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Posters. Professor N. Sartorius, MD, PhD, Geneva . Purposes of a poster . To give a message - usually one, but not more than three To convey information in a manner that makes it easy for the reader to get it. Usual subjects . Report of a simple study or independent part of a larger study

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Posters Professor N. Sartorius, MD, PhD, Geneva

  2. Purposes of a poster • To give a message - usually one, but not more than three • To convey information in a manner that makes it easy for the reader to get it.

  3. Usual subjects • Report of a simple study or independent part of a larger study • A message - humanitarian, political or other • Description of a programme or department

  4. Unsuitable subjects • Full reports of studies • Discursive texts • Materials that do not gain by a visual presentation. • Materials that have not yet ripened in the authors’ mind and carry no message.

  5. Characteristics of posters • Posters are a visual tool. • Posters draw attention to other matters - the author, a study, a department, an ideological position. • Posters of good quality attract readers and make it possible for them to get the message quickly, in a minute or two at most.

  6. Poster’s maximum lengths • Introduction 3 lines • Goal 2 lines • Method 6 lines • Results 12 lines • Discussion 5 lines • Conclusions 3 lines • References 4 lines

  7. Assets of posters • A well known name, a logo, a familiar figure • A striking photo or other picture • Use of few harmonious, non-aggressive colours • Decent print size easy to read from a distance of 2 meters

  8. Essential accompaniments • Tools ( scissors, tape, whitener, tacks, ) • Copies of poster in A4 format with the authors ‘ address, phones, email, • Notebook and pencil • and sometimes a foldable chair

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