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Summary of MPWG meetings

Summary of MPWG meetings. MJ. Tuesday 19 May 2009. First meeting Working group mandate Presentation in preparation for the Ace meeting. Thursday 04 June 2009. CLIC machine components and their particularities ( F.Tecker ). Thursday 18 June 2009. Common meeting with Dynamic working group.

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Summary of MPWG meetings

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Summary of MPWG meetings MJ

  2. Tuesday 19 May 2009 First meeting • Working group mandate • Presentation in preparation for the Ace meeting

  3. Thursday 04 June 2009 CLIC machine components and their particularities (F.Tecker)

  4. Thursday 18 June 2009 Common meeting with Dynamic working group. • The problem with the main beam is its brilliance, so once defocused it becomes harmless • most critical item: Collimation system. Design criteria; the collimation system is placed at the end of the machine, just before final focus • Every 100 pulse there is one breakdown in one of the main beam structures • BNS damping to compensate wakefieldeffect => There are reserve structures, some are used for BNS damping. • On the losses point of view in case of a power supply failure, there is not much difference between putting two or many quadrupoles in series; there is however a big difference between one and two quadrupoles per power supply. • Tools PLACET and BDsim developed at CERN (some contribution from Fermilab) • There is no document yet, as the first discussions took place 2 weeks ago only.

  5. Thursday 02 July 2009 Canceled

  6. Thursday 27 August 2009 The LHC machine protection system (Jan Uythoven) Feedback from Herman on goals for CDR in 2010: • Baseline concept for CLIC machine protection • safe beam conditions with low drive beam and main beam intensities • gradually increase intensities to the maximum operational levels. • post pulse analysis of the past pulse during 18 ms validates the readiness of the machine • 2ms time during which by design all critical machine elements (except RF • Breakdowns and kicker failures) cannot fail. • First list of equipment which has to be “2ms failsave” is available. • The SIL level for the interlock systems and for the 2ms stability of the critical machine elements is documented. • First specifications for beam loss monitoring are published.

  7. Thursday 3 September 2009 • CLIC BLM Schedule for 2009/2010 (B.Holzer) • Radiation Levels in the CLIC Tunnel (Sophie Mallows)

  8. Thursday 23 September 2009 Combined meeting with RFwg • Many issues raised, work needed on operational aspects (i.e. switch on after RF breakdown) • Need more input from RF wg

  9. Thursday 8 October 2009 Rehearsals of the talks presented at the CLIC Workshop

  10. Thursday 22 October 2009 Follow up of CLIC09 Workshop • Check safe beam requirements for betatron collimators • beam loss estimation based on losses in the aperture restriction in the main and the drive beam, redo the cross talk estimation. • look at shielding options to improve the cross talk. • Alternatives for artificial aperture restrictions in the main beam. (novel material, 100ns advance in time) • Need beam loss rate under nominal operational conditions. (i.e. beam tails from beam gas interactions). • Power converters: • Various options (i.e. location of power converted, local protection circuits, to be addresses in a future meeting with EPC colleagues). • Operational procedures: • Giulio and Frank will make a more finale proposal of how the drive beam and main beam will be ramped up. • Using this scenario, we will discuss with beam instrumentation what the beam monitoring performance will be. • With RF group we will check for the implications on acceleration (beam loading) • With the beam dynamics group we will evaluate the feasibility to ramp up the machine intensity and whether such an intensity ramp can be smoothly controlled without requiring potentially dangerous changes of the machine setting. • Time to recovery has to be studied as a function of the fault scenario: • Zero fault scenarios i.e. a false alarm (caused by RF breakdown, klystron trip, �) • Controls fault scenario. Related to the loss of optimal settings (temperature drift, setting errors, feedback saturations) • Persistent faults. (vacuum degradation, short, observation errors)

  11. Thursday 29 October 2009 Operations scenarios - production of the safe drive beam G.Morpurgo • Is it possible to produce intensity ramps in parallel for all decelerators or can we only do on decelerator after each other. Problem of delayed switch-on of the RF in the drivebeamlinac. (Is delayed switch-on essential). • To be checked with Erk Jensen. • Kicking the header after/in the delay loop, is a RF deflector a viable option? • Main beam emittance control, what are the possibilities, see with Y. Papaphilipou.

  12. Thursday 12 November 2009 • BLM specification

  13. Thursday 19 November 2009 MP implications for and from Damping Ring

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