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Improving Soil Fertility & Management in Gilgel Gibe Watershed

Enhancing soil fertility and management practices in the Gilgel Gibe watershed to improve land productivity and extend the lifespan of the hydroelectric power plant. Research focus on soil conservation, cropping systems, and capacity building.

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Improving Soil Fertility & Management in Gilgel Gibe Watershed

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  1. Project 5: Soil Fertility The sustainable use of soil resources of the Gilgel Gibe watershed Current project status presented by Jan Diels Meeting Flemish team members of Jimma-IUC

  2. 14 local team members currently (1 PhD, 9 MSc, 4 BSc) • Started with 10 real members (12 on paper) • 1 member (deputy PL) left Jimma University • 5 new members joined (3 in 2007, 2 in 2008) • 3 of the current members are enrolled in an MSc abroad with external funding (1 in Gent with thesis research within the project; 2 elsewhere without any connection to the project) • One member started local PhD program Meeting Flemish team members of Jimma-IUC

  3. 8 Flemish team members Eric Van Ranst, UGent Jozef Deckers, K.U.Leuven Gerard Govers, K.U.Leuven Jean Poesen, K.U.Leuven Stefaan De Neve, UGent Oswald Van Cleemput, UGent Pascal Boeckx UGent Jan Diels, K.U.Leuven Meeting Flemish team members of Jimma-IUC

  4. Project Objectives Overall objectives: Academic: A research and teaching centre of excellence in integrated soil fertility management is established at JUCAVM Developmental:Land productivity in the Gilgel Gibe catchment area is improved through integrated soil fertility management systems, and the lifespan of the Gilgel Gibe hydroelectric power plant is extended by minimizing sediment deposition in the reservoir. Specific objectives: Academic: The research capacity of JUCAVM to develop agricultural technologies that improve soil fertility is strengthened Developmental: none (planned for Phase 2) Meeting Flemish team members of Jimma-IUC

  5. IR1 Diagnosis & opportunities IR2 Soil conservation measures IR3 Cereal-grain legume cropping systems IR4 Agroforestry IR5 Capacity building Project Concept and Timing Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Meeting Flemish team members of Jimma-IUC

  6. Assessment of the soil characteristics and the spatial distribution of soils in the Gilgel Gibe watershed Meeting Flemish team members of Jimma-IUC

  7. Jimma-Dedo transect Meeting Flemish team members of Jimma-IUC

  8. Identifying sediment sources and making sediment budget of Gilgel Gibe dam catchment Meeting Flemish team members of Jimma-IUC

  9. Gilgel Gibe river at Assendabo (bridge Jimma-Addis road) Meeting Flemish team members of Jimma-IUC

  10. Meeting Flemish team members of Jimma-IUC

  11. Where does sediment come from? Typical landscape near Dedo in September Meeting Flemish team members of Jimma-IUC

  12. Sheet and rill erosion important when rains start? Landscape in February Meeting Flemish team members of Jimma-IUC

  13. Confluence of contrasting rivers south of Dedo- right-hand river affected by a landslide Meeting Flemish team members of Jimma-IUC

  14. Runout zone of large landslide South of Dedo - clay from weathered trachite - trigger? Meeting Flemish team members of Jimma-IUC

  15. Meeting Flemish team members of Jimma-IUC

  16. Meeting Flemish team members of Jimma-IUC

  17. Reservoir Jimma Meeting Flemish team members of Jimma-IUC

  18. No obvious trend in Gligel Gibe discharge rate at Assendabo bridge Meeting Flemish team members of Jimma-IUC

  19. Improved cereal-grain legume cropping systems Meeting Flemish team members of Jimma-IUC

  20. Secondary forest on steep slopes Maize-teff farming system near Nada Meeting Flemish team members of Jimma-IUC

  21. Horse bean: food + feed Biological nitrogen fixation Rotation effects Meeting Flemish team members of Jimma-IUC

  22. 2008 Horse bean variety screening trial near Dedo town (Amsalu Nebiyu) Meeting Flemish team members of Jimma-IUC

  23. P fertilizer beyond reach of the farmers? Meeting Flemish team members of Jimma-IUC

  24. Capacity building Meeting Flemish team members of Jimma-IUC

  25. Equipment procurement for soil and plant analysis = purchased on AP2007 Lab equipment on World Bank grant: 92,000€ (133,000$) Lab equipment on Soil Fertility project: 37,000€

