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Zionism and Persecution

Zionism and Persecution. Zionism-movement (started in 19 th Century) to try to create and develop a Jewish nation in Palestine Supported the state of Isreal since 1948

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Zionism and Persecution

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  1. Zionism and Persecution • Zionism-movement (started in 19th Century) to try to create and develop a Jewish nation in Palestine • Supported the state of Isreal since 1948 • Persecution-treating a race or group of people with cruel or unfair treatment (because of ethnic origin or religious beliefes) http://revoltoftheplebs.wordpress.com/2011/01/06/v-for-zionism/

  2. Establishing of Israel • Jewish community needed a independent Jewish state after the Holocaust • Needed it for a safe haven for Jews • Established in 1948 • 50 years of effort started by Theodore Herzl • Balfour Declaration of 1917 • Helped show British Government’s support of the creation of a homeland for Jews • Violence between Palestine’s Jewish and Arab communities increased after World War I • British support led to the 1947 UN partition plan • Would have divided Palestine into separate Jewish and Arab states with Jerusalem under UN administration • Israel proclaimed a state May 14, 1948 • Started army invasions from Arab states

  3. US Relationship with Israel • US committed to protecting Israel • US is a large share of its world-wide economic and security assistance • A lot of countries don’t see Israel as a country • Israeli Leaders • Prime Minister-Binyamin Netanyahu • President-Shimon Peres • Vice Prime Ministers-Moshe Yaalon and Silvan Shalom http://imeu.net/news/article0014362.shtml http://www.internationaleducationmedia.com/israel/

  4. Israelis and Palestinians • Israelis fear Palestinian militants are terrorist • Don’t think they will compromise • Israeli leaders no longer trust Palestinian leaders • There were terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians when Israelis felt peace negotiations were running fairly • Israelis don’t think they have mistreated Palestinians • Israelis are just scared and want to keep people safe even though it’s unfair to Palestinians that they are all viewed as terrorists Obstacles in the way of a Peace Settlement • Israelis don’t think Palestinians will negotiate • Israelis fear Palestinian terrorist attacks • Israelis don’t feel safe enough to reduce control of Palestinian territories http://onlineaikido.com/category/blog-tags/palestine

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