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Department of Human Services. Budget Request FY2014 Agency Budget Briefing March 6, 2013 Pat Quinn, Governor Michelle R. B. Saddler, Secretary. DHS Agency Budget for FY2014. General Revenue Fund – Dollars in billions FY11 Actual Expenditures = $3.892B FY12 Actual Expenditures = $3.415B
Department of Human Services Budget Request FY2014 Agency Budget Briefing March 6, 2013 Pat Quinn, Governor Michelle R. B. Saddler, Secretary
DHS Agency Budget for FY2014 General Revenue Fund – Dollars in billions FY11 Actual Expenditures = $3.892B FY12 Actual Expenditures = $3.415B FY13 Estimated Spending = $3.268B FY14 Appropriation Request = $3.606B
DHS FY2014 Budget Request Highlights The FY14 proposed budget represents $337.6M GRF increase from FY13 Agency estimated expenditures. For the first time in numerous fiscal years, the Department will not include program cuts in the FY14 request. In FY14, DHS assumes funding for the ratification of AFSCME contract.
DHS FY2014 Budget Request Highlights The Affordable Care Act (ACA) will allow the state to expand Medicaid coverage to individuals that were not previously eligible. For FY14, the Medicaid expansion is supported by 100% Federal matching funds and will allow DHS to relieve General Revenue pressures. In partnership with the Department of HFS, DHS has requested funds to be made available for the transition of DHS clients into Care Coordination.
DHS FY2014 Alcoholism and Substance Abuse The Budget provides funding for DASA Medicaid services to prevent payment rollover. DASA will allocate funds for the implementation of Medicaid Care Coordination and for Medicaid expansion as a result of the Affordable Care Act (ACA).
DHS FY2014 Division of Developmental Disabilities The FY14 budget request represents the continuation of two significant actions in the State’s efforts to rebalance individuals with developmental disabilities from Long Term Care Facilities to Person Centered, Community Integrated Services: the closure of Murray Developmental Center, and the continued implementation of the Ligas Consent Decree. In FY14, there are also funds to significantly reduce the current 2-5 month DD payment cycles. The request annualizes the CILA rate enhancements from FY13.
DHS FY2014 Family and Community Services The FY14 request includes the transfer of the Maternal and Child Health Programs within the Division of Family and Community Services and with the recommendation of the Human Services Commission, administration of the Family Planning Program to the Department of Public Health The Division of Family and Community Services is requesting an additional 600 staff in our local offices to remedy historic understaffing and handle the influx of new applications under the Affordable Care Act. Personal services funding for 200 staff to implement the Illinois Medicaid Redetermination Project as mandated by the SMART Act is annualized in the FY14 budget.
DHS FY2014 Division of Mental Health The Governor’s introduced budget includes resources from the General Revenue and DHS Community Services Funds to support Williams Consent Decree implementation. Requested funding will support transitions to the community for 1,280 clients covered under the Williams Decree. The Governor’s budget request includes additional funding for the increase in physical capacity, to accommodate population growth, for the Sexually Violent Persons program at the Treatment and Detention Facility in Rushville.
DHS FY2014 Division of Rehabilitation Services The Governor’s Introduced Budget fully funds the anticipated liability of the Home Services Program while also investing in the wages and health care benefits for Personal Assistants. Consistent with the provisions detailed in the SMART Act, funding is included for the implementation of an electronic time keeping system for the Home Services Program.
DHS FY2014 The DHS Budget Briefing Book will not be available in printed form, but the material can be reviewed or downloaded from the DHS Website at www.dhs.state.il.us/budget/2014.