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Posters. Dark Mise-en-Scene, tradition horror conventions. ‘HOUSE’ in red, makes it stand out and also shows the conventions of blood, danger and death. Writing also looks like it has been clawed, suggests at danger. Only lit area is around the house, emerging from the darkness.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Posters

  2. Dark Mise-en-Scene, tradition horror conventions. ‘HOUSE’ in red, makes it stand out and also shows the conventions of blood, danger and death. Writing also looks like it has been clawed, suggests at danger. Only lit area is around the house, emerging from the darkness. ‘IF BAD PEOPLE HURT SOMEONE YOU LOVE, HOW FAR WOULD YOU GO TO HURT THEM BACK?’ rhetorical question, gets the audience involved.

  3. Dark colours again. Incudes the threat, shows what to expect. Shows the distress and fear of the main character. Helps to intrigue the audience.

  4. Automatically drawn to the girl, adds to the horror as cant tell what the creature is. Made to look like its looking down on the girl, shows control and possession Red used to show blood and danger

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