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Support measures at vocational schools and colleges for students at risk. Problem areas at vocational schools and colleges. PISA: results below-average regarding reading and understanding content ( scanning / skimming ) High number of students with migration background
Support measuresatvocationalschoolsandcollegesforstudentsatrisk Mag. Ingrid Weger, II/3
Problem areasatvocationalschoolsandcolleges PISA: resultsbelow-averageregardingreadingandunderstandingcontent (scanning/skimming) High numberofstudentswithmigrationbackground Studentswithlanguage/linguisticdeficts in German Transition problemsstartingat a new type ofschool High rate of „dropouts“ after oneyear Mag. Ingrid Weger, II/3
Definition oftheterm „DROP OUT“ Somtimestransitionfromoneschool type A to B orstarting an apprenticeshipisregardedasdrop out. Real „drop out“ isleavingschoolonlybecausecompulsoryeducation (9 years in Austria) hasended. Mag. Ingrid Weger, II/3
Measurestoreducethenumberofstudentsatriskatvocationalschoolsandcolleges in year 9: Fewerstudents in a class (splitting a classinto 2 groups in German andMathematics) ifnumberofstudentsexceeds 31. Introducingandimplementingdiagnostictests in year 9 Special advancementcoursesforstudentswith /languagelinguisticdeficitsin German (3 projectsfundedbythe European Social Funds – ESF) Mag. Ingrid Weger, II/3
Implementation ofdiagnostictools in year 9 Analysis ofthecurrentstateoflearning in German, English, Mathematics Evaluation andassessmentatthebeginningoftheschoolyear Special studentoriented optional coursesstartingasearlyaspossible Mag. Ingrid Weger, II/3
Diagnostic Test - German Analysis ofcurrentstateoflearning Reading andunderstandingcontent Logicoflanguage Correctness andaccuracyoflanguage Individual assessment: strengths - weaknesses Feedback isgiventostudentsandparents Offeringspecialadvancementcourses (optional) alreadyatthebeginningofschoolyear Mag. Ingrid Weger, II/3
Diagnostictest Englisch Analysis of current state of learning Reading Listening Writing GERS Niveau A2 (Cambridge KET-Test) Mag. Ingrid Weger, II/3
Diagnostictest - Mathematics Analysis ofcurrentstate the 4 arithmeticaloperations (addition, substraction, multiplication, division) percentages number sense Mag. Ingrid Weger, II/3
Project 1 (ESF): „Student orientedcoursesforstudentswithlinguistic/languagedeficits in German in year 9“ Diagnostictest in German Supportivelanguagetraining in German ( 2 extra optional lessons a week) Language Certificate : Austrian Language Diploma „ÖSD“ (level A2, B1 oder B2 CEF) Mag. Ingrid Weger, II/3
Project 2: „Transition year“ in year 9 especiallydesignedforstudentswithseverelearningdifficulties in German, English, Mathematics etc. specialcurriculum entrypossibleany time Mag. Ingrid Weger, II/3
Project 3: Specificadvancementcoursecalled„competenceorientedindependentlearning“(KOEL)“ 5 optional extra lessons per week in year 9 all dayschool (from 8:00 to 16:00) supportinglearningandhowtolearn Mag. Ingrid Weger, II/3
Other Measures Guide forauthorsoftextbooks Concerningthewording Reading andunderstandingas a content in all subjects Research project in cooperationwith University of Graz: „Didactic Coaching forteaching in multilingual classes“ Mag. Ingrid Weger, II/3