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Research, Development, & Evaluation of Technology

Research, Development, & Evaluation of Technology. But first. Chip Bruce’s responses to some of your questions about the Bruce-Levin taxonomy Barbara Miller’s transparencies. With technology, change is the only constant.

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Research, Development, & Evaluation of Technology

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Research, Development, & Evaluation of Technology

  2. But first... • Chip Bruce’s responses to some of your questions about the Bruce-Levin taxonomy • Barbara Miller’s transparencies

  3. With technology, change is the only constant • Moore’s Law: the number of transistors that can fit on a chip doubles every 18 months • Exponential changes: cost of a given computation drops in half every 18 months

  4. Need to predict change

  5. How to predict the future? • Extrapolation • The “same” extrapolation: the future will be like the past • Linear extrapolation: the change from last year to this will occur again between this year and next • More complex

  6. The “pipeline” of development

  7. Riding the “trailing edge” • Technology in education organizations • Technology in education conferences • Technology in education journals

  8. Organizations • CUE: Computer Using Educators • ISTE: International Society for Technology in Education • AACE: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education • AERA: American Education Research Association

  9. Conferences • NECC • Ed-Media • CUE Conferences

  10. Journals • Practitioner • Learning & Leading with Technology • T.H.E. Journal • Research • Journal of Educational Computing Research • Journal of Research on Computing in Education • See list at http://www.ed.uiuc.edu/courses/edpsy490i/sp99/Journals.html

  11. “Vision” scenerios • The MBARI scenerio • Your vision: a day in the life of a learner in 2020

  12. Before next class • read “Learning Spaces in the Networld of Tomorrow: Future Learning Spaces: A VIP Experience at MBARI” http://www.iearn.org/webtour/2/intern.html • write up a brief "vision" of how education could/should operate in the year 2020 (as a web file) and submit the URL to TEbase

  13. Next class meeting • Wednesday, same time, same place • Office hour:4-5pm Wednesday

  14. During lab time • Respond to at least two progress reports by class members that don't already have two responses, giving constructive criticism.

  15. Break time! • Meet back here in 15 minutes:

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