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Learn about active birth, pain management, interventions, and how to support your partner during labor. Discover ways to avoid unnecessary interventions and achieve a positive birth experience.
Group Rules Confidentiality Please remember that anything discussed or shared with each other is confidential - small world. Respect Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, even if it differs from all other group members. Listening Each group member is expected to allow others to speak & express their views uninterrupted. Stupid Questions No such thing as a stupid question. Every question is an opportunity for learning.
Aims for the day What is Active Birth? How can I achieve an Active Birth? Preparation Why is they “pain” in labour? What does labour look like?
Preparation Preparation is 90% of the task ahead ... know your options and choices that help you feel empowered when having YOUR baby.
Preparation What big event have you ever taken part in? How did you prepare? What might have been the outcome if you hadn’t done all that preparation?
Preparation What big event have you ever taken part in? How did you prepare? What might have been the outcome if you hadn’t done all that preparation?
What is Active Birth? What? Positions that are active but restful - what is this? Positive Mental Attitude Why? Knowing your options Support? Who is your “voice” How do you remain calm? What are you going to do when faced with scenario x, y & z?
Why is there pain in labour? What makes it worse? What makes it better? Pain Theories and the purpose of learning coping techniques. Slide 8 V1
Why is there pain in labour? What makes it worse? What makes it better? Pain Theories and the purpose of learning coping techniques. Slide 9 V1
What does labour look like? What have you been watching? How has it helped you? VIDEO: What would you feel comfortable using from this video to support your partner when you go into labour?
Education Educate yourself: (Slide 12 V1)
Interventions? What are you aware of?
Interventions? Why - To speed labour along! Natural methods? - Sex, nipple stimulation, eating curry / pineapple Sweep? Induction? Natural or managed? Accupressure / Bowen or Chemical (Syntocinon)? Breaking waters Instrumental deliveries? - what are they? Episiotemies C-section
Interventions - Why? Something may have happened? Early labour, overdue or there has been an event Water Sound Visualisation Touch G&A Pethidine/Meptid Epidural Why? What? Effects? Fear Pain Pain Relief Know your options Natural Chemical
How can I avoid interventions? During Pregnancy Focus on good nutrition. Well-nourished tissues adapt better to the stresses of labour. Optimal Foetal Positioning: Last six weeks sit up straight or lean forwards Know your options. Know about the range of options available to you to make the right decisions for you and your baby. With your midwife discuss interventions – what can you do to avoid them? Take a tour of the hospital. Ask lots of questions about routine interventions & standard policies – KNOW YOUR OPTIONS. If you're not comfortable with your birthplace, consider birthing somewhere else.
How can I avoid interventions? • Practice positions, breathing, comfort techniques so you’re comfortable with them. • Try to imagine what labour will be like, and how you will react • Do Pelvic floor exercises – Birthlight way • If doctor recommends induction, explore alternatives: is it possible to wait a few more days? • Is your cervix favourable for induction? • Are there tests for foetal well-being which would indicate how necessary induction is?
How can I avoid interventions? During Early Labour Stay at home as long as possible: progress if you are comfortable & relaxed, Easier to do at home than in the hospital. Eat light meals throughout: noodles, rice, crackers, non-acidic fruit, eggs, nuts, nonfat dairy products. Drink LOTS of water. Go to the bathroom every hour. Alternate rest, relaxation, and labour-stimulating activities. After you Arrive at the hospital and definitely if you are staying at home Be active! Change positions frequently. Delay pain medication as long as possible. Wait till at least 5 cm dilated.
Privacy A need for privacy (Slide 69 V1) – VIDEO
Induction Why induce your labour?
Induction something has happened? Early labour before 37 weeks. Over due date? Why? How? Check cervix - ripe or unripe? Pessary Gel - doses Break waters Syntocin drip - stimulates ctxs ? Epidural to cope with ctxs Instrumental - ventouse / forceps C-section - why? what happens?
How can I avoid interventions? Avoid/delay interventions (Slide 16 V1) associated with an increased risk of c-section:
How can I avoid interventions? (Slide 17 V1) what does a vacuum delivery look like?
Interventions Food - IV (slide 70 V1) Foetal Monitoring - Continuous / Intermittent
Interventions What if first stage labour is moving really slowly? Patience versus Augmentation AROM and Syntocin (Slide 75 V1)
Interventions I'm throwing up a lot during labour. What should I do? Use of peppermint essential oil Accupressure points
When it doesn’t quite go to planWhat can we do? Second stage is going slowly. What can I do? What might doctor do? Normal length of labour, position changes Episiotomy (Slide 76 V1) Forceps and / or Vacuum Extraction Back Labour and Convincing Posterior Babies to Rotate What should I do if I'm feeling contractions in my back? What other signs are there that my baby might be posterior? SPINNING BABIES
How can I avoid interventions? Create your environment to encourage the “good” hormones
How can I avoid interventions? During Pushing DELIVERY Stage Change positions frequentlyTry hands knees, sitting, kneeling & semi-squatting (if this is right for you) Push your baby down 6 - 8 seconds Breathe your baby down! No PURPLE PUSHING (Slide 19 V1)
B R A I N What is this?
B R A I N B - Benefits R - Risks A - Alternatives I - Interventions N - Nothing (wait & see)
How can I avoid interventions? Be Patient! Everyone’s labour is different, have faith in your body & faith in the natural process of labour - this is important If you don’t think you will remain calm & confident consider a doula to help during labour. Choose someone who supports your choices and has confidence in you. Your “VOICE” is your continuity of care - can they last the course? At the end of the video take 5 minutes to discuss this with your partner.