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Handling Student Problem Behavior. PLK Vicwood K.T. Chong Sixth Form College Mr. Albert C.C. CHAN (B.S.W., M.A.) 2 May 2008. Functions of Behavior. Every behavior has a function Four primary reasons for disruptive behavior in the classroom Power Revenge Attention
Handling Student Problem Behavior PLK Vicwood K.T. Chong Sixth Form College Mr. Albert C.C. CHAN (B.S.W., M.A.) 2 May 2008
Functions of Behavior • Every behavior has a function • Four primary reasons for disruptive behavior in the classroom • Power • Revenge • Attention • Want to be left alone (i.e., disinterest or feelings of inadequacy)
Functions of Behavior • Many misbehaviors exhibited by students are responses to a behavior exhibited by the teacher • Do not tolerate undesirable behaviors no matter what the excuse • Understanding why a person exhibits a behavior is no reason to tolerate it • Understanding the function of a behavior will help in knowing how to deal with that behavior
從多角度瞭解學生,明白學生受著不同系統的影響從多角度瞭解學生,明白學生受著不同系統的影響 • 很多時教師會偏向注重學生的學習和課堂表現,因而忽略了學生其他方面的表現及其背後不同系統的影嚮。 • 不要單看某一問題表徵而隨意替學生加上負面的標籤,細心聆聽和觀察可以幫助教師更瞭解學生。
從多角度瞭解學生,明白學生受著不同系統的影響從多角度瞭解學生,明白學生受著不同系統的影響 • 視學生為「病人」(可能因為家庭問題,導致情緒擾亂),其本身也有「免疫能力」,待一段時間過後,或許再加一些外在「藥物」(輔導、關心、鼓勵),未來很大機會會「康復」的。 • 「需要」還是「問題」?→「需要得不到、問題走出來」 • 「不懂」而非「頗劣」→ 可塑性高
反省自己對學生的觀感 • 如果請每位教寫下對現今青少年的形容詞,一般教師多列出較出較負面的字眼,教師須認同某些特質及優點,否則很容易感到氣餒和無奈。 • 每個人都有其獨特性,即使有缺陷/限制,也有其價值和值得重視的地方。學習接受他們,並嘗試去欣賞和愛護他們。
10大常見的紀律問題 • 散漫、不專心 • 欠交功課 • 忘記帶書簿、文具 • 校服不整齊 • 對答態度欠佳 • 言語欺凌 • 遲到 • 堂上大聲喧嘩 • 堂上睡覺 • 排擠同學
首五項處理紀律問題的難處 • 屢勸不改 (65.6 %) • 學生背景複雜 (50.5 %) • 非誠心悔改 (44.8 %) • 家長不同意校方之處理方法 (40.1 %) • 老師沒有時間接見學生 (36.8 %)
同理心 (Empathy) 指站在別人角度看問題,準確地理解別 人的思想和感受,並作出回應; 是主動的代入對方的處境,嘗試明白對 方; 是一種易地而處的能力,能夠通過想像, 感同身受,帶來震盪、共鳴,及感交流, 雙方經驗到活在此刻並不孤獨的感覺。
同理心包括了三種過程: 1) 一個人必須確實傾聽他人;不只是他的話。 2) 還得包括他話中的感受,真正的與他共鳴。 3) 必須要有反應,而反應的方式是令對方知道 有人確實聽到他所說的話。 因此傾聽、話中的感覺,並且有所反應是三個必須的條件。
以下是一些缺乏同理心的例子 否定 劉Sir郁D就告我,分明針對我啦! 你想得太多了,老師又點會無端端針對你呢? 肯定 我次次考試都唔合格,今次都唔例外啦。 俾D信心自己,有信心就一定得。(當事人真的感 到給肯定嗎?) 建議 份功課咁難做,唔交啦。 你不如去問吓同學,或者可幫到你呢。 分析 我讀極都唔識,考試實失敗。 我認為係你嘅讀書方法有問題,你應該改善一下。
同理心的訓練 • 情景一 小明今天忘記帶功課,雖然是本星期第 一次發生,但老師卻對他說: 「點解你日日都唔帶功課架,你無腦 架!」
同理心的訓練 • 情景二 阿文的頭髮留得很長, 且予人披頭散 髮、衣履不整的感覺。早會檢查時,老 師對他說: 「你阿媽冇叫你去剪頭髮咩?成個乞 兒咁!」
同理心的訓練 • 情景三 志華雖然是本星期第二次遲到,但老師 卻在眾人面前,點名對他說: 「你日日都遲到,反正你都遲慣哂, 不如索性遲啲先返學啦!」
同理心的訓練 • 情景四 早會上,學生都肅靜排隊,老師卻發現 小娟正在與同學傾談,便對她斥道: 「你把口咁多野講,不如出黎俾個咪 你講啦。」
同理心的訓練 • 情景五 向榮喜歡在課堂上逗同學談話,老師便 說: 「你咁即係同我作對啫?你係咪好想 我罰你留堂?」
個案討論 • 在某節英文課時,課室後面的學生在摺紙 飛機並把飛機,飛來飛去,梁老師見到後 立即叫他們停止。不過當梁老師在寫黑板 時,一架紙飛機撞到黑板上。梁老師回過 頭來,查問是誰做的,但沒有人回答。
個案討論 2. 新學期不久,中一丙班的學生很快便發覺 教數學的蕭老師並不嚴厲。有一次,正當 蕭老師預備引入一節課題時,有幾個學生 說很熱,叫他開風扇,但另一批學生隨即 說他們不要開風扇。跟著兩批學生便爭執 起來。突然,有學生大聲叫讓,說蕭老師 不理會那些需要開風扇的同學。
個案討論 3. 吳老師很明確地感到學生對他的中文課完 全沒有興趣。上課時,有些學生隨意從一 組走到另一組傾談,有時甚至玩耍。整體 上,上課時全班都很混亂。
個案討論 4. 開學一星期後,范老師已發覺徐同學不停 在課室內做些騷擾他人及吸引注意力的行 為。有時他會吹口哨;有時又大聲插幾句 嘴,內容與當時討論的課題完全無關;有 時又說幾句笑話。總之,就是在扮演「小 丑」的角色。其他學生受到徐的打擾,不 能專心上課。
