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Middle Ages. Early Middle Ages (400-800 A.D.) Feudal Ages or Central Middle Ages (800-1050 A.D.) High Middle Ages (1050-1300 A.D.) Late Middle Ages or Renaissance (1300-1500 A.D.). Early Middle Ages (400-800 A.D.). Fall of the Roman Empire. Rise of life on the fortified Latifundia.
Middle Ages Early Middle Ages (400-800 A.D.) Feudal Ages or Central Middle Ages (800-1050 A.D.) High Middle Ages (1050-1300 A.D.) Late Middle Ages or Renaissance (1300-1500 A.D.)
Early Middle Ages (400-800 A.D.) • Fall of the Roman Empire. • Rise of life on the fortified Latifundia. • Strong central government vanished. • Trade and Economy in Turmoil. • Germans struggle to hold on to Roman Civilization. • The only thread unifying Europe was Christian Church. • Monasticism develops to offer an opportunity to show devotion to the faith. Christians no longer have to be martyrs. • Charlemagne rules his empire (France, N. Spain, Germany, N. Italy) 768-814 A.D. In 800 A.D. he is crowned, “Emperor of the Romans” by Pope Leo III, blending German, Roman and Christian cultures.
Decline from Roman Empire • Decline in civilization takes place in the following areas: • Central Authority • Trade/Cities • Literacy • Communication • Uniform Code of Law • German v. Roman Political Traditions • People express loyalty to the Chieftain not the State. • The Kingdom is the personal property of the Chieftain. • Multiple oral law replaces Universal written law. • Germans use trial by ordeal instead of courts who investigate facts and collect evidence to prove guilt. • Water, Fire, Combat, Oath • Story of Beowulf (Germanic Oral Epic) • Reinforces Feudalism • Grendal (half man/half beast) attacks civilization. • Danish King Rothgar calls for Beowulf. • Beowulf defeats Grendal and his mother. • 50 years later, Beowulf is King of the Danes in England. • When a Dragon attacks, Beowulf needs help and calls Wiglaf. • Beowulf, Wiglaf and his knights defeat the Dragon. • Kinship, loyalty, caring, shares the wealth.
Catholic Church = Quasi Government • Under Pope Gregory I (590-604 A.D.) the church assumed some of the powers & duties reserved for government. • Until the formation of modern Germany replaced the Holy Roman Empire in 1870, the church was directly involved in politics. • Diplomacy = Negotiating Treaties • Taxes = Tithes • Law = Canon Law • Doctrine = Interpret Truth • Salvation = Hold the Door • Punish = Excommunicate/Interdict • Devotion = Monasteries/Missionaries • Care = Hospitals • Learning = Reading, Knowledge, Skills • Defense = Shelter
Monasteries • Monastic life is formalize with the development of the Benedictine Rule, 529 A.D. at Monte Cassino, Italy. • Book of Hours • Prayer 8x a day • 7hrs. Labor • 2hrs. Reading Christians Works • 1 or 2 Meals • Little Wine/No Red Meat • Literate monks maintained and taught advanced skills. • Farming Methods • Weaving & Carpentry • Hospitals • Shelter • Centers of Learning
Christianity in the West • St. Patrick (399-461 A.D.)converted the Irish • Venerable Bede (731 A.D.)- English scholars • Valuable Contributions to Society: • Taught better farming methods • Taught skills such as weaving and carpentry • Established Hospitals • Provided protected shelter for travellers • Centers of learning • Pope Gregory I "the Great" (590-604 A.D.) • secular power
Frankish Kings – Carolingian Dynasty • Clovis (Merovingian - circa 481 A.D.) • Unites Franks and defeats Romans and Visigoths. • Marries a Christian (Clothilde) & converts with 3000 soldiers in 496 A.D. • Pepin II (687-714 A.D.) • Makes the office of “Mayor of the Palace” hereditary. • Charles Martel (717-741 A.D.) • Defeats the Moors at Tours in 732 A.D. and defends Christianity. • Pepin III “The Short” (751-768 A.D.) • As “MoP” wins a civil war amongst Franks preserving unity. • Crowned “King by the Grace of God” by Pope Stephen II in 754 A.D. • Defeats Lombards in N. Italy defending the Papacy. • Grants the Pope the land between Rome and Ravenna. “Gift of Pepin” • Charlemagne (768-814 A.D.) • Louis the Pious (814-840 A.D.) • Treaty of Verdun, 843 A.D.divides the Empire • Charles the Bald - France • Lothair • Louis the German - Germany
Charlemagne (768-814 A.D.) • “Charles, by the Grace of God, king & rector of the Kingdom of the Franks, devoted defender of the Holy Church & its aider in all things.” • Conquers his Empire (N.Spain, France, Germany, & N. Italy). • Builds a church in his capital city Aix-la-Chapelle. (Aachen) • Defeats the Lombards again confirming and expanding the “Papal States” • Rescues Pope Leo III during the Iconoclast Controversy. • Calls a synod of Bishops & proclaims the Pope theologically infallible. • Crowned “Emperor of the Romans” in St. Peter’s Bascilica on Christmas day in 800 A.D. • Attracted to Greco-Roman culture, he invites the finest scholars to teach at his palace schools. He has monasteries open their doors to train clergy and calls for monasteries to continue to improve libraries. • Charlemagne is seen as the bridge builder between Germanic, Roman and Christian civilization. • Unfortunately, all of this growth is not accompanied by economic revival, therefore his empire quickly fades after his death.
