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World History II SOL Review. Use these slides like flash cards to study for the SOL test WHII.11 – WHII.12. Outbreak of World War II. What were the major causes for WWII? Aggression by totalitarian powers. Germany, Italy, Japan Nationalism Failures of WHAT treaty? Treaty of Versailles
World History II SOL Review Use these slides like flash cards to study for the SOL test WHII.11 – WHII.12
Outbreak of World War II What were the major causes for WWII? • Aggression by totalitarian powers. • Germany, Italy, Japan • Nationalism • Failures of WHAT treaty? • Treaty of Versailles • Appeasement • Weaknesses of League of Nations • Isolationism and Pacifism
Major Events of WWII • What event marks the beginning of WWII? • Germany’s invasion of Poland • Germany’s invasion of what allied nation gave them control of both East and West Europe? • France
Who were the Allied Powers? Great Britain France Soviet Union (after Germany broke their non-aggression pact and invaded) The United States Who were the Axis Powers? Germany Italy Japan USSR (until Germany broke their non-aggression pact and invaded) A World Divided
Major Events of WWII • How did Germany void the Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact? • By invading the Soviet Union, August 1943 • What event brought the US into the war? • Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Dec. 7, 1941 • What was the major blitzkrieg attack of Britain? • The Battle of Britain – RAF were able to keep the Luftwaffe at bay.
Major Events of WWII European Theater Hitler invades Soviet Union (1941) Operation Barbarossa Battle of Stalingrad (1942) – German troops weakened and pushed back to the west. What do we call the Allied invasion of Europe? D-Day, Invasion of Normandy (June 6, 1944) – the Allies liberated France The war in Europe officially came to an end May 8, 1945, known as _____. VE Day – Hitler committed suicide in April, 1945 and Germany agreed to unconditional surrender
Major Events of WWII Pacific Theater What battle of the Pacific was a major turning point in the war (for the Allies) The Battle of Midway How did the war in Japan end? Atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki Which American President made the decision to drop the bombs? Harry S. Truman
What was The Holocaust? • The Nazi controlled killing of more than 6 million Jews • How did the Nazis first suspend the rights of Jews? • Nuremberg Laws • How did the Germans exterminate the Jews? • Concentration Camps – poison gas • The Holocaust is an example of the physical extermination of a people – what is this called? • Genocide
What are other examples of 20th-Century Genocide? • WHO did the Turkish (Ottoman) government kill millions of during WWI?? • Armenians • WHO is responsible for the murder 1 million of his own people in Cambodia?? • Pol Pot • WHO engineered the mass killing of Tutus in Rwanda? • Hutus
Post War – International Organizations WHAT organization replaced the ineffective League of Nations? • United Nations WHAT is the name of the strong executive branch of the UN? • Security Council – with 5 permanent members WHY did the UN create the World Bank? • Help stabilize world economies
Rebuilding Germany • HOW did the Allies attempt to de-Nazify Germany? • Divided the occupation of Germany amongst the 4 allies • WHAT was the result? • A western – pro-democracy Germany in the West and an eastern-communist Germany in the East • WHERE were Nazis tried for crimes against humanity? • Nuremberg Trials
Rebuilding Europe • WHAT does USSR gain at the conferences of Tehran, Yalta and Potsdam? • Allowed to dominate Eastern Europe • WHAT was the result? • An “iron curtain” falls between East and West Europe (Churchill) • WHAT was the US plan for rebuilding Europe and stopping the spread of Communism? • Marshall Plan
Rebuilding Japan • Tojo is executed for war crimes • Hirohito allowed to keep throne, but no longer “divine ruler” • American troops occupy Japan under General MacArthur – they can have NO military • RESULT? • Japan transforms into major global economic power
What is the COLD WAR? • Competition between the two new post-war super powers. • WHO are these super powers? • The US (Truman) and the USSR (Stalin) • WHAT Eastern European countries became the USSR’s buffer states? • Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland and Romania
COLD WAR alliances and policies • WHAT military alliance did the West form after WWII? • North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) • What did the Eastern Bloc countries form in response? • Warsaw Pact • As the US and her Allies became concerned about communism, they came up with what policy? • The Truman Doctrine of Containment
COLD WAR cold conflicts • WHAT did the USSR do in opposition to the creation of a pro-West German state? • The Berlin Blockade • What was the West’s response? • Berlin Airlift • As the US and her Allies became concerned about communism, they came up with what policy? • The Truman Doctrine of Containment • How does USSR prevent people from fleeing East Berlin to the West? • The Berlin Wall – the symbol of the Cold War
Cold War in Asia • WHAT COUNTRY? • 1949 Civil War • Communists led by Chairman Mao Tse-Tung (Zedong) • Nationalists led by Chiang Kai-shek – who was forced to flee to Taiwan • Tension still exists between the Communist country and Taiwan • CHINA
Cold War HOT Conflicts • WHAT conflict? • Above the 38th Parallel was Communist, below was pro-west • The North invaded the South in an attempt to spread communism • The US sent troops to repel invaders • It ended in a stalemate. • THE KOREAN WAR – still divided
Cold War HOT Conflicts • WHAT conflict? • The US was concerned about this conflict because of the Domino Theory • Ho Chi Minh=leader of Communist Nationalists • LBJ escalated US involvement in the conflict – Nixon removed the troops • The entire country falls to communism • VIETNAM CONFLICT – all communist
Cold War HOT Conflicts • WHAT country? • Communist Leader Fidel Castro, supported by the Soviet Union (Khrushchev) • CIA trained former citizens attempted to overthrow Castro at the Bay of Pigs • Soviet missiles found in the country prompted fear of a nuclear war! • Soviet leader Khrushchev backed down to Kennedy’s demands • CUBA – Cuban Missile Crisis
How did the Cold War End? • Soviet economy failed • Mikhail Gorbachev’s (1985-1991) reforms: • Ban intermediate-range missiles • Perestroika – economic reforms • Glasnost – openness • What symbolizes the end of the Cold War? • Fall of the Berlin Wall