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December 6, 2010. Sponsored by Story PTA. STORYTELLER. A Message from Your Librarian…
December 6, 2010 Sponsored by Story PTA STORYTELLER A Message from Your Librarian… Attention 1st-4th grade students and parents! Underwater Photographer and Children’s Author Michael Patrick O’Neill will be visiting Story on December 15 to share his incredible stories and photography of ocean life. You also have the opportunity to purchase his books, as well as have them signed by Mr. O’Neill! Order forms are available at the front desk and in the library. Forms and payments are due by December 7. Principal’s Corner You are cordially invited to celebrate the holiday season with ‘Cookies and Bedtime Stories’ Stories will be read by Mrs. Coffman, Mr. Rupert, and Mrs. Gonzalez Tuesday, December 7th 6:30 – 7:30 PM Story Cafeteria PTA will also host a free holiday craft table and provide an opportunity to take pictures with Santa for $5. Feel free to wear your PJs and bring a blanket to snuggle. Judith Coffman, Principal Order Your 2010-2011 Yearbook ! The yearbook is in full color, bigger in size, and full of fun and exciting snapshots that document your child's memories. You can also personalize your child's yearbook. The cost of the yearbook is $20 (personalization is extra). You can order online at jostensyearbooks.com. Price will go to $30 on January 1, 2011!!!! Remember...you are only guaranteed a yearbook if you order one!! Transportation’s Annual STUFF THE BUS Campaign All proceeds will be donated to: Allen Community Outreach Please bring all “new unwrapped gifts” to your child’s school no later than 9:00 AM on December 15th. Help us to make someone’s holiday a little brighter. ***Please no food items.*** High Five Club Nov 29 – Dec 3 Kindergarten Jawaad Alam, Grayson Barr, Alex Benavides, Nick McDaniel First Grade Aden Weaver, Michael Overfelt, Carson Meyers, Elijah Obaseki, Joshua Groves Second Grade Alec Compass, Junior Lopez, Sarah Yakum, Brady Olson Third Grade Caroline Falla, Brandon Smith, Rawan Muhammed, Malia Yandell Fourth Grade Natalie Merrifield, Morgan Lawrence, Nabil Ahmed, Kaetlyn McFarland, Amberlynn Beck, Noah Lehman Fifth Grade Charlie Brannon, Jacob Pruitt, James Johnson, Hana Ajdin Sixth Grade Erin Flanigan, Zenia Ahmed, Tom Dickenson, Madison Jarboe, Josh Anderson LOST AND FOUND The Lost and Found box is currently full of coats, sweaters and other clothing. Please check Lost and Found periodically for items that belong to your child. All items that are left at the end of the six weeks (December 17) will be donated to Allen Community Outreach. Please remember to mark your child’s coat, backpack, lunch boxes, etc. with their name. This will help us return lost items to the rightful owner.
Box Top News! Each Box Top and Label you turn in is used to help pay for new things for our school! Keep bringing in those baggies of Box Tops and Labels!! Four weeks are now complete – you only have two more weeks to turn in your Box Tops and Labels for this six week period. Just think – your class could start 2011 off with a free recess!!! Good luck and may the best class win!!! Here are the current top ten classes: Jessie – 261 Byrd – 117 Hogan – 244 Kraus – 85 Morrison – 180 Leiker – 74 Russum – 141 Jarboe – 66 Nichols – 130 Cook - 48 Cheryll Tallent Box Top Coordinator Gifted and Talented Placement Testing AISD Learner Services and Assessment Department will be coordinating upcoming CogAT testing at your campus. All AISD Kindergarten and sixth grade students will be administered a CogAT aptitude testduring the weeks of November 29 - December 10, 2010. This test will be administered in groups at each campus. Please visit the following web link to find out more information on CogAT: http://www.riverpub.com/images/flashElements/cogat_demo.swf All second grade and fourth grade students interested in taking the CogAT test for Gifted and Talented placement consideration will have the opportunity to do so during the spring testing to be held on Saturday, March 26, 2011. Registration information will be located on the Gifted and Talented website in mid-January. PTA Membership Drive Who wants to have a POPCORN party?? On December 17, PTA Membership is going to throw a party for the class in each grade level with the highest percentage of PTA parent members. If you have more than one child, each class will receive credit for one parent membership. Let’s see if we can get 100% participation and parties all over campus!! Please sign up today by going online to the Story Elementary PTA webpage and print a form or you can pick one up at the reception desk. Memberships are only $6.00 and are good for one year. Let’s see which classes can get the most members…..Questions? Please email Rachel Bond at ricracbond@att.net. Holiday Parties – Dec 17 Kindergarten – Second 9:30 AM Third - Sixth 2:00 PM Falcon Celebrations – Jan 7 First & Second Cafeteria 2:00 PM Third & Fourth Cafeteria 8:15 AM Fifth & Sixth Cafeteria 9:15 AM Please remember to RSVP for both events. We will have preprinted name tags for those who RSVP to facilitate the sign-in process. Forms will be sent home in Tuesday folders before each event. Third Grade Service Project Third grade students are excited about their upcoming service project, which fits perfectly with their unit of study in economics! For the past four years, our third graders have had the opportunity to apply their working knowledge of major economic concepts, such as supply and demand, interdependence, and small business operations, while raising money for families in need. Some of the items third graders will produce include pet rocks, buttons, magnets, and bookmarks. These items will be sold for $.50-$2.00. The profit from the sale will be used to purchase clothing and toys for some of our needy families at Story-- just in time for the holidays! Third graders will have booths set up in the third grade hallway on Tuesday, December 14, from 9:15-10:15, and Wednesday, December 15, from 1:30-2:30. I hope you will encourage your children to use their spare change to purchase items for this great cause! Cub Scout Pack 308 Coat Drive Please join Cub Scout Pack 308 in our 2010 Coat Drive for the Salvation Army by donating any gently used or new coats. Donation boxes will be located in the entryway of Story Elementary for your convenience from now until December 15. Thank you!!!!! Mark Your Calendar Dec 7 Story time with Cookies and Milk 6:30 PM Dec 17 End of third 6 weeks Dec 17 Holiday Parties Dec 20 – 31 Winter Vacation – No School Jan 3 Staff Development – No School Jan 7 Falcon Celebrations Jan 17 Staff Development – No School The ACO donation items to be collected for December are All Purpose Cleaners and Paper Towels. Story Elementary School Judith Coffman, Principal : Adam Rupert, Asst. Principal 1550 Edelweiss 75002 * School: 972-727-0570 * Fax: 972-727-0573 *Absentee Hotline: 972-7270320 School Website: http://www.allenisd.org/storyes/site/default.asp