Feudal Ages (800-1050A.D.) • Charlemagne’s empire is divided by the Treaty of Verdun, 843 A.D. • Western Rome is under military duress with invasions by the (Vikings-north, Muslims-south and Magyars-east) • Invasion pressures and economic turmoil create the need for: • The political system of Feudalism • The economic system of Manorialism • As invasion pressures subside farming advances and peace help to increase population. • Traveling trade fairs begin to establish themselves permanently at strong geographical positions. • Kings benefit from economic revival through taxation of trade. • Charters are sold to trade towns freeing them from feudal obligations.
Feudalism • Feudalism was a political system based on the granting (investing) of land (fief) to a noble (vassal) in return for military loyalty (fealty) and services (homage).
Feudal Responsibilities • A Vassals had the following responsibilities to his lord: • They must provide 40 days of military service a year. • They must raise a ransom to free lord if captured. • They must provide lodging for lord when traveling through fief. • They must give a gift when lord’s son is knighted/daughter married. • They must sit on lord’s court to collected taxes and judge disputes. • Religious vassals often provided learned services. • Only Nobles were granted fiefs and therefore had the responsibilities listed above. • Nobles did not ever farm land! Only serfs & peasants farmed the land.
Nobles are Warriors • Nobles trained to become knights: • Page (age 6-13) Trained by the lady of the manor in education, chess, music & courtly manners. Young nobles are also trained in hawking and hunting. • Squire (age 13-18) Trained by the Captain of the Guard in ability to ride a warhorse without hands, use various weapons & improving strength to operate with potentially 100 pounds of plate armor. • Knight (adulthood) Political, Social and Religious ceremony. A knight would spend a day of fasting and remain in vigil the night before his military skills test with his sword and shield upon the altar. A priest would bless these weapons with the responsibility to “defend the just and right”.
Chivalry • In order to raise the warrior noble to a level of respect above barbarianism and “might makes right”, an ideal code of conduct was established. • Loyalty to Lord. • Fight Bravely. • Treat other knights with respect. • Defend the Church. • Protect women, children and the weak. • The Church also tried to relieve the burdens of militarism during the period by limiting the time and place that nobles were allowed to fight. • Peace (place) of God.– Fighting prohibited on Church land. • Truce (time) of God.– Fighting prohibited on weekends & holy days. • Knights fought mock battles in Tournaments as tests of skill for honors and to keep in shape.
Coat of Arms/Heraldry Project(16”x20”--35 Points) • Advanced Military Technology: • Mounted Knights, Armor, Castles • In armor with helmets, how did you know who was who? • Colors & Symbols • Organized and recorded colors and symbols was “Heraldry”. • A particular nobles’ Heraldric symbol was his Coat-of-Arms. • Coat-of-Arms • Identification • Inspire Fear, Awe, Respect • Reflects a person’s skills, devotions, heritage, loyalties • The symbol often times included a motto or creed.