  26. Short term training • Endelkachew Kissi: Followed course on free and open source geomatics tools (KULeuven, 1 Month, August 2008) • Tsega Sime: being trained in soil and plant analysis methods (KULeuven, 3 Months, September-November 2008) • Abraham Bantirgu: being trained in use of geomatics tools (KULeuven, 3 Months, August-October 2008) Meeting Flemish team members of Jimma-IUC

  27. Candidates selected for MSc/PhD fellowship Abebayehu Aticho (MSc Hawassa University: starts in October 2008) Thesis research on soil nutrient balances? Not selected Amsalu Nebiyi Cereal-grain legume systems, N&P management (Predoc UGent starts 8 October 2008) Endelkachew Kissi Sediment sources in Gilgel Gibe catchment (Predoc KULeuven starts 13 October 2008)

  28. Ongoing MSc thesis research (students UGent) Niels Jacob (promoter Pascal Boeckx, Ugent) Aleyamehu Regassa (promoter Erik Van Ranst, Ugent) Meeting Flemish team members of Jimma-IUC

  29. IR1 Diagnosis & opportunities IR2 Soil conservation measures IR3 Cereal-grain legume cropping systems IR4 Agroforestry IR5 Capacity building Are we on track? Literature review, soil survey, soil quality assessment started, sediment monitoring (PhD Endelkachew) will soon start; other activities yet to start Grain Legume screening trial started; further research covered in PhD research Amsalu On track (short term training + MSc + PhD + equipment) Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Meeting Flemish team members of Jimma-IUC

  30. SWOT analysis and suggestions Meeting Flemish team members of Jimma-IUC

  31. Strengths • Strong motivation of MSc and PhD candidates • Most Jimma team members already have an MSc • Strong involvement of Flemish team members • Multidisciplinary teams (Jimma and Flemish side) • Integration of research activities (project concept) • No conflicts in Jimma team so far Meeting Flemish team members of Jimma-IUC

  32. Weaknesses • Lack of local ownership of project objectives and concept: project is rather seen as funding mechanism for equipment and fellowships • Lack of commitment for research activities that do not fit into MSc/PhD programme • Lack of lab space in Jimma, no lab technician, no experience with lab management and procurement of chemicals/glassware • Poor team work and project coordination in Jimma so far Meeting Flemish team members of Jimma-IUC

  33. Opportunities • Scope for large impact (human capacity building at JU + beneficiaries in Gilgel Gibe catchment) • MSc thesis students from Flemish universities support PhD research in Jimma • Soil lab equipment being purchased on World Bank grant (133,000.- USD) • Links with Land project of Mekelle-IUC (sediment monitoring, procurement of chemicals, NIR spectrometry) • Links with ‘Child Health and Nutrition’ (introduction of grain legumes), ‘Environmental Health and Ecology’ (land use changes), ‘Research Coordination’ (GIS), and ‘Animal Nutrition’ (diagnostic surveys, fodder from legumes) Meeting Flemish team members of Jimma-IUC

  34. Threats • Team members may leave JU after obtaining short-term or MSc/PhD training • Team members who are not selected for PhD grant may leave the project • Lack of local project management capacity (project planning, budget planning and monitoring) • Lack of good communication skills • Logistic constraints (local procurement, cars for field work) Meeting Flemish team members of Jimma-IUC

  35. Suggestions towards Jimma-IUC programme management • Purchase at least 2 additional cars (pick-up, 4WD) • Organize training in project management in Jimma (budget planning and expenditure monitoring; project planning) • Engage in discussion with JU management on: • strategy for retaining staff after they received training • how do team members get credit for their achievements other than through academic degrees (reports and publications, impact in project area, creation of lab facilities, …) • Establish Jimma-IUC report series • Look into local procurement of chemicals, glassware, small equipment, … with Mr. Jemal and Dr. Kora • First invest in very basic lab facilities and skills before aiming at more advanced things • Organize similar meeting of local team members in Jimma (project presentations by local PLs; discussions on collaboration between projects) Meeting Flemish team members of Jimma-IUC

  36. Thanks …. Meeting Flemish team members of Jimma-IUC

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