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Homer’s Epics in Japanese

Homer’s Epics in Japanese. Ilias Bansui Tsuchii 土井晩翠  1940 Chigeichi Kure 呉茂一 1953-1958 Chiaki Matsudaira 松平千秋 1992. Heike Monogatari : 平家物語. Japanese epic of the battle between two clans, Taira ( 平 ) and Minamoto ( 源) 1180-1185

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Homer’s Epics in Japanese

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  1. Homer’s Epics in Japanese Ilias • BansuiTsuchii土井晩翠  1940 • Chigeichi Kure呉茂一 1953-1958 • Chiaki Matsudaira松平千秋 1992

  2. Heike Monogatari:平家物語 • Japanese epic of the battle between twoclans, Taira (平)and Minamoto(源) • 1180-1185 • English tr. Tale of Heike byH. C. McCullough 1988

  3. 平家物語絵巻

  4. Tale of Genji(源氏物語) Japanese great classic comparable to Homer’s epics

  5. Translated works of Genji English translation A.Waley1921-1933 E.Seidensticker 1976 R.Taylor 2001

  6. Japanese History (sequel) • Early Modern Japan Edo Period(1603-1868) -seclusion • Meijiperiod(1868-1912)- Meiji Restoration, War with China, with Russia • Taisho Period(1912-1926)- WWI • Showa Period(1926-1989)-militarism, WWII, Defeat, New Constitution(democratic Japan) • Heisei Period(1989- present)

  7. Meiji Reformation 1868 Japan opened towards the Western World in 1868.  →modernization of the nation

  8. FukuzawaYukichi福沢諭吉 • In Praise of Learning 学問のすすめ 1872 220,000 copies were printed, when population was 35,000,000

  9. Influence of philhellenism in West Europe upon Japan • Japan got to know about ancient Greece and Greek culture through west European philhellenism. • The Classical Society of Japan was founded in 1950 by the scholars who were Hellenists, and no Latinists.

  10. Classical Society of Japan 西洋古典学会 Founded in 1950

  11. The younger generation free from Philhellenism • Natsuki Ikezawa: born in July 7, 1945. Moved to Greece in 1975 and lived there for three years. Provided Japanese subtitles of the Theo Angelopoulos film, O Thiassos in 1979, and Theo commissioned him to continue providing subtitles for his films. • Haruki Murakami: born in 1949. Wrote Norwegian Wood (published in 1987) duirng a three-year sojourn in Greece and Italy.

  12. Greek tregedies are favoured by the Japanese very much. Oedipous tyrannos sure to be staged almost every month somewhere in Japan

  13. Shuichi Kato(1919~) “The present day and the myths” Asahi Newspaper 23 Feb.2008. about two writers who died recently (one is Makoto Oda d. July 30,2007) Both worked on ancient Greece in their later years.

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