Four Steps for Winning Cooperation • Express understanding for how you think the child might be feeling. Be sure to check with him to see if you are right. • Show understanding. Understanding does not mean you agree or condone. It simply means you understand the child’s perception. A nice touch here is to share times when you have felt or behaved similarly.
Share you feelings and perceptions. If the first two steps have been done in a sincere and friendly manner, the child will be ready to listen to you. • Ask if the child would be willing to work on a solution with you. Ask if he has any ideas on what to do in the future to avoid the problem. If he doesn’t, offer some suggestions and seek his agreement.
THE THREE "R's" of Recovery Recognize - Wow, I made a mistakeReconcile - I apologizeResolve - lets work on a solution together.
Effective Methods Handling Power • Admit that you can’t make the child do anything and ask for help in finding a solution that works for both of you. • Use the Four Steps for Winning Cooperation. • Redirect the child to use power constructively. • Get children involved in finding solutions • Verbalize love and caring.
Effective Methods Handling Attention • Redirect the child into contributing behavior. Give him a job that provides her with positive attention in the classroom, or allows her to be helpful, such as giving her a stopwtatch to time your phone conversation. • Do the unexpected. (A big hug is often very effective.)
Smile in a knowing way that communicates you are not going to get hooked into this, and then say, “I’m looking forward to our special time at six o’clock.” • Give reassurance and show faith. “I love you, and I know you can handle this yourself.” • Ignore the misbehavior while touching the child. (Continue your conversation while touching your interrupting child on the shoulder.)
Effective Methods HandlingRevenge • Remain friendly while waiting for the cooling- off period. • Deal with the hurt feelings. Make a guess about what has hurt the child, and show empathy. • Use emotional honesty to share your feelings: I feel _____about _____ because _____, and I wish _____.
Use the Four Steps for Winning Cooperation. • Use reflective listening. Get into the child’s world by reflecting back what you are hearing, “You sound very hurt. Can you tell me more? How did you feel?” • Use the Three “R”s of Recovery if you caused the hurt.
Effective Methods HandlingAssumed Inadequacy • Arrange for small successes. Find out anything the child can do and give her many opportunities to share her expertise. • Acknowledge any positive attempt, no matter how small. • Eliminate all expectations of perfection. • Focus on assets. • Do not give up. • In classrooms, encourage the child to choose a buddy or peer tutor for help.
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