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The role of internships at German vocational schools: the example of the Berufsgrundbildungsjahr

Institut für Allgemeine Pädagogik und Berufspädagogik. The role of internships at German vocational schools: the example of the Berufsgrundbildungsjahr. Overview. Social inclusion via vocational education and training (VET) VET-preparation and internships Results of an Evaluation Discussion.

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The role of internships at German vocational schools: the example of the Berufsgrundbildungsjahr

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  1. Institut für Allgemeine Pädagogik und Berufspädagogik The role of internships at German vocational schools: the example of the Berufsgrundbildungsjahr

  2. Overview • Social inclusion via vocational education and training (VET) • VET-preparation and internships • Results of an Evaluation • Discussion

  3. Social inclusion via VE (Schuhmann 2007)

  4. Transition into VET • VET- opportunities: mismatch between demand and supply • Problematic School-to-Work Transitions • Increasing number of young people in VET-preparation courses

  5. VET-preparation courses

  6. VET-preparation courses Goals: • Compensating lacks in skills and general education • Imparting basics of vocational training • Stabilising youths with social problems in phase of transition • Thereby transitioning students in regular VET-training Problems: • Low motivation • Training at school: no connection to enterprises • Thereby: low rates of transition into regular VET-Training

  7. Internships in VET-preparation courses • Employers „test“ and afterwards offer an apprenticeship • Young people get to know working processes • Possibility to employ young people under precarious conditions

  8. Internships in VET-preparation courses:Berufsgrundbildungsjahr Hessen • Closing the gap between School and VET • Berufsgrundbildungsjahr Hessen:1 year-course; 160 hours of internship • Transition into VET-Training: 26% of age group Expectations: • Higher commitment to VET • Higher motivation • Enhancement in social behaviour and punctuality • Concrete plans for the future • Lower drop out quotes • „Bonding-effect“

  9. Evaluation • Questioning teachers (149) and students (1960) • Teachers: 149/ 68% answered questionnaires • Students: 1960/48% answered questionnaires • Comparison classes with and without internships

  10. Berufsgrundbildungsjahr • 80% Hauptschulabschluss (lowest secondary school degree) • 58% young men, 42% young women • Age: 17 years • 77% of classes with internship; 16% without • Duration: 3,7 weeks; 67% embedded in occupational area

  11. Berufsgrundbildungsjahr Differences between classes

  12. Berufsgrundbildungsjahr Students with VET-contracts in classes with and without internships With internship n=107 without internship n=17; significant at 0,016

  13. Discussion • Internships may have positive effects • Structural problems prevail over possible positive effects of internships • „Displacement-effect“ vs. „bonding-effect“ • Prolonged transition-phase • Shortage of possibilities for less qualified young people

  14. Thank you for your attention!

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