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Heritage Swim 2013-2014. Pre-Season Parent/Swimmer Meeting October 9 th. TRYOUTS. Monday November 11 at 8:30 Tuesday November 12 at 9:30 Wednesday November 13 at 9:30
Heritage Swim 2013-2014 Pre-Season Parent/Swimmer Meeting October 9th
TRYOUTS Monday November 11 at 8:30 Tuesday November 12 at 9:30 Wednesday November 13 at 9:30 Swimmers are expected at IDA LEE, ready on the deck, 15 minutes prior to practice time for stretching and core strengthening
WorkOuts Pre-Season Workouts: Please see Coach Schiffer for weekly work outs. Season Workouts: If you believe, as we do, that it is important to be in the pool more then 3 times a week ,then please see Coach Schiffer’s bulletin board for extra conditioning. If you want to be a STATE SWIMMER, commit to preparation outside team practice!
HHS Swim Practice schedule Weekly Schedule before a meet: • Monday (8:30-9:30)- conditioning • Tuesday (9:30-10-30)- techniques and individual stroke work • Wednesday (9:30-10-30)- relays, starts, finishes, turns • Thursday- team functions • Friday and Saturday- meets
ABSENCES • All absences must be communicated to coaches. • Planned absences must be submitted to Coach Robertson in writing by Friday November 15.
Suggested Schedule for Late Night Practices Tue/Wed • 4:00-4:45- Chill and relax • 4:45- 6:00- Homework • 6:00-7:00- Dinner with family • 7:00-8:30- Homework • 8:30-9:00- Rest, relax, hydrate • 9:00- Leave for Ida Lee • 10:45- 11:15- Hydrate, hugs, happy thoughts • 11:15- Sleep
Practice Plan Tuesday: Technique and Individualized Stroke 9:15 Stretch, core, Team Talk Lanes are divided by stroke 9:30Warm up 200 choice 1 min break 200 Kick 1 min break 200 Pull 9:45: 4x100 on selected time 6x50 on a selected time 8x25 on a selected time 50 no swim 10:15: 25s sprints off the block 10:25: 100 cool down Wednesday: Technique and Team work 8:15: Stretch, core, Team Talk 8:30: Warm up 300 choice 8:40: Lane 1 & 2: Relay team rotations Lane 3 & 4: Starts, stream line 25s rotation Big Lane: Turns and Touches 9:15: Team Races and Stroke Challenges 10:25- Cool down Monday: Conditioning 8:15: Stretch, core, Team Talk 8:30: Warm up 300 choice 1 min break 200 Kick 8:45: 20 min continuous swim 9:05: 100 No Swim 9:10: 4x200 30 sec rest 9:25: 200 cool down
VOLUNTEERs Swim Team is scheduled to work the Football Game on 10/18. Our team earns money for this! • 3 girls and 3 boys at 6:30 for program sales • 15 swimmers at 9:00 for clean up
2013-14 Meet Schedule • Friday, 12/6, at Ida Lee, 9 pm- Dominion • Saturday, 12/7, at Freedom Center, 7pm- Battlefield • Friday, 12/13, at Ida Lee, 7pm- Loudoun County • Friday, 12/20, at Ida Lee, 7pm- Park View • Friday, 1/3/14, at Ida Lee, 7pm- Loudoun Valley • Friday, 1/10, at Ida Lee, 9pm- Millbrook • Saturday, 1/11, at Claude Moore, 1:30 pm- Champe • Saturday, 1/18, at Ida Lee, 8 pm- Freedom • Friday, 1/24, at Ida Lee, 9 pm- Woodgrove
HHS 2013-2014 Swim Policies • Team Warm-ups jackets are to be worn at school on meet day and on the bus to the meet. • Absence(s) from practice may affect meet participation. • Sportsmanship is EXPECTED at all times. • Swimmers are to ride the bus with the team. Ida Lee – To meet only. Claude Moore – to and from meet. • NO Cell phones out on the pool deck at practices or meets.
Procedure for the meet Line-up • Swimmers pre-select meet events and rank their choices from 1-10 • Coaches sort the ranks • Look at top times and where swimmers are needed. • Analyze the competition • Place swimmers where maximum points can be earned (from first on down). • If a swimmer is put in an event that he/she did not rank or does not want to swim, the coach and swimmer will discuss it on Monday. • Open Policy: the swimmer ALWAYS has an opportunity to come to the coaches and plead a case to swim or change an event to help the team win. • Swimmer is given the opportunity to have a swim off for relay positions to advance from the B to the A team or from the D to the C team.
How A meet is scored • Dual Meet (four entries per team) • Relay- 10-5-3-0 • Only two relays per team score • Individual- 8-6-5-4-3-2-1-0 • Championship Meet- points awarded for up to 20 places, depending on the number of teams
Expectations for Club Swimmers • All swimmers are expected to be at all practices. • If a swimmer has already swum that day, he/she will be asked to help and assist team mates with technique strengthening and improvement. • Swimmers can also be asked to be on deck spotters, analyze up coming competition, make entry recommendations, or assist with small groups working on specific techniques. • If a club swimmer has not swum already that day, he/she is expected to swim HHS scheduled practice.
HHS SWIM Team Goals • Each swimmer is interviewed at the start of the season by Coach Robertson and asked to set his/her goals for the season. • The coaches are responsible for assisting each swimmer in achieving these goals. • The team goal is to give as many swimmers as possible an opportunity to compete at the state meet.
Captains • Each team member will be asked to select two boys and two girls for team captains. • Using these selections as a basis, the coaches will choose two boys and two girls to be the team captains for the year.
Posted at Each Practice The meet sheet posted Monday for the upcoming weeks meet for swimmers to review and give input or question Swimmers top times through out the season to show other swimmers where they are ranked each in an event
28b-6-1 vhsl Independent team rule • “Student may participate with an organized team in same sport so long as such participation does not conflict with scheduled activities of school team.”
Required Paperwork Make sure all paperwork is complete by Thursday November 7. • VHSL Physical • Concussion Form • Parent Consent • Training Rules • Emergency Card (only form needed for Fall athletes) Please turn forms in to Athletic Office