RC - Watchdog Timer Module • 17-Stage Ripple Counter • 36ms Timeout Based On 3.6864 MHz • Asynchronous Clear • Reset • Clear from CLRWDT Instruction

  38. Input/Output Latches • Provides Three 8-bit Bi-Directional Ports for Parallel Communications • Two of the Three Ports are for Communication with the LCD Module

  39. Implementation Results

  40. Implementation Results • Device Utilization - 74% • Clock Cycle – 21.125MHz • Multiplier Determines Critical Datapath

  41. Design Process VHDL Model Assembly Program Assembler Converter (.HEX to ASCII) ModelSim Simulation/Verification Load ROM (Copy/Paste) Synthesis 

  42. Future Consideration • Core for Future System-On-Chip Designs • Further Exhaustive Testing • External Flash Memory Implementation • High-Level Language Applications • ASIC Synthesis

  43. Questions?

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