The Jesuits at Xavier have a coat-of-arms. Castle = Jesuit symbol, it is the family castle of the founder of the Jesuits, St. Ignatius Loyola Colors = Maroon and Blue Symbol = a Knight, the Jesuits are the Knights of Christ, doing missionary work around the world to spread the message of the gospels and to win converts. 1847 = Important year for Xavier High School. We are proudly, a New York tradition. Motto = Jesuits and those who following their traditions do everything “For The Greater Glory of God” Xavier’s Coats-of-Arms “Ad Majorem Dei Glorium”
Manorialism • Manorialism, the self-sufficient economic system based on barter and labor of the serfs, was brought on by the dangerousness of trading and the military pressures on medieval Europe. • Social classes on the manor: • Nobles trained for war and dispensed justice. • Clergy trained in literacy and helped one to earn salvation. • Serfs trained in artisan skills and provided the food need. • Things found on a manor: • Castle • Church • Serfs’ village • Water Source • Forest • Farmland • Grazing land • Work shops • Wine press • Black Smith • Bakery • Mill • Carpenter
Serfs Responsibilities • Serfs received housing, land to farm and protection from the lord in return for 3 days worth of labor a week. • Serfs are legally bound to the land and cannot leave without the lord’s permission. • Serfs must farm lord’s domain. • Serfs must perform maintenance around the manor. • Serfs work as servants in castle. • Serfs make clothing for lord’s family. • Serfs paid for the use of the lord’s workshops with food. • Serfs farm their own land to eat and to earn a medium of exchange for other goods and services on the manor.
A Serf’s Life • Serf’s Legal Status: • Serf’s were legally tied to the land, but were not slaves. • They had right protected by custom and could refuse to work if they felt their rights were violated. • Families could not be broken up by selling off individuals. • Serf’s House: • One of two rooms. Thatched roof with mud plastered logs. • Floors of hard pounded dirt. Windows closed with shutters or straw. • No fire place or chimney, a rock served as a hearth. • No running water. Little furniture. Animals often shared the room. • Serf’s Diet: • Vegetables, Coarse brown bread, cheese and soups. • Honey was used as a sweetener. • Meat, milk, butter were holiday luxuries. • Cows produced milk and Chicken eggs which were used as trade goods. • Hunting the lord’s forest was the criminal offense of poaching. • Meade was a popular drink. It was a weak wine made with honey.
High Middle Ages 1050-1300 • Technological Advances in Agriculture enable serfs to farm more efficiently and also allow new lands to be brought under cultivation. • Stable food supply and a decrease in invasions cause population to increase. • In order to get serfs to move and bring new lands under cultivation, feudal lords agree to reduce some of their feudal responsibilities. • Relieved of the need to subsistence farm, some serfs are able to concentrate on developing artisan skills. • Revenue Kings earn by taxing Trade Fairs inspire them to sell charters so that Merchants will be granted the freedoms to establish permanent and protected trading Towns. • The rise of towns give serfs another lifestyle alternative. “City air makes men free”. If a serf ran away from the manor and maintained himself free for a year and a day, he would be free from his feudal responsibilities. • The Crusades weakened Feudalism. Some Nobles die, others go bankrupt. Taxation from newly established far eastern trade gave Kings the revenue to pay armies and build castles. • Spiritual energy of this period plus the revenue and ideas brought back by the Crusades lead to the building of the Great Cathedrals. • Economic revival lead to Guilds, Banking and Insurance. • Centralization in England lead to Royal Law, Parliament, Magna Carta, and ultimately Limited Monarchy.
Agricultural Advances • Crop Rotation & Fertilization – Using a three field system medieval farmers are able to keep the yield of farmland high. One field grows a winter crop (beans, lentils), One field grows a spring crop (wheat, rye), One field is left fallow (unplanted) and fertilized. • Heavier Plow – Allows new land to be brought under cultivation. Feudalism is weakened when lords give serfs some freedom from required service as incentive to move to this new land. • New Collar Harness – A new style harness shifts the weight of pulling the plow from the neck (good for oxen) to the shoulders (good for horses). This allows the quicker and more versatile horse to become the beast of burden. • Horseshoe – Protection for the horses hooves makes the horse a viable beast of burden. A horses hooves like human finger nails is growing tissue and is subject to cracking and splitting. The horseshoe is used for pulling power (like a cleat) and for protection. • Wind and Water Mills – This new technology makes use of nature to power mills. This allows the increased food supply to be processed.
