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WP 1300 Optics UV/IR studies

WP 1300 Optics UV/IR studies. Speaker: Carmelo Arcidiacono INAF – PD Coordinator: Roberto Ragazzoni INAF - PD. Formal and informal contributions coming from collaborators in throughout Italian Universities and Observatories Five themes WP 1310 Solar Observations

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WP 1300 Optics UV/IR studies

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  1. WP 1300Optics UV/IR studies Speaker: Carmelo Arcidiacono INAF – PD Coordinator: Roberto Ragazzoni INAF - PD

  2. Formal and informal contributions coming from collaborators in throughout Italian Universities and Observatories Five themes WP 1310 Solar Observations F. Berrilli, Roma Univ. Tor Vergata WP 1320 Solar System Minor Bodies Observations M. Di Martino, A. Cellino INAF OA Torino WP 1330 Wide FoV Telescope Mid Infrared Telescope Interferometry for extremely high resolution UltraViolet Optics and InfraRed Work Package

  3. WP1310 Sun ObservationScientific drivers descriptionis demanded to the talk: High Priority and Heavier Payloads 16:00 TIGRE M. Feroci (INAF) 16:15 PIM C. Labanti (INAF) 16:30 High Resolution Solar Imaging from the MoonF. Berrilli (INAF, Tor Vergata Univ.) 16:45 Spectral Distortions of CMB C. Burigana (INAF) 17:00-17:30 General Discussion and Conclusions  

  4. WP 1310 Sun Observations • A 1 to 2 m Gregorian Diffraction limitedUltraViolet telescope for Solar Observations. • Aiming to explore magnetic tubes fluxes, their evolution and interaction with other Solar features. • Spectrum-polarimetry essential • High Priority

  5. Polar Zones Crater Edge or rim WP 1310 Sun ObservationsSite ~Continous Sun Observation High Visibilty from Earth for communications

  6. Gregorian Optical Design, Diameter 1.5m,25m focal length Field of View: 100x100 arcsec Bandwidth: 300-600 nm extended to 600-1600 nm Angular Resolution: Diffraction-limited single dish ~0.1arcsec resolution is needed in order to be competitive with other space missions at low orbit or in the Lagrangian Points. Spectral Resolution: FWHM of the spectro-polarimetric ~500pm Such as resolution could be obtained through the combination of a narrow band filter (~3-5Å) and a Fabry-Perot interferometer Temporal Resolution: ~90sec are necessary to sample the photosphere and chromosphere spectral line in his different polarization states and to characterize the related dynamics Heliosismology studies ~30-50s temporal sampling Imaging 5 sec Weight estimation ~350kg WP1310 Sun ObservationPayload Technical Specifications

  7. Large diameter size and high temporal resolution allow beating the forthcoming free flyers competitors (2007-2027): SOLAR-B SOT (Solar Optical Telescope) SDO HMI (Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager) SOLAR ORBITER VIM (Visual Imager Magnetograph) A suite of solar instruments: Imaging Spectroscopy Polarimetry WP1310 Sun ObservationCompetitors or Precursors?

  8. WP 1320 Solar System Minor Bodies • About 2 m Diffraction limitedoptical telescope • Characterization of Inner Earth Asteroids (IEA), direct measurement of asteroid sizes, spin and shape properties, characterization of Kreuz family comets. • Medium Priority

  9. Moon Advantages: • Diffraction-limited images • Observations of Regions at low solar elongations • Long baseline Earth - Moon

  10. Why to make hi-res observations of asteroids? • To measure their angular sizes • To reconstruct their 3-D shapes • To find binary systems • To find surface heterogeneity (albedo spots) • To investigate light scattering properties • including limb darkening Speckle interferometry observations at TNG

  11. 4 Vesta (HST) Resolving the apparent disks of asteroids leads to reconstruct the 3-D shape of the objects. Knowledge of the volume is then used to derive average density when the mass is known (from gravitational perturbations, or the presence of a satellite)

  12. Binary Asteroids At present, about 24 near-Earth and 36 Main Belt asteroids are known or suspected to be binaries Binaries are extremely important because they allow us to derive asteroid masses, and put constraints on the collisional evolution of the population. 90 Antiope 45 Eugenia

  13. Atens Average orbit < 1 AU Perihelia < 1 AU, Afehelia > 1 AU Apollo Average orbit > 1 AU Perihelia < 1 AU, Afhelia > 1 AU Amors Orbit 1.017 AU < distance < 1.17 Asteroid families close to Earth orbit

  14. Solar elongations vs. Earth distance Aten objects: < 1, Q > 0.983 AU Orbital evolution of 21 Atens (821 yrs). Plot of Solar elongation vs. Earth distance every 40 days. Large dots: Mv < 16 Medium dots: 16 < Mv < 18 Small dots: 18 < Mv < 20 (integrations made by Boattini and Carusi) In addition to Atens, a new class of objects, with orbits completely inside Earth’s orbit, has been found to exist necessarily, through numerical integrations of NEO orbits. These objects have been called IEOs(objets Interior to Earth’s Orbit). Only a very few IEOs have been so far discovered, due to the difficulty of observing IEOs from ground, since they never are visible at large solar elongations. A Moon-based telescope would not be affected by such limitations.

  15. Limits of current ground-based NEO surveys Numerical simulations indicate that currently active ground-based NEO surveys aimed at discovering Potentially Hazardous objects can be unable to discover in advance all the possible impactors larger than 1 km, even after 100 years of observations. Numerical simulations indicate that most impactors are visible in advance only by observing systematically the regions of the sky within 90o from the Sun, whereas surveys hardly observe beyond this limit.

  16. Observations of Sun-grazing comets Due to the lack of atmosphere, a Moon-based telescope, equipped with a solar coronograph, would be very efficient in observing Sun-grazing comets. Sun-razing comet observed by the SOHO solar observatory

  17. A Moon-based telescope would nicely complement future large sky surveys, since it would permit to determine the distance of newly-discovered objects by means of measurements of the diurnal parallax (having the Earth-Moon distance as the baseline). This would be very useful for NEO-discovery surveys.

  18. Parallax measurements would be also extremely useful to constrain the orbits of Trans-Neptunian objects. By observing an object as seen in quadrature from two opposite locations along the Moon’s orbit around the Earth, it should be possible to measure the parallax, and to derive the distance of the object. This could be done in principle also from the Earth’s ground, using the Earth’s orbit diameter as the baseline and observing the same object after six months. This has never be done so far due to practical problems (telescope scheduling, etc.). A Moon-based telescope could do the same using the Moon’s orbit as a baseline and observing the same object after (about) 15 days, only. Such parallax measurements would improve very much the computation of TNOs, that are poorly known due to their very slow motion on the sky sphere.

  19. Diameter: 2m, Focal length: >3m Field of View: 30x30 arcsec Bandwidth: 500-800 nm extended to 300-1000 nm Angular Resolution: Diffraction-limited single dish ~0.05arcsec Spectral Resolution: Wide Filters Weight estimation ~500kg WP1320 Solar System Bodies ObservationPayload Technical Specifications

  20. 4m to 8m Diffraction limitedtelescope Survey for detection: Micro-lensing, search for planetary systems through photometric eclipses, study of optical transient due to Gamma Ray Bursts Search for extragalactic clusters. Search for extragalactic Supernovae. Large Spectral range 0.3-2.2 micron Field of View required (2x2-5x5 degrees) Site:Polar Zones In a crater to be shielded by Solar radiation WP 1330 Wide Field Telescope

  21. Diameter: 4m, Focal length: 6m Field of View: 2x2 deg / 5x5 deg Bandwidth: 0.3 -2.2 micron Angular Resolution: Diffraction-limited single dish ~0.02arcsec Spectral Resolution: Wide Filters Weight estimation >1000kg WP1330 Wide FieldPayload Technical Specifications

  22. Competitors/Precursors A mid infrared telescope to be placed on the Moon represent the natural update of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) A thermal InfraRed telescope for Galactic Astronomy and Cosmology Scientific Objectives Stellar formation in low-z Universe, ultra-luminous IR galaxies and far-z isotopical abundances, spectroscopy “JWST” very high redshift galaxy High Resolution Spectroscopy necessary Survey towards ecliptical poles to minimize thermal background emission (Zodiacal Light) Site:Polar Zones In a crater to be shielded by Solar radiation Mid Infrared facility

  23. Mid Infrared facility • Unique advantage with respect to free space: • gravity • Very long integration time • Liquid Mirror technology already proven on Earth (6meter) will allow to build huge facility on the Moon • Zenithal telescope • Anionic Liquid T<150K

  24. Diameter: 20m Focal length: 30-50m Field of View: 15’x15’ Bandwidth: Thermal Infrared Angular Resolution: Diffraction-limited single dish ~0.01arcsec Technology: liquid mirror Spectral Resolution: high Weight estimation 1000kg only the mirror.. Mid Infrared facility Payload Technical Specifications

  25. Interferometry • Interferometry uses the unique ability of the Moon surface to provide extremely long, stable and remotely re-deployable baselines • A few to several 1 to 2m classes telescopes and more than one recombining focal stations • Very high spatial resolution • Compact objects studies (Galactic center BHs, BHs in nearby Galaxies) by differential astrometry • Site: Big (up to several km) free surface

  26. Priority 1: Imaging-Spectro-Polarimetry Solar Observation Priority 2: Minor Bodies Solar System Observation Priority 3: Wide Field, Mid Infrared telescope and interferometry Priorities List

  27. Spectro-Polarimetry Solar Observation Already planned Free Flyers missions Minor Bodies Solar System Observations 0.5-1m robotic telescope on the Moon surface can anticipate a fraction of the “big brother” results Wide Field telescope: Difficult on the Moon, LSST on Earth Mid Infrared telescope: JWST Interferometry Concept can be proven on a small array of 0.2-0.5m telescopes on short fixed baseline (30-50 m to give top results on very bright targets) Can be a precursor mission planned?

  28. Sun and Solar System observations could open the UV/optical/IR window from the Moon with leading science and reasonable projects The other proposed cases could represent the first step toward a large facility, larger than any other expected on Earth and to be lunched in space (E-ELT, with 42m diameter, and JWST, a 6.5m), will satisfy most of any possible scientific rationale which can be conceived WP1300 conclusions

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