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Delve into challenges faced during NCS implementation, propose interventions, and suggest a clear plan for improvement. Explore issues such as assessment clarity, teacher training, transitions, and workload. Develop coherent curriculum documents.
Review of the implementation of the National Curriculum Statement Report of the Task Team
Background to the Report • Minister of Basic Education noted the following: • criticism of the implementation of the NCS and the manifestation of teacher overload • the challenge of underperformance of learners in local and international assessments • Minister appointed a panel of experts to conduct hearings with teachers to understand the curriculum challenges
Terms of Reference • Identify challenges and pressure points in the implementation of the NCS Grades R-12 • Investigate how challenges could be addressed • Develop a set of practical interventions to respond to the noted challenges
Problem Questions • Policy and Guideline Documents • The contribution of the NCS policy documents to the overload was investigated • Transition between Grades and Phases • This was to identify problems with transition from Grade 3 to 4 and from Grade 9 to 10 • Assessment • This was to establish whether there was clarity and appropriate use of
Problem Questions Continued • Teacher Support and Training • This was to investigate the extent of teacher support and training for curriculum implementation • Learning and Teaching Support Materials • This was to investigate the challenges of the development of learning materials and their provision to schools
Methods • The panel held public hearings and interviews with Teachers, Teacher Unions and Subject Advisors across the 9 provinces • Over 500 electronic and written comments from parents, academics, teachers, professional organisations, etc, were received in August • The method also included review of documents
Main issues emerging from hearings and submissions • General support of NCS • Document proliferation • Assessment • Transitions (Grade 3 and 4 & Grade 9 and 10) • Overload • Contexts of teaching • Strengths and weaknesses of NCS
A Clear, Simple Five Year Plan to Improve Teaching and Learning • The plan should provide a vision of a bigger picture in terms of what education and the curriculum are set to do and achieve • The plan must offer the support to teachers and the improvement of learner performance • Mechanisms to monitor implementation of the plan through external monitoring to assess whether it has the desired effects on learner and teacher performance
A Set of Simple and Coherent Curriculum Documents • Develop a single Overview Curriculum and Assessment policy document for Grade R-12 • The learning area and subject documents to be organised around knowledge (content, concepts and skills) to be learnt, with recommended texts, pedagogical approaches and assessment requirements • Document to address knowledge gaps that have been identified
A Set of Simple and Coherent Curriculum Documents • The number of Learning Areas in the Foundation Phase should be reduced • The teaching of English as a First Additional Language must be given priority and that English should be taught from Grade 1 • Develop separate, special guideline documents for ELSEN and multi-grade classes aligned to the Curriculum and Assessment Policy documents
A Set of Simple and Coherent Curriculum Documents, Conti • The Foundations for Learning should be replicated in all schools as soon as possible. • Oversight of curriculum should be centralised within the Department of Basic Education and all communication should be through the Department
Assessment • Regular external annual assessment of Mathematics, Home Language and English FAL in Grade 3 & 6 & 9 • Finalise promotion and progression requirements for Grades R-12 as well as grading descriptors for all grades • The balance between year marks and examinations should be 50%: 50% for Grades 4-9 and 25% year mark and 75% exam mark for Grades 10-12
Workload • The requirements of projects as an assessment requirement must be reduced to one project per learning area/subject • Rationalise and ‘standardise’ the levels of planning required for teachers in different schools and prescribe core requirements for the Teacher File • Learner portfolios as separate, formal compilations of assessment tasks must be discontinued. • Evidence of school based assessment for promotion and progression must be kept in most appropriate mode
Teacher Training • Targeted in-service teacher training must be provided where is it needed most • Principals, HODs, District and Provincial Support Staff should be trained on curriculum and content and assessment requirements • HEIs should be required to align their teacher training programmes with the national curriculum documents with national curriculum • Teaching for 5 hours per day
Clarification of Roles with respect to Curriculum Production, Dissemination, Monitoring and Support • Clarify the roles of subject advisors nationally, specifying the exact nature of the in-classroom and school support they should provide. • Clarify the roles of the national, provincial and district level support for curriculum.
LTSM • Develop a national catalogue of textbooks and other LTSM aligned to the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Document • The role of textbooks and other LTSM must be reasserted • Plan for the provision of a textbook for all learners (Grade 4-12) for every learning area / subject and relevant LSM (Foundation Phase)
Plans for 2010 • The Minister of Basic Education has announced the following: • Curriculum and Assessment Policy documents will be developed and implemented in 2011 • Use of Learner Portfolios will be discontinued from 2010 • Only one file for administrative purposes will be required from teachers • Number of projects required by learners will be reduced