Organization of Trade Towns • Medieval lords began to protect traveling trade fairs because of the tax revenue they brought while the fair operated on their land. Eventually, these fairs began to become permanent trade towns at strategic points. • Guilds – A craft organization social by origin, developed into formal organization and helped to raise funds to purchase economic independence from a lord (charter). The charter gave the guilds the right to pass laws, collect taxes & regulate industry in a town and eventually became an industrial aristocracy. • Guilds trained artisans in order to become a craftsman in the town: • Apprentice- • Journeyman- • Master Craftsman-
Economic Revival • Insurance – The development of the insurance industry gave merchants incentive to do business. If a merchant financed a trade expedition that was lost at sea he could be made bankrupt. With insurance he could purchase protection for the value of his expedition in order to protect his life’s savings. • Banks – The development of banks also inspired the expansion of trade. Merchants could pay interest to borrow money in order to do business now instead of ten years from now (while they struggled to save that the necessary funds). Banks also made trade safer by offering “letters of credit”. Using these notes, merchants could travel from town to town to do business without carry heavy and valuable bags of metal currency.
Cluniac Reforms :– • Problems in the Church: • Simony = Purchasing positions in the Church. • Lay Investiture = Kings appointing Bishops in order to gain greater control over their kingdom. • H.R.E. Henry IV v. Gregory VII. • Concordat of Worms, 1122 A.D. • Worldly Lives of Clergy = Less than pious high level clergy are giving birth to bastard children who are laying claims to church land. • Heresy = Non-Church supported religious belief. • Albigensians • Inquisition • Abbot of the reform monastery of Cluny, Hildebrand, became Pope Gregory VII in 1073 and began to deal with the problems in the medieval church.
Central Authority Returns • When the Anglo-Saxon King, Edward the Confessor (the builder of Westminster Abbey) died, one of the strongest claims to the English throne was Edward’s cousin, Duke William of Normandy, France. • William the Conqueror • Battle of Hastings, 1066 – William defeated a rival’s claim to the throne (an Anglo-Saxon Noble, Harold Godwinson) by invading England from France. Godwinson is defeated at Hastings. • As a conqueror, William is quickly able to subdue and unify England under his control. To make sure that he has enough wealth to crush all that may opposed him, he takes as his domain 1/6 Britain. • Domesday Book – Representatives of the king traveled throughout the kingdom recording all of the material wealth of his subjects. This allowed William to raise the proper amount of taxes to help finance his administration.
Attempts to Develop Royal Law • Henry I (1100-1135) & Henry II (1154-1189) • In an attempt to better organize their kingdom and to exercise more direct legal control over their subjects, these kings tried to have as many cases as possible heard in royal courts v. feudal courts. • These decisions of royal judges were recorded an served as a model for other cases. This was called the body of “Common Law” • The jury system began as people in each district were called upon by royal judges to take an oath of truth and to report any suspected wrongdoing. • The complete authority of royal law was not achieved during this period. The main opponent to royal law was church law “canon law”. • In an attempt to gain control over canon law, King Henry II used lay investiture to appoint his good friend Thomas ‘a Becket to be the Archbishop of Canterbury. Becket quickly realize his responsibility to the church and opposed Henry II. In frustration, Henry wished the death of Becket. Thinking that they were aiding the king, some of his knights killed the Archbishop in his Cathedral. Henry II agreed to be publicly flogged in order to retain his crown.
Development of Limited Monarchy • General Council (Bishops, Nobles, Large Land Owners) • Nobles Rebel Against King John’s Taxes. • Magna Charta, 1215 – (Great Charter) • King must rule by law. • Nobles are guaranteed a jury of their peers. • New taxation only on the consent of the nobles. • Model Parliament, 1295 • In 1265, English noble Simon de Montfort lead a rebellion against Henry III. In an attempt to earn greater support he expanded the General Coucil to include Sheriffs, Knights and leading Merchants. This was the dawn of the House of Commons. • When King Edward I (1272-1307) was restored to power he was the first to formalize the two house advisory body. Parliament consisted of the House of Lords and the House of Commons.
Defenses: Drawbridge Moat Walls Gate House Independent Turrets Stone Keep Crenellations Arrow Loops Murder Holes Oil/Rocks Protected Water Source Water Outlet Methods of Attacking: Laying Siege Fill Moat Ladders Siege Towers Battering Rams Tunneling under walls Catapults Rotting Diseased Flesh Severed Heads Castles
Medieval Achievements • Benedictine Rule • Illuminated Manuscripts • Gregorian Chant • Gregorian Calendar • Tapestries • Castles • Cathedrals • Stained Glass • Vaulted Arches