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Fall Semester final exam review. Geller’s Fantastic Freshmen December 2013. Literary Terms. 1. An imaginative attempt to explain the universe, its creation and workings is known as a MYTH
Fall Semester final exam review Geller’s Fantastic Freshmen December 2013
Literary Terms • 1. An imaginative attempt to explain the universe, its creation and workings is known as a MYTH • 2. A comparison of two unlike things using “like” or “as” is a SIMILE3. A figure of speech that compares two things without using “like” or “as” is a METAPHOR • 4. A long, narrative poem about the journey of a hero is an EPIC
Literary Terms • 5. The use of language that appeals to the five senses is IMAGERY • 6. The use of words that sound like the noises they describe is ONOMATOPOEIA • 7. A type of figurative language in which human qualities are given to nonhuman things is PERSONIFICATION • 8. The person who faces trials and enemies while struggling on an epic journey [the protagonist of an epic] is an EPIC HERO • 9. The Greek words for excessive pride and arrogance [Odysseus’s tragic flaw] is HUBRIS
Applying Literary Terms • Characteristics of an Epic: • Long narrative poem about the journey of a hero • Hero faces external conflict in the form of monsters, enemies, and other perils • Hero often has supernatural assistance/help from the gods • Hero has a flaw that often gets him into trouble • Consist of formulaic lines that are often repeated • Used to teach the values and virtues of a culture
Applying Literary Terms • 11. “Cries burst from both, as keen and fluttering/as those of a great taloned hawk…” (SIMILE) • 12. “Dawn with her fingertips of rose…” (PERSONIFICATION) • 13. “So with our brand we bored that great eye socket…” (IMAGERY) • 14. A struggle within a character’s mind=INTERNAL CONFLICT
Applying Literary Terms • 15. Thudding=ONOMATOPOEIA • 16. REPETITION • 17.Main character=PROTAGONIST • 18. EXTERNAL CONFLICT (Poseidon is an ANTAGONIST) • 19. We know something a character doesn’t=DRAMATIC IRONY • 20. Repetition of consonant sounds=ALLITERATION
Applying Literary Terms • Big Idea=THEME • In the Odyssey, major themes include: • Love • Loyalty • Honor • Pride • Revenge • Coming of age (Telemachus)
Vocabulary • Livid (adj): Very angry; discolored by bruising, pale • Apathy (n): Lack of feeling or emotion • Empathy (n) Identification with and understanding of another’s situation or feelings • Sympathy (n): Sorrow or the capacity to feel sorrow for another’s suffering or misfortune • Dregs (n): Matter that settles to the bottom of a body of liquid; the most undesirable part of something
More Vocabulary • Aristocratic (adj): Having to do with the upper class or nobility; having an air of superiority • Robust (adj): Strong and healthy • Notorious (adj): Widely and unfavorably known; having a bad reputation • Riveted (adj/v): Fastened or fixed firmly; to attract and hold (as the attention) completely • Idleness (n): The state of being inactive; doing nothing
Even MORE Vocabulary! • Rogue (n): A dishonest or unprincipled person • Oracle (n): One who predicts the future • Profusion (n): An abundance or large quantity of something • Din (n): A commotion; lots of loud noise • Guile (n): Cleverness, craftiness • Muster (v): To collect or assemble • Dismember (v): To remove the limbs (from a person or animal)
Still more vocabulary • Discord (n): Lack of agreement • Appalled (v): Greatly dismayed or horrified • Ponderous (adj): Heavy, burdensome
“When I Think About Myself” • “My life is one great big joke” (METAPHOR) • “I almost laugh myself to death” (HYPERBOLE) • “A dance that walked; a song that spoke” (PERSONIFICATION)
“O Captain! My Captain!” • “For you the flag is flung” (ALLITERATION) • “Fallen cold and dead” at the end of each stanza (REPETITION)
“Echo and Narcissus” • This Greek myth tells the story of Echo, a beautiful nymph who can only repeat what others say. She loves Narcissus, but Narcissus only loves himself. • Narcissus leans over the water, staring at his own reflection. He falls in and drowns. Echo dies of a broken heart • The flower that grew where he died is called the Narcissus. • The word “narcissistic” means self-absorbed.
“An Ancient Gesture” • The speaker, like Penelope in the Odyssey, is waiting for her husband to return • The “ancient gesture” is the wiping away of tears
Excerpt from The Jungle • This brief excerpt describes shockingly disgusting conditions in a meat packing plant • “The moon is a white sliver” (METAPHOR) • A good transition to use here would be “in addition” or “furthermore” • “As good as new” (SIMILE) • Short works (songs, poems, short stories) get “quotation marks” • Long works (novels, plays, newspapers) get underlined or italicized
Grammar and Conventions • Commonly confused words: • There—in that place, also “there is/there are” • Their—shows possession • They’re—they are • Too—also, excessively (too much, too many) • To—preposition and used with verb to form infinitive (I am going to the store; I love to dance) • Two—the number 2
Grammar and Conventions • Combining sentences • Subordinating conjunction: • I left. I was tiredI left because I was tired. • Tessa could do just about any math problem. She was given an exampleTessa could do just about any math problem when she was given an example • Comma and coordinating conjunction: • I am tired. I am happyI am tired, but I am happy. • Semicolon: • I thought I saw Brittany. Wasn’t she here today?I thought I saw Brittany; wasn’t she here today?
Grammar and Conventions • Fragments: No subject, no verb, or neither: • After the assembly. Because I love you. Running for his life. Elizabeth and her cousins. • Run-ons: Two independent clauses connected without a conjunction or semicolon: • He is my dentist, he cleans my teeth. I am not studying for this test it is ridiculous.
“A Country Cottage” • “The moon peeped up from the drifting cloudlets and frowned…” (PERSONIFICATION) • “The still air was heavy with the fragrance of lilac and wild cherry” (IMAGERY) • “It all seems like a dream…” (SIMILE) • Sasha is struggling with the idea that his family and relations won’t fit comfortably in his cozy little cottage. (INTERNAL CONFLICT) • The moon was “glad she had no relations;” the sweetness of young love can turn bitter when relatives arrive!
Night • Time period: WWII • The memoir’s title is symbolic of the despondency of the prisoners, the protagonist’s despair and hopelessness, a dark period in human history, and the human capacity for evil. • Moche the Beadle is the first to bring news of mass executions back to Sighet; he is able to escape the SS by playing dead • The Jews of Sighet were deported by cattle car in 1943; Elie was finally liberated from the concentration camp in 1945.
Excerpt from “I Am a Rock” A winters day In a deep and dark December (ALLITERATION) I am alone, gazing from my window to the streets below On a freshly fallen silent shroud of snow I am a rock; I am an island (METAPHOR) • First person point of view • Toneattitude and emotions conveyed (sad, mournful, isolated)
Even MORE Vocabulary • Ubiquitous: Everywhere; ever-present • Memoir: First-person narrative nonfiction (autobiography that focuses on a specific part of the author’s life) • Anti-Semitism: Prejudice against Jews • Obscurity: The condition of being unknown; darkness; dimness • Anecdote: A brief story • Erratic: Not regular or consistent
The last of the vocabulary • Expulsion: The process of driving or forcing out • Compensate: To make up for; repay for services • Eradicate: To eliminate, remove, or destroy completely • Fortify: To strengthen; build up