1. U.S. History 5/23/05 www.msu.edu/~milewsk6 OBJECTIVE: Examine the fall of the Nixon Administration.
I. Journal#45 pt.A
-Read “President Nixon and his White House” p.802-804
-Answer questions (A & B) p.803 & (C) p.804
II. Journal#45 pt.B
-notes on Nixon
III. Homework Due Thursday 5/27/05
1.) Read Chapter#24 section #2 p.802-807
-Answer questions (2-5) p.807
2.) Chapter#23-24 Review
2. The Week Ahead Today 5/23– -Journal #45.
Tuesday 5/24– -Chapter #23-24 Review
Wednesday 5/25 – -Chapter#23-24 Test
-Seniors Final Exam Hours (4-6)
Thursday 5/26– -Journal #46
-Seniors Final Exams Hours (1-3)
-Homework Due
Friday 5/27– -˝ Day Hours (4-6)
-Start time 11:20AM
-Junior MEAP Reward 12:45PM
3. Nixon Tapes In March 1974, the President was ordered to turn over taped conversations held in the Oval Office.
He at first refused, but then turned over edited recordings.
On July 24, 1974 the Supreme Court ordered that he turn over the recordings in their entirety.
On July 27, 1974 President Nixon Resigned