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French fashion. Paris is one of the fashion capitals of the world. Each year people flock to Paris for fashion week to see the latest trends. Haute couture- custom fit, high fashion clothing (really only worn in runway shows, magazines, or by the very rich and daring).
French fashion • Paris is one of the fashion capitals of the world. Each year people flock to Paris for fashion week to see the latest trends. • Haute couture- custom fit, high fashion clothing (really only worn in runway shows, magazines, or by the very rich and daring)
French fashion continued • On a day to day basis however, French fashion is much more simple. Neutral/black clothing and scarves are a must!
Size conversion • They use cm instead of inches. To find out sizes for shoes and clothes, you add 30 (not an exact, but close) • (men’s differs a bit, adding 33 or 34) Women’s Clothing USA 6 8 10 12 14 16 France 36 38 40 42 44 46 Women’s Shoes USA 6 6½ 7 7½ 8 8½ 9 France 37 38 39 39 40 40 41
Les vêtements • Use your new vocabulary sheet to complete the worksheet. Label each clothing item in French. • If you finish make a list of the clothing items you are wearing today. Add colors too-remember to make them agree in gender and number! • Examples: unejupeverte, un t-shirt blanc
Aujourd’hui…objets de la classe/ les vêtements • jour/date=vendredi le 14 décembre • Phrase/fait: taille-size • activitié/réponse-Complete the phrase: • En été il fait _______. Je porte ________________. • Devoirs (homework)- none
Aujourd’hui…les pays francophones/ les vêtements • jour/date=vendredi le 14 décembre • phrase/fait: taille-size • activitié/réponse-Complete the phrase: • En été il fait chaud, du soleil, beau. • Je porte un short, un tee-shirt, un chapeau, une jupe, des sandales. • Devoirs (homework)-none
Today’s work • Finish your country brochure or worksheet • Complete the clothing web quest worksheet • Complete extra credit map labeling activities
Today’s work Draw or create a collage person. Label all clothing in French. Try incorporating colors into each activity. Remember that the color comes after the object and must agree in number and gender!
Aujourd’hui…les vêtements • jour/date=lundile 17 décembre • phrase/fait=le tricouleur • activitié/réponse-Identify the following : • Un chemisier • Une jupe • Un chapeau • Devoirs (homework)-body parts labeling sheet
jour/date=lundi le 17 décembre • phrase/fait=le tricouleur-nickname for France’s 3 colored flag bleu, blanc, et rouge • activitié/réponse-Identify the following : • Un chemisier a blouse • Une jupe a skirt • Un chapeau a hat • Devoirs (homework)- body parts labeling sheet
Take a few minutes… • share your country research with someone at your table • Write down weather descriptions for each season in your country • Write down the weather for summer and winter in your partner’s country • Does anyone want to share their research with the class?
The Champs-Élysées(A Paris street famous for its shopping) http://www.champselysees.org//365visit/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d9V-zUlrhEE&feature=player_embedded
Les vêtements General clothing un manteau un imperméable un blouson un anorak un pull un tee-shirt un maillot (de bain) un pantalon un jean un short des chaussettes (f) des chaussures (f) des tennis (m) des bottes (f) des sandales (f) un pyjama un foulard des gants (f) une ceinture un chapeau-a hat (add to list) Women’sclothing un tailleur un chemisier une robe une jupe des talons hauts –highheels (not on yourlist) Men’sclothing une chemise un costume une cravate Jewelry-not on list un collier-a necklace une bague-a ring un bracelet une boucle d’oreille-an earring une montre- a watch
Qu’est-cequec’est? un pantalon un pyjama des chausseurs unejupe des bottes uneceinture un chapeau un jean
Describe what you’re wearing today Qu’est-ce que tu portes? • Je porte….- I wear/ I’mwearing • example: Je porte un jean bleu et un chemisier vert.
You’re wearing _____. He’s wearing ______. • Tuportes- You wear/are wearing • Tuportes un jean et un tee-shirt. • Il/ Elle porte-He /she wears/is wearing • Elle porteunejupe et un chemisier. • Il porteune chemise et unecravate. • Take a few minutes to talk about your collage or drawn person using Il porte or elleporte… If you didn’t finish a collage describe one of the people below.
Fashion show • During our next class, you will put on a fashion show. • Each person will model clothing and announce someone from their group. • Your are graded on the following criteria: • Walk/Announcing 5 points • Work well in group 5 points • Outfits (the crazier the better) 5 points • Total 15 points
Fashion show Responsibilities: • Each group will choose music, order of walking, and who is describing each person. Individual responsibilities: • Modeling • bring/wear elaborate clothing • Be prepared to answer questions about your clothing. • Example: De quellecouleuresttajupe? • Annoucing • Describe another model. Give elaborate descriptions of their clothing. *you may use a script if needed! • Voici Charles. Il porte un chapeau, un jean bleu et un tee-shirt rouge. Il porteaussi des chausseurs de Nike. • Audience members- If your group is not presenting you are expected to do the following: • Watch the fashion show being put on. • If we have issues with excessive noise/talking during the show you may also be required to take notes on what items were worn by each model. • Example: Model 1- unejupe, un chemisier rouge
You have the rest of class to decide the following: • Groups • Order of modeling/talking • Music choice • must be school appropriate, I will come ask each group about this before we leave today • Outfits-the crazier the better • You may want to take time to write down the descriptions of outfits now so you have them ready to go on fashion show day.
Aujourd’hui…révision/ les vêtements • jour/date=mardi le 18 décembre • phrase/fait-L’habit ne fait pas le moine. • activitié/réponse- Describe what you are wearing today. • Devoirs (homework)- body parts/clothing worksheet
Aujourd’hui…fashion show/révision • jour/date=mardi le 18 décembre • phrase/fait-L’habit ne fait pas le moine. • Literal- The habit/outfit doesn’t make the monk. • Meaning: Don’t judge a book by its cover. • activitié/réponse- Describe what you are wearing today. Je porte un jean et un pull. • Devoirs (homework)- body parts/clothing worksheet
Fashion show in 8 minutes! • Remember: • Models • Put on elaborate clothing (over your clothes!) • Be prepared to answer questions about your clothing. • Example: De quellecouleuresttajupe? • Annoucers • Describe your group member(s) • Give elaborate descriptions of their clothing. 3 items minimum~must add colors!! *you may use a script! • Voici Charles. Il porte un chapeau, un jean bleu et un tee-shirt rouge. Il porteaussi des chausseurs de Nike. • Audience members • Watch the fashion show being put on. Please be respectful while others are walking. No talking or note taking